Notre Dame, IN – Saturday’s game against Connecticut could very well be the last game coached in Notre Dame Stadium by current head coach Charlie Weis. Should that turn out to be the case, Notre Dame fans should give their embattled coach a proper send-off. And no, I’m not referring to some sort of public showing of disapproval for the past three seasons of disappointing football. Even with all his faults, Weis deserves a whole lot more than that.
Rumors have been swirling since the Navy loss that Weis is on his way out of town and athletic director Jack Swarbrick hasn’t been quick to give him any semblance of a vote of confidence since they began. The writing certainly does appear to be on the wall at this point and the end of the Weis Era appears to be upon us.
Many thought it was going to come to end and last year, but even then it seemed also surreal considering how the Weis Era started off. Unfortunately, the past three seasons have shown that a change may indeed be what’s best.
Should that change happen after next weekend’s Stanford game, this weekend would be the last home game for Weis as the head coach of his alma mater. If that’s the case, let me be the first to say, thank you for your hard work and dedication over the past five years Coach Weis.
This time around definitely feels different than 2001 or 2004 when Bob Davie and Tyrone Willingham were let go. Weis fully embraced the University and worked harder than anyone could have to make it work. It wasn’t from a lack of trying or because he spent too much time on the links. Unfortunately, it just hasn’t worked out how we all thought it would just a few years ago.
Weis will take his fair share of criticism in the media over the next few weeks. The decided schematic advantage and “9-3 isn’t good enough” type comments will get thrown back in his face. And deservedly so. Still, I hope Notre Dame fans will be a little more reserved in their criticism in the event that he is let go at the end of the season.
While the results might not have been what we were all hoping for, one thing is certain. Weis will leave the program in much, much better condition than he found it. He has done a lot of good in his time at Notre Dame. He’s restocked the talent to the point where Notre Dame is actually right at the NCAA 85 player maximum. He got Notre Dame to start allowing early enrollment recruits. He made Notre Dame a popular destined for skill position offensive players once again. He graduated his players and ran a clean program with very few off the field problems of any serious nature.
In a way, it’s almost sad that it has come to this. A lot of Notre Dame fans, myself included, wanted Weis to succeed. Not just because they wanted to see the Irish among the nation’s elite either, but because Weis was one of us. He loved Notre Dame and this wasn’t just another job for him. It was THE job for him.
Even this week, with questions a plenty about his future at Notre Dame, he’s deflected questions about himself and focused on his team. When asked Thursday if he thought about the possibility of Saturday being his last game in Notre Dame Stadium, he responded, “That would be very, very, very selfish for me to be thinking of anyone other than those fourth- and fifth-year players. I promise you, as far as I could ever tell, I don’t think those thoughts would ever enter my mind.”
Love him or hate him, every Notre Dame fan has to at least give Weis credit for giving it absolutely everything he’s had over the last five years. On Saturday he’ll limp out onto the field on a bum leg that he put off getting fixed until after the season so that he wouldn’t miss any more time in preparing for the 2009 season.
Some will say not to feel sorry for Weis since if he is not retained as head coach he’ll have a nice little severance package as a parting gift thanks to his buyout. That doesn’t mean Notre Dame fans should completely overlook the good he did for Notre Dame while he was here. There will still be plenty of time to debate possible replacements and talk about what the standards of success for the next head coach should be after the game after all.
Win or lose Saturday, leave any angry rhetoric at home and simply thank Weis for his effort and enjoy what could be the final home games for a pair of Notre Dame stars – Golden Tate and Jimmy Clausen. Both are two special players who we’ve had the joy of watching for the past three seasons who probably wouldn’t be at Notre Dame if it wasn’t for Weis.
Being thankful for Weis’s efforts doesn’t mean you’re accepting mediocrity or celebrating underachievement. It simply means that you appreciate the effort Weis gave and continues to give as the head coach of Notre Dame.
So I’ll say it again, if this is your last home game coach Weis, thank you for your hard work and dedication over the last five years.
I feel sorry for coach Weis noone would be calling for his head if his team had played some D.I am not a coach,but as a fan of the game and having watched and listend for the last 50 years you can say you gain some of knowledge of the game.Their D was horriable they tackled like little children affraid to get hit.My 11 year old son hit harder then some of these guys.Dbacks always played so far off they were bet time after time coverage sucked.Never switched style and try to through other team off If u run the same thing anyone will figure a way to bet u.But Mr. Wies did hire the d coaches
Who is going to take over ND defense more importantly than there head coaching job..
