Notre Dame plays in the toughest conference in America, won 25 games this year, and took #2 seed Duke down to the wire last night in the ACC title game. So of course the Irish were screwed over by the Selection Committee with a low #5 seed given their resume. The Irish, who had the 3rd best ACC record, and went to the conference title game are the 5th highest ranked ACC team in the tournament because, you know, that makes sense right?
Heading into Sunday, Notre Dame’s run through the ACC Tournament had the Irish projected as a #3 seed by ESPN’s Bracketology. The ESPN gimmick is by no means scientific, but it is a half decent barometer for where a team should be seeded. The selection committee, however, had other ideas seeding the Irish 5th with a first round matchup against Princeton.
If you look at Notre Dame’s seed in a bubble you can make justifications for the low seed despite a 25 win season and runner up position in the toughest conference in America’s tournament. When you compare Notre Dame’s seed to other ACC teams, however, it just doesn’t add up.
Let’s start with #2 seed Louisville. Notre Dame and Louisville had similar records with Notre Dame having one more victory and one more loss given their longer run in the ACC Tourney. Louisville lost their first game in the ACC Tournament to Duke. Notre Dame played three games in the tourney including wins over Virginia and Florida State. Head to head, Notre Dame and Louisville split their regular season meetings. All of that yet Louisville got a number 2 seed and Notre Dame got a 5.
Florida State as a 3 seed makes even less sense when compared to Notre Dame at a 5 seed. Notre Dame and Florida State played each other three times throughout the season. Notre Dame won two of those three games including Friday night’s victory in the ACC Tournament semifinal. Like Notre Dame, Florida State had 25 wins this year but they had one fewer loss. You know, because they lost to Notre Dame in the semifinals and played one less game.
So almost identical record, same conference, longer run in the conference tournament, two head to head wins, and yet Notre Dame is a 5 seed and Florida State is a 3 seed in the same bracket.
Ok, so the selection committee gave Notre Dame little to no respect when they seeded them fifth. Fine. Notre Dame can overcome that and still make a run in the tournament just as they have the last two years when they advanced to the Elite 8 both years.
Guess what though? The selections committee’s lack of respect for the Irish could end up helping Notre Dame in the long run. The West bracket looks like the weakest of the four brackets on paper upon first glance. Gonzaga is the weakest #1 seed and if you have to face one of the #1’s (North Carolina, Villanova, and Kansas are the others), Gonzaga is the one you want to face.
Arizona as a #2 seed won’t be a fun matchup for anyone, but because the Irish are the 5th seed, they will be in the top of the bracket and would have to play Gonzaga before Arizona. The 3rd seed are those familiar Seminoles who Notre Dame has shown they are capable of beating on a neutral court just a couple days ago. At the 4 seed, West Virginia, on the other hand, would be a tough match up for the Irish.
The Irish will of course first have to get past their first round opponent Princeton in the historically tough 5/12 matchup. Should the Irish survive the first round 5/12 jinx, they’ll get the winner of West Virginia and Bucknell before a date with Gonzaga would loom. That is assuming the Zags get past their first contests of course.
The selection committee may not have shown the Irish any respect with their seeding, but the Irish will have a chance to do what we’ve seen them do over and over the last few seasons – earn it on the court. This team is used to exceeding pre-season expectations and making longer runs in the ACC Tourney than the “experts” predict. This March will be no different.
Montes Prurientur, mus nascetur
“The mountains are in a labor, and a mouse is born.”
Notre Dame hoops, under Brey, proves brilliant in the Sunday-Wednesday bitch and moan fest, then comes up short o
Talk is talk, and cheap.
Walk is walk, and dear.
terry go back to watching the girls games! they have a lot of wiening bitches like u
Sorry there NDcrazy mike, but you’re the whiny little bitch. Oh boo-hoo, boo-hoo, ND got a 5 seed. Waa, waa, waa, the Selection Committee was so mean, boo-hoo, boo-hoo. All this whining and complaining because ND didn’t get a soft draw in the tournament. So shut up, you whiny little bitch…
awww, wittle Terry the Bedwetting Troll just pooted again in his wittle footsie wootsie jammies that Mommy dresses him in while he was kicking and
fussing and screaming….
