Notre Dame @ USC – No Mas

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  1. Perception. It couldn’t hurt if coach Weis wore a suit and tie every now and then. It drives me crazy to watch his interviews. My dad told me a long time ago to “sit up streight when you talk to people”.Slouched behind a desk, rocking back in your chair, wearing a hoodie is no way to go through a college coaching career. Dress for success. Dress like you mean business. Dress like you are attending a special occasion. Which you are. You are supposed to be a great leader, of great young men, who attend a great university, and who strive for greatness on and off the field. You’re special. You’re Notre Dame.They say a team is a reflection of it’s coach. Think about that one for a minute.Go out and beat the teams that you should. Then beat some teams that they say you shouldn’t. Then maybe you’ve earned the right to rock back in your chair.
    Maybe I’m old school. Then agian, maybe Notre Dame is too.

  2. I hope the administration stands up and tells Charlie that they will not be going to a bowl game this year. He talks about all those extra practices, but I don’t think extra practice is what they need.

    Two words: CHUCK weis

  3. Been going to the ND-SC game at the colly since ’80.
    Greatest game seen there was not doubt Tim Brown’s unbelievable day with Jim Carney kicking the game winner, 38-37…Holtz’ first season (5-6). However, the past four games in LA, including last night, have been absolutely dominated by SC. I mean dominated. The Irish have had an impossible time of just moving the ball past the 50 yd line.
    Total pts scored in the last 4 meeting in LA, 50. Can you see a pattern here?? Seriously..When you watch them live you get a total different feel than watching them on TV..That game was over in the first 4 minutes. I think for ND to have future success they need to play SC players 3rd on the depth chart. We simply cannot match up..Even listening to the local SC post game radio show they even mentioned:
    ‘Wash st, Wash, Stanford, Virginia…all moved the ball on this defense..’ Sickening I mean they finally started to move the ball late in the forth qtr but on SCz third string. Couple last things..Crowd ratio has been overhauled. At the colly.. It used to be 60-40 SC to Irish fans in the 80-90’s. Now its 97-3% ratio of SC fans to ND fans. And the thing is.. They have an arrogance best I explain it as being ‘ND is costing us some BCS points’…maybe we need to shut down this series and schedule a team that is going to move us up in the BCS rankings’. Better watch out Swarbrick..You lose this series…ND football is an intramural activity. You could even see Montana, Bryant Young, Zourich, Reggie Brooks all in attendance on the sidelines just perplexed, man. You could just see their body language saying ‘I flew in for this?..We need a change right now.’ If you want Jenkins,Teo, Cambell…Better make a change..Even Chawleez coaches are sailing ship (brown, Haywood, ??) Go irish
    PS Good to finally see the band make the trip out west.

  4. Clausen is not good. How can the Irish return to where they belong, top 10, when your quarterback makes terrible decisions? He has nervous feet…looks scarad. Then to top it off he is arrogant at his post game interview(s)…now I understand Joe Thiesman’s “concerns.”

    Mark my words…if Weis is back and they give Crist the chance…he will win the starting job and we will win 9 games next year.


  5. Notre Dame did not record a first down until the final play of the third quarter, prompting Trojans fans to rise to their feet in mock applause when James Aldridge broke off a 15-yard run.

    “You can see the discrepancy between their football team and our football team is very wide,” said Weis, whose team has been outscored by USC 76-3 the last two years.

    This is UNF”INGACCEPTABLE. No first down until the THIRD QUARTER? Yeah, that’s some “schematic advantage” the Irish have. Claussen is another Irish BUST and so is Weis. What a slob. I’m sick to my stomach. I never thought I’d be seeing the Irish playing football in El Paso in December. Unreal.

  6. You have to remenber that when Weis came on board thee was a huge whole in the program. There was not one but two recruiting cycles in which nothing was done. Willingham’s last year and Weis’s 1st year when he was still with New England. The program is still shaking off the effects of that period

  7. At a minimum fire the strength coach who consistently fails to develop power on either side fo the ball.

    Also, consider an interim scenario with just Weis gone and Ianello or somebody elevated

  8. I agree that the talent is there with Aldridge and that the O-line coach needs to go…but come on, ND is not even COMPETITIVE against top teams…and they have not been for years. My six year old son loves football and has no clue how great ND used to be because all he sees is loss after loss after loss…

    If you have talent and you dont win then you have to go.

    Fact: Weis has an easier schedule than did any of his predecessors….and especially Lou Holtz.

    Fact: Weis has more talent on his team than did Willingham or probably even Davie.

    Fact: Weis has never been a head coach.

    Fact: ND sucks.

    I don’t think they should let him go unless they have a suitable college coach (with experience) lined up…but he must go…

  9. As everyone knew since last year’s debacle, our O-Line play is the underlying root of our problems. By the way, Navy does have a winning record.

    Who here thinks that Allen, Aldridge and Hughes would not do well running the ball for USC, Georgia, Alabama, or any of the other top teams? Also, unless we have a top coach lined up (e.g., Bob Stoops or Urban Meyer, and few others), I still think that Charlie should be back for next year. However, if that is going to be the case, Mr. Swarbrick needs to come back on Monday and state definitively that Charlie Weis will coach the Irish next year. Otherwise, we are going to start losing commitments left and right. At the same time, although Charlie would probably like to wait until after the season, he needs to tell everyone at an upcoming press conference that the bowl game will be Coach Latina’s last with the Irish.

    By my count, the defense stopped USC on seven possessions, so the defense was not the problem. The problem was that they were on the field the whole game, because we probably had 12 3 and outs. Also, without good O-line play, it is nearly impossible to have a passing game, which should be our strength, because play action does not work and we are unable to maintain drives with runs of any significant length.

    While this may sound insane, I still think we have a better chance of getting a NC with Charlie than we would with all but a few of the coaches out there. No one questions his hard work on the recruiting trail, and he still has a good offensive mind. However, those things do no good if the O-line gets manhandled nearly every single game.

    Go Irish!

  10. Just painful!!!!!!!! This is the worst two year period in its history. The glory is gone. Bowl eligible? I was at the Navy game this year. I was at the Michigan earlier this year and the USC game last year. They are just terrible. I played college football and coached college football as well. These guys (the coaches) suck!!!

  11. Notre Dame is the worst coached team in college football. I mean, they are terrible!!!!! Cannot get a first down? Pathetic. How can other teams at least show up vs USC and ND not get a first down? Can this guy NOW! Please!!!!! It is too painful to watch!

  12. ND has regressed over the last 4 years. Weis has been able to recruit, but has not been able build a team, much less a program.

    This year they failed to beat a winning team.

    1. They have no identity
    2. They are not physical
    3. They can’t or won’t run the ball.
    4. They have a lack of discipline on the field

    Losing is one thing. But to gain only 75 yards in TOTAL offense on natinal TV…..

    ND has become a finese team that would have trouble beating most all college teams.

    I say this with all honesty, if this is what ND’s football program has become, maybe they should drop down to Division II or really, really dumb down the schedule.

  13. First I am a SC fan but I have been a fan of this blog.
    With that being said this team has gotten worse. Clause looks horrible, the offensive line which is a year older looks slow and the d played hard in the first half looks outmatched.

    and what happened to Charlie`s “advantage” that he was supposed to bring to Notre Dame.. Well always remember these names: Tollner, Smith and Hackett not a law firm, but the previous USC coaches before Carroll.

  14. I REALLY was hoping for SOMETHING positive to take out of this game…didn’t expect a win…but wanted SOMETHING positive…and by God, there’s not a single thing. One year later….three points more? I don’t call that “growth” as a team.

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