Steve Orsini Won’t Be Notre Dame’s Next AD

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  1. We just picked up a five star offensive lineman. We still need a real football AD, average is just not good enough for the number one football brand in the world.

    If it was not for Father Jenkins we would have been 0-12 last year, think about it.

  2. As a lifelong ND fan and SMU grad. I’m not sure what to make of this. I mean, he’s really been a great AD thus far, but I really want ND to get a top notch AD.

  3. Not really a surprise. Unless there is total control while following the rules that ND has estabilished and the administration stays out of the way ND football will be average at best. Let the next AD do his job and there really shouldn’t be a problem.
    Too many people have already written off the Irish in football and I can’t say I blame them but if you look at what CW has done I think that the program will rebound. Not like Penn State that was independent but join the big ten and hasn’t done much since then. Just one co big ten title. Not impressed. Oh by the way it’s been about 22yrs and Penn State hasn’t won a national. What gives? Or OSU and their back to back defeats that had national titel implications. ND has never lost a title game that they have played in or back to back with the title on the line.
    Lets just see what happens this year. Yes the schedual isn’t as tough as it has been in the past but should help them at least have a winning season. Oh I forgot ND isn’t allowed to have a easy schedual.

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