Aawww, wittle Eddie Roidlick the Bedwetting Troll just pooted again in his wittle footsie wootsie jammies that Mommy dresses him in while he was kicking and
fussing and screaming….aww, wud da madda widdle fella, mommy gonna take your cwayons away so you can’t post here anymore?
Oh, boo-hoo, boo-hoo, waaa, waa, waa, the Irish have to play real teams! It’s so unfair! Why cant’ the NCAA just let us play Chicago State, Milauwkee and BC twice at home to get to the final four? Waa, waa, we didn’t get enough rest after Carolina kicked our overrated asses. Boo-hoo, boo-hoo, we got a five speed. Aww iz widde Eddie gonna cwy?
What an absolute psycho. Hey Teery the Bedwetting Troll, why don’t you run down the ND December home schedule for the 12th time? We’re not quite sure we got it. Then, when you get home from mopping up at Jack in the Box, let Mommy tuck you in your basement bedroom with your Binky you wacky fruitcake. What a shortbus ridin dweeb.
What an absolute psycho. Hey Eddie Roidlick the Bedwetting Troll, why don’t you brag some more about beating the patsies, set-ups, pushovers, and cupcakes ND played to get its “25 wins”. Wow, 25 wins against the short-bus trade-schools! We were 10-0 against that band of misfits! Surely we should be a 1 seed! Oh, and widdle Eddie boy, when you get home from mopping up at Jack in the Box, let Mommy tuck you in your basement bedroom with your Binky, you wacky fruitcake freak. What a shortbus ridin dweeb. Hey Eddie boy, maybe next year ND can play Jersey City State Technical College for Carpentry 10 times in Decemebr. Hey look everyone,were 10-0, we should be number 1!
Thumb-sucking, bed-wetting moron.
terry you are a little name calling pussy!!! I’m in buffalo ill b wearin gold irish jersey come up and say hi PUSSY!!!!!
NDcrazymike you are a little name calling pussy!!! I’m in buffalo ill b wearing Princeton Black and Orange Tiger jersey come up and say hi PUSSY!!!!
Got it you miserable pussy!
Terry the Troll will be in his footsie wootsie jammies and sucking on his Binky. Beat him to a pulp crazy mike!
Eddie the Troll will be in his footsie wootsie jammies and sucking on his Binky. Beat him to a pulp crazy mike!
You have to be a real dooooshbag to keep repeating stuff. Never encountered anyone so laughably moronic and clueless. How you ever got a job at Jack in the Box is incredible.
Mop that floor dipnut.
gutless tereasa you candyass fagot
Watching reaction on ESPN which has zero love for the Irish and everyone on the panel made a point of how Fl St and ND seeds should be reversed.. Having said that, the author is right in that we were in the best 5 spot. Go Irish!
Yep, I texted my brother that it was absurd that FSU got a 3 and we got a 5. Much to my shock, 20 minutes later, ESPN’s “experts” aka The Duke Network, Bilas and Lawson both said that exact same thing. Kudos to Bilas. He actually stopped talking for 2 minutes about Duke to have some actual sound bball analysis!
Well, I would not necessarily rush to that judgement.
There are some people around of some pedigree, who, before they consider anything else in college basketball, look at the ratings promulgated by Jeff Sagarin and Ken Pomeroy. These are not their exclusive evaluative criteria, but it is an initial check before they go to other analyses.
As of this morning, Sagarin rates Notre Dame as #22, Pomeroy rates Notre Dame as #25.
Reasonable minds may differ as to the algorithms deployed by Sagarin and Pomeroy, but let’s just say that the folks I am referencing often have more than a blog post invested in their evaluations.
Somewhere, my old ND stat prof, Greg Curme, would smile at the caution and mathematical discipline of Sagarin when he presents his evaluation system.
You’re over complicating it dude. Sometimes the simple basic facts are the most obvious. 2017 bball. Team A and Team B have comparable resumes and play in same conference. Team A beat Team B 2 of 3 games. Thus Team A is better.
Or 1993 College Football. Team A and Team B both finish with 1 loss, comparable records and resumes. Team A beat Team B head to head. Team A is better.
End of story.
By the way, be careful of using KenPom as the BBall Bible. While I check it for amusement, his final rankings have:
West Virg #5
Virginia #7
Wich St #8
Florida #9
St. Mary’s #14
to name a few absurdities. Anyone who watched any bball games this year with any degree of intelligence and bball acumen would laugh at those rankings. There is a common theme with his rankings if you notice those teams—they are all high in defensive efficiency ratings. Obviously KenPom skews his metrics to favor defense first teams. The problem is that defense first teams that can’t score usually don’t do well in the tourney. See West Virg and Virg for instance. ND, a below average D team, just completely stifled the UVa offense.
ND might get to prove it head to head this year vs West Virg, but Huggins’ teams are known for flameouts where they can’t buy a basket.
While acknowledging that we are in the post-truth era, as coined by Geoge Will, let me offer this to Ed Roidick.
My post stated:
“There are some people around of some pedigree, who, before they consider anything else in college basketball, look at the ratings promulgated by Jeff Sagarin and Ken Pomeroy. These are not their exclusive evaluative criteria, but it is an initial check before they go to other analyses.”
You retorted, obviously not to me:
“By the way, be careful of using KenPom as the BBall Bible”
If you are looking for a straw man, then to rely on the Goldwynism “include me out.”
The anonymous folks of whom I was speaking would die rather than rely on either yin (Sagarin) or yang (Pomeroy). DIE.
So to the extent, Mr. Roidick you wish to flout the laws and rules of logical debate (Habla Fr. Tom Brennan) or engage in ESPNism have at it. But every step you take, every move you make………….
Whoa, reel er back in there Tiger. I used your mention of KenPom to make some general observations about what I think are the shortcomings of his methodology. Don’t take it too personally Chief. After all, your post was indeed suitably vague on your specific feelings and those of some mysterious “anonymous folks” that I am sure your mention of where ND stands in the Sagarin and KenPom rankings was not meant to imply lending any credence at all to those rankings systems…..
Irish a projected 5 before the ACC tourney, logically should have been at least a 4 . Also an extra dig by not playing on St. Pattys day. Memories of Digger and his green carnation?
Actually, I don’t think our St. Paddy’s Day NCAA record is very good. And if memory serves, I believe a certain length of court layup by a BYU player named Ainge beat ND in the sweet 16 back in 81 was on that day. I was in an Irish pub in Daytona Beach amidst fellow ND students and fans as well as a whole slew of Kentucky students rooting against us, and it still is a scarring painful memory to this day. Tim Andre, what were you thinking???!
Correction. I could have sworn that Ainge game was on St Paddy’s Day. Shows how the memory can play tricks. Googled it to make sure after I posted and it was actually 2 days later. I guess being at an Irish pub during spring break at Daytona and quaffing multiple brews blurred the days together…..
Things that make you go hmmmm…
Gonzaga SOS= 122 (ND’s 16th).
ND played 18 games vs top 50. Gonzaga played 6.
Notre Dame played 12 games vs top 25, tied for the most of any program in Sagarin Top 40.
ND won 4 (10-8 vs top 50).
BUT–Kentucky beat only 2 top 25.
Florida only 1 (They got a 4 seed).
Purdue 2 (4 seed)(1 was ND)
Oregon 2 (3 seed)
Ariz 3 (2 seed)
Wisc only 1
Something else to ponder: Irish tanked 14 in AP this week. Translates to strong 4 seed. I smell a rat
The difference between a 4 and a 5 is negligible. In both cases you would end up playing the 1 seed in Sweet 16. Its the 3 seed that FSU got that makes the difference. The 3 seed gets the 6 seed in Sweet 16 if it goes chalk. Plus, a 3 seed might have put us in the South or Midwest Region where ND could have stayed closer to home in Indianapolis or Milwaukee, and possible regionals in Kansas City or Memphis instead of way out in San Jose.
Hopefully they can survive the 5/12 matchup, but Notre Dame has shown time and time again they can be resilient. I’m sure this will be a great March for the Irish!
Sorry, I’m back. They gave me a furlough from the sanitarium forMarch Madness. Can’t wait for Uof A showdown to get into final four!
Sounds like Terry is a Duke fan or just another ND hater. Did he watch any basketball this season? Brey is over-rated, give me a break. There is no bigger cry baby them Coach K and you wonder why his player is kicking/tripping and elbowing opponents. It begins with the coach. Oh yes and wow what a punishment for tripping another player, one whole game. Think before you speak. Go Irish! Yes, I am a ND faithful!
I used to have a lot of respect for Duke and Coach K. I think they used to run their program cleanly and the right way, with real student athletes. I loved that they beat up on the ridiculously overhyped media darlings called the “Fab 5” of Michigan 2 tourneys in a row, who were nothing but cheaters and paid pros who never went to class. I cheered for them over Kentucky (Laettner shot), one of ND’s old bitter rivals also. But that was back when Duke had real student athletes. Now Coach K is just like Calipari, recruiting the one and done pros who are students in name only. The whole student-athlete integrity thing has fallen by the wayside. And they recruit punks and poor sports like Grayson Allen on top of it. I love the fact that we have dominated or played at least equal to Duke since joining the ACC, with a whole heckuva lot less McD All Americans. The pupil has outcoached the master for the most part (except for allowing Tatum to get a free run to the basket on an OB play Sat night which decided the game–what the….). And ND does it with real student athletes who stay for all 4 years and graduate for the most part (Dem Jackson) and who are a joy to watch and develop over 4 years, which means watching experienced smart ballplayers. Much rather see solid bball players play 4 years than a few one and dones that don’t care about being a student at all.
“Notre Dame plays in the toughest conference in America, won 25 games this year, and took #2 seed Duke down to the wire last night in the ACC title game. So of course the Irish were screwed over by the Selection Committee with a low #5 seed given their resume.”
Selection Committee is arrogant.
Not only should ND have been a 3, and FSU a 4 or 5, but ND got sent out to West region AND didn’t get placed in nearby opening rounds sites in Milwaukee or Indianapolis. Meanwhile schools like Purdue, Butler, Dayton and predictably Michigan, Lville, and Kentucky of course all got geographical preference. ND seems to rarely get placed in closer Midwest sites.
What’s really odd is the committee seemed to basically ignore the ACC tourney results as irrelevant. NCar stayed a 1 seed, Lville stayed a 2, and NDs wins over FSU and Virginia didn’t matter–FSU rewarded with a 3 and Virginia was deemed equal to ND. So why even play the Conf tourney?
There were a whole slew of seeding head scratchers. Wisconsin is Big 10 season champ is an 8, and Minn a 5? Northwestern an 8 and Xavier an 11? Wichita St a 10???
I do agree that Gonzaga is the weakest 1 seed, and ND is a much more battle tested team that could beat them.
What rot. Notre Dame has 25 wins? Bullspit. Two of those wins were against ACC doormat BC (who magically, they play twice every year) and 10 more were against the usual December sets-ups and pushovers in the cozy confines of Purcell. They are basically a 13-9 team. Indeed, against North Carolina, Duke, Virginia, Louisville and Florida State, they were a combined 4-6. They are always wildly overrated and treated with care because they are Notre Dame. In fact, last year, despite the run in the tournament, one could easily have made an argument for their exclusion entirely, especially after being selected on the basis of a 21-11 record, and fresh off an utterly humiliating 31 point defeat by NC in the ACC Semis.
Same with Brey. The guy wins National Coach of the year in 2012, and does so without winning anything. Not the NCAA tournament, not a regional, and didn’t even reach the elite eight. He also did not win the regular season Big East, nor the Big east Tournament. And he is Coach of the Year?! Total media hype. The recognition was unearned and completely without merit.
So you are making the argument that a team that went to the Elite 8 should never have been in the Tournament last yea? Makes sense.
Go easy on Terry. He just found out that he failed his high school equivalency exam for the 20th consecutive year.
Hello Frank,
Any idea many 21-11 teams did not get into the tournament last year?
Always love someone clueless chiming in.
Did they basically have the same record as FSU – yes. Same conference record – yes. In the non-conference schedule ND played 4 teams who made the tournament, FSU played 2.
Did they play 3 times with ND winning 2 of 3 including Friday night – yes. On the road ND lost by 3, at home ND won by double figures. Friday night they lead the game by double figures for most of the time.
FSU is a 3 seed and ND is a 5, part of what the writer is complaining about. How hard is it for you to follow something that simple?
Hey Terry, I loved your post, even if it was written with your crayons. It proves that even people like you with a metal plate in your cranium have something to offer society. But let me educate you a bit.
Every team in the tourney plays teams at the bottom of the conference and some easy December home games. Every. Single. Team. ND had a SOS of 16th in the nation according to Sagarin. How bout dem apples dipniblet?
As for being “overrated” and “undeserving”, ND was picked to finish 7th in ACC, and they finished tied for 2nd, and played for the ACC champ, ie one of the 2 remaining teams in tourney. Yet despite all that ND only got the 5th best seed among ACC teams.
And on top of that, ND is the only school to make the Elite 8 the last 2 years, and overachieved the predictions and the seedings as usual. So in sum limpnoodle, ND is in fact arguably the most underrated and overachieving program in D1, doesn’t nearly get the respect we deserve. Until the ACC Champ, ND had beaten Duke and it’s 7-8 McDonalds All Americans 5 of the 7 times they played since ND joined the ACC–with 1 Mickey Ds All American during that span (0 this year).
I know all these facts are probably exploding your teensy weensy pea brain of yours, but I’m sure that metal plate will blunt the trauma. Take it easy dogbreath!
Aww, did I hurt poor widdle Eddie’s feelings? You gonna stomp your feet in your widdle footsie jammies now like Coach Brey? Was it the fact that their were too many sesquipedalians in the commentary?
And it’s funny, because not a single word of your lame “essay” changes a single thing I said. And I left out a few. For example, I just adored how Brey threw a little temper tantrum earlier this year when the Carolina game was changed from Saturday to Sunday. Like you, he wailed and whined that his team didn’t get enough rest, never mentioning the fact that he spent virtually the entire month of December resting by playing one cupcake after another, at home, to pad his win count. Oh dear we better get ready, Mercy College is coming to South Bend! And oh my! They are followed by powerhouses Bryant, Seattle, Ft. Wayne, and Chicago State! All at home! My God, what a rugged schedule! Who knows, next year we might get Southwest Twinkie State on the schedule! (at home, of course).
I say it again, by any honest accounting, Notre Dame is a ho-hum 13-9 team. Their name recognition, which flows from the identity the football program gives it, is what they are about.
# 16 in SOS. That stands for strength of schedule NutMuffins. 12 games vs top 25, 18 games vs top 50. ACC 2nd place; ACC tourney runner up. Toughest conference in country. Only school in country to make back to back Elite 8s. Poor wittle Terry. His stupidity is only exceeded by his frothing at the mouth hate for Notre Dame. Keep drooling you jealous bedwetter, and we’ll keep laughing at the sheer magnitude of your utter idiocy. Good luck on your next GED exam, we’re all rooting you pass before your 60th bday fruitcake!
Bedwetting Terry is so obsessed with ND’s “cupcake” Nov/Dec schedule (as if that is the only thing the NCAA tourney comm. looks at, lmao) that he conveniently left out these games from that “cupcake” pre ACC schedule:
That’s what dummies do. Terry, you pooted in your big boy pullups again! Clean up in Aisle 5!