I agree with the majority of the posts that he should be fired. But the guy is a human being. Have some human decency. The guy is overweight yes but so probably are you. And if anyone has never screwed up on the job then say all you want. Yes he did do it often but enough with the shots as him personally. Read this article. Again he should be fired yes but leave him be…..http://ncaafootball.fanhouse.com/2009/11/23/exclusive-charlie-weis-opens-up-about-his-notre-dame-experience/
Then that’s even worse! Usually we see alot of trouble with “older” fans. How pathetic.
what’s wrong Domer? Your Dad like to smak you around the trailer park?
Your comments about how boring ND fans can be at the stadium is very true. I was at the USC game and didn’t have that problem. But, normally this is par for the course. Way too many old fans who want to sit with their blankets over their legs and sit quietly. They have every right to do that, just as we have every right to stand and cheer. Those types of fans are pathetic, and ND stadium has way too many of them.
Glad you had a good trip other than the loss…
True story, funny story.
The lady asking us to sit down, she was probably about 35 (+/- 3 yrs). The lady next to my little brother, she was an older lady. She was standing and cheering about as much as me and my brother.
It’s not necessarily to older fans. It’s the fans that think that ND football is some sort of high society affair. It’s not. It’s a football game.
Oh, yeah. And the Chicago country club set also has ruined the old Irish chip on our shoulder mentality.
I just got back from the game this weekend.
First and foremost: That was probably the most amazing and surreal trip/experience of my life. And I am utterly grateful for the opportunity to have had it. There is nothing on this earth like watching a football game in ND stadium. It’s the way Football was meant to be. The weather was amazing, the staff were amazing, and a large number of the fans were amazing. The only thing better would have been to be in the student section. I also would like to thank you guys for the suggestions, we hit as many as we could and it was worth it.
To address the game: That was an exciting game, and the team really seemed to come out to play. Their biggest problem was that they lost focus. It was utterly apparent that Sergio Brown was trying to feed off of the McCarthy play when he hit that kid going out of bounds. Problem was that it was completely uncalled for, and ended up costing ND points. To be frank, the entire problem of the game was execution. Proper execution prevents penalties. Proper execution prevents fumbles. And most importantly Proper execution prevents pretty well ever big play for Uconn. Those kids just could not wrap a ball-carrier up to save their lives.
To address ‘Changes’: As we walked back to our car, an ND helicopter was leaving the field. I joked that it was probably Swarbick on his way to find a new coach. I’m still not sure whether I was actually joking, or whether that’s actually what I thought was happening. The only positive from this game, is that we no longer have coaching questions. We only have 1 question: Who?
To address the fans: That was the most well mannered stadium I’ve ever been in. Some might say too well mannered. The Uconn fans on a whole lived up to what I would hope for any visiting fans in any stadium. They cheered their team, but they didn’t cause problems. That said, Uconn fans can and did bring the noise, and you could easily hear Uconn chants across the stadium. ND had more fans and they were generally louder. Generally. I think I sat in the most disappointing section ever. I’m not sure if people in my stadium didn’t get it. But let me walk you through some of the moments.
1. My section wanted to sit down from the get go, there was no yelling/cheering really in my section. It was like they were too nervous to be fans. I’m not looking for fans to be rude, but standing in stands is allowed.
2. On the Brian Smith interception, I turned to my little brother and I said: “I’m sorry bud… but they’re in the red zone on our side of the stadium, I’m going to yell.” And I yelled like hell, and he intercepted the pass and people were ecstatic. The older lady next to my brother and I turned to me and him and commented “that one’s on you guys”.
3. 3rd down jump. My brother, friends and I have a tradition, a fun one. On third down on defense, we jump. It’s simple, you don’t have to jump too high, just hop up an down and yell. Some people thought it was odd, but by the end of the game, several guys (ages 18-25) were doing it too. Just a fun way to get people into it.
4. I was ashamed of my section. I am sorry I have to recount this story, but this is part of what’s wrong. Not a big part, but it’s an infectious mentality that MUST be stopped. It was the 4th quarter, 1:49 (ish) to go. Uconn gets the ball after the fumble with a chance to drive (towards my section) and win the game in regulation. I’m standing there with my little brother, and this lady behind us chirps up: “Can you boys please sit down?” I turned around, and I unleashed “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but I paid $68.00 per spot to be here. It’s the 4th quarter, EVERY OTHER SECTION IS STANDING, and the game is on the line. I want to stand. I’m going to stand.” Needless to say, being the only people standing, everybody in our section was already paying attention to us. Then they realized I had just called them out. They started to look around and realized I wasn’t kidding, and that I was resolved. I didn’t sit down until the game was over. But EVERYONE who was in section 105, you KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You should be ashamed.
If We are going to claim to be ND we better get some pride in who we are. We better learn that we’re going to have to stand up. We’re going to have to be ready to support our team.