Awww, iz widdle Eddie still sucking his thumb and dancing half-crazed and wild-eyed in his footsie jammies? Did I hit a nerve by mocking the ridiculous bunch of cupcakes and badly overmatched pushovers Brey schedules every year to artificially inflate his win count. Oh my, ND has 25 wins! And look at the powerhouses they beat on the way to “25 wins”! Mercy, Bryant, Seattle, Ft. Wayne, Chicago State, Catholic, Colgate, St. Peters, Loyola of Maryland, and North Carolina A&T. And golly gee, every game at home and not a loss among them. A perfect 10-0! Oh, but against Duke, Louisville, North Carolina, FSU, and Virginia? 4-6. Yup, 4 wins and 6 losses. How about the legitimate teams they played in December, the ones you so boldly listed? A very ho-hum 3-2, including a win over 19-14, 7th place Colorado. Rather proves my point, so thank you very much.
Ya know what else proves my point? All your whining and thumb-sucking specifically because ND does not have a cupcake schedule in the tournament.
PS- You gonna try re-enrolling in trucker school? I know you can pass this time!
Ahhhhhh, Terry the Bedwetting Troll is back for more abuse and humiliation. The true signs of a clueless Troll is 1) an obsession over some arcane, irrelevant point which completely ignores the big picture and cherry picks some facts at the exclusion of all the most important facts, combined with 2) repetition of those moronic points ad nauseum as if straining and grunting and pushing out your bowel movement repeatedly somehow proves you have any semblance of a logical or worthwhile point; and 3)stealing and copying a rival poster’s schtick due to a complete dearth of intellectual capacity to come up with anything original (trucker school, sucking the thumb,etc).
I am surprised Terry the Troll’s Mommy has let him use the computer this long down in that dark dank stinky basement where he lives, typing away in his soiled and racing striped filled big boy pullups. Its obvious that wittle Terry doesn’t get out much, and certainly does not watch any college basketball.
At first I suspected that wittle Terry was your typical moronic Troll who simply doesn’t know anything about Notre Dame and college basketball, since his lack of even a basic understanding of simple math, reading comprehension and even an elementary school level of analytical ability is on full display on this comment page. But now I think its more deep rooted than that. There is a deep seated frothing at the mouth, drooling rage at ND that can only be explained by a likely denied application for admission to Our Lady. Certainly, given wittle Terry the Troll’s laughably absurd brain farts in these comments, its blatantly obvious that he never had a chance of admission to our esteemed academic institution, but this out of control maniacal rage against Our Lady adds up to pure jealousy and spite and a psychotic obsession to try to vent and reek vengeance against some perceived life blow Our Lady dealt to him (in his mind).
Wittle Terry the Troll, you should be proud of your Junior College education and that Associate’s Degree. It has earned you the Assistant to the Assistant Manager position at your local Jack in the Box, where you earned Employee of the Month honors back in December 1996 for your Grill Grease Cleaning Methods and Refuse Collection Efforts. The fact that you still hold the same position there after all these years shows your determination and persistence to be the Top fast food Sanitary Engineer in your local tri-village area! Stand tall (even though your a wittle Troll and Dweeb), and stop fussing over dumsheet stuff that you have been spouting here. Someday you may earn enough to get out of Mommy’s Basement and live in the Garage, and someday you may get that Assistant Manager position at Jack in the Box.
in the meantime, have Mommy change your soiled Big Boy Pullups again, and get back to your Jack in the Box Rubberneck—they need the floor mopped!
Awww, I struck the same raw exposed nerve and sent widdle Eddie into another wild-eyed, half-crazed, foaming-at-the-mouth, quasi-literate temper tantrum. Wud da wadda widdle Eddie, your widdle temper-tantrums don’t impress anyone but your mommy and daddy? You want a lollipop?
But truthfully, I think what makes widdle Eddie boy so uncontrollably enraged is the fact that Brey, despite his own wailing and whining, couldn’t persuade the NCAA to allow him to play Monmouth, liberty, Mercy, and Bryant, at Purcell, to reach the Final Four. Because that’s the only way his lame, overrated, media-hyped, weak-ass team is ever going to get there. Oh sure, Brey will compile a 21-11 record, with 10 or 11 of those wins against over-matched cupcakes and another 2 against perennial doormat BC, but then, when he has to face genuine competition, he and his team will, like always, fold like a cheap suit.
And dopey widdle Eddie will be there in his widdle footsie jammies, stupid, fat, greasy, ignorant, with his foul stench permeating the air and in a half-crazed delirium, watching his empty, media-hyped, overrated losers fall again.
Go Irish! Beat Bryant! (at home) lol…..
“T” for Troll. And Tool. Perfect name for Terry the Bedwetter.
Hey Fruitcake, thanks for posting a few cherry picked games from the schedule in Dec for the 8th time. You are on fire now!
I don’t know how you do it with all those Jack in the Box responsibilities. And way to ignore the 16th toughest schedule in the country,
a 2nd place season finish and 2nd place ACC tourney finish in the toughest conference in the country—when ND was picked to
finish 7th. And way to ignore 12 games vs top 25 and 18 games vs top 50. Way to ignore back to back elite 8s, again exceeding
seeding and expectations. Most of all, thank you once again for demonstrating the limitations of your brain capacity, and for
pooting once again in your big boy pullups! Keep em coming dipniblets!
Notre Dame doesn’t “magically” play BC twice. The ACC designated BC as one of ND’s two “rival” opponents, likely on the basis of BC being the other Catholic university in the ACC. So, no “magic” involved, just a decision made by the ACC, not ND.
Does anyone else get frustrated on why Notre Dame is always getting screwed by either the pollsters, the media, or other coaches. It seems like it is a pattern that has been established dating all the way back to either the Rocket/Detmer Heisman race or the 93′ National Championship game when FSU was chosen over an ND team that beat them head to head. Its awfully frustrating always getting the short end of the stick, but with that being said….GoIrish and how about another return this year to the elite 8 or even further!!!
This is not unexpected. The selection committee never had any love for the Irish. And there are some teams that will always get the benefit of the doubt.
I still remember 2 years ago Duke got a 1 seed, despite the fact that Virginia won the regular season ACC title and ND the ACC championship. Duke had won nothing, and if fact was beat by ND 3 times that year, and they got a 1 seed (I’m not saying ND necessarily deserved a 1 seed, but Duke sure as Hell didn’t–their NC notwithstanding). But it was Duke.
I agree with Frank. We see it time and time again. Some teams will always get the edge, the actual record is just a nuisance. I’m esp. shocked by FSU getting a 3 seed compared to ND’s 5 seed. WTF did they win. In some ways BB is just like FB. The only reason you don’t hear as much whining is more teams get in.
Bucknell is a local team for me, so I’ll be rooting for them in the 1st round. However, that’s where it will end for me if the Irish advance. But for me personally it would be cool to see ND-Bucknell. But sorry Bison, I always stay loyal to my team so I’ll be all in for the Irish then.
Damian is right – the Committee is never kind to Notre Dame.
Bruce G. Curme ’77 ’82
Complete bullshit. ND tied for second in the ACC regular season and finished second in the ACC tourney. You can’t justify FSU as.a 3 and ND as a 5. And Louisville a 2? If they are a two, ND can’t be lower than. 3. What a joke.
No question about it no respect, but I would rather play Princeton than be Fsu and get beat by Florida gulf coast which could happen
I’m with you, Bert. Who knows why the selectors don’t respect us. (I’d say jealousy has a lot to do with it) But taking a longer-range view of things, it’ll (the seedings will) work itself out. On a personal note, my heart bud from high school (1985) went to Princeton ,so it’ll be more entertaining for me. GoIRISH!
darn that spell-check/my haste! “my BEST bud…”