Funny you say that. I have older relatives who regularly go to the games. They do that sit down stuff. I’m like you, if your are going to the game have some fun. Sitting quietly is what TV is for.
Back in the 1980’s a few people made jabbs that the student body stood for the whole game. But the attitude inside the stadium was infectious. It was a positive thing. We all felt that standing and cheering or making noise could help the team. We the fans felt like our collective will was part of the team winning. Even in Faust’s last year. But totally when Holtz was there.
ND needs it’s Faith back in many areas. Hopefully your experience is of hope for renewal, not the beginning of a ghost.
Gruden got Oakland into the AFC championship and the Tampa Bay Bucks into the Superbowl (and won)!!! Just imagine what he could do with ND!!! Don’t cheap out now – I know he won’t be cheap, but he’s a proven winner. Came up in the NFL ranks the same way a certain coach from USC did. Comeon – why get another unproven coach to same some money. A national championship team will more than pay for itself in TV revenue, sales of logoed merchandise, alum support, etc. Right now ND is in danger of losing it’s hard earned reputation as an excellent football program – just think what this would cost when TV contracts are renegotiated. USC was in the dumps under Hackett (last place in the Pac Ten) and took a big chance with Carroll, and they have built 21 new buildings and a brand new basketball stadium with the proceeds! You generally get what you pay for..
this is my best attempt at being optimistic in a troubled time at nd….
most of the losses, except usc, could have easily been blowouts by nd. a new coach has the potential to take them there as early as next year. a big name could not only keep current players and current commits, but could inspire some to de-commit from other schools. that might be blindingly optimistic, but it could happen.
a big mistake charlie made was favoritism. i love the passion he has for nd and its players, but it has all been a little too much for me. it explains why some very talented players did not see the field while others inexplicably found themselves playing(not naming names for player’s sake, but there are a couple examples we are all familiar with). some big programs have made ‘competition’ for playing time their mantra, see usc, while charlie preached stabilizing the starting line-up. this also explains why floyd and tate think they are too good to run fundamentally sound routes and we continually kill ourselves with undisciplined penalties. charlie could get away with this when he was offensive coordinator because he wasnt calling the personnel shots, just plays and schemes.
I can’t believe all the people saying that this job is not desirable. This is almost the identical situation that Urban was looking at with Florida a few years ago. Florida had fans with huge expectations but were in a rut under a guy with no head coaching experience (Zook was a D Coordinator before he got the HC job) but also a guy who was a great recruiter. Meyer was looking at talent loaded team and he followed a failing program so expectations were a lot lower that when Zook took over. Whoever takes over for Weis will be in the exact situation making it very desirable for all the names being thrown around Kelly, Stoops, Meyer, etc… Plus they have a lot more cash to throw at the new guy. I see us getting real excited in 3 or 4 weeks.
NO way, Brad.
Florida’s job is tough, but this one is the toughest. We have no conference title. We only accept national championships. I mean, people were talking about firing Weis even if he went 9-3. This job is brutal. So, yes, people outside of ND Nation believe this is a dead-end job.
Bottom line, though, is that the university better be prepared to pay up — big time — for the higher demands associated with the job. It’s not enough to be competitive. We have to lead the pack in compensation.
Right now, my preference is Kirk Ferentz. He has done a lot with little at Iowa. Admittedly, I have done little research, but I think Urban would need to be checked into a psych ward if he chose to leave Gainesville for Notre Dame.
I love your passion but be realistic. A national championship every 10 to 15 years is the making of a great program. Florida has been one of the premier programs for 50 plus years. Look at Lou Holtz. He won 1 title in 12 + years at ND and is a legend (in my eyes it was 2 but the ND haters robbed him of another). We do not have that now. The ND Nation just wants respect. Back down on the every year championship talk. Even FU, OU, AU, LSU, etc…. fans don’t even talk that smack. It is that kind of talk that will scare other coaches away. They are afraid of the Teo dumb ass fans who want a championship every year! They need to know that every fan is not a Teo or else they will never come here!!!!
CW is ultimately responsible and his playcalling leaves a lot to be desired, but lets not make the mistake that Notre Dame’s biggest problem is their DEFENSIVE coordinator.
Wow. When did the level of discourse here drop to the level of every other word profanity? Tuning out. GO IRISH!
News confrence at 1245..???
I’m always a bit concerned when the players like the coach too much. Heck, when Kotite coached the Jets the players liked him, probably because the Jets practices were like Club Med vacations (I know, I used to drive over to Hofstra and watch the practices, they were a complete joke). Parcells took over and turned it aroud quickly. With the talent that ND has, the difference between winning and losing is not that great. Heck, even with 5 losses this year, every one of those games was pretty close. The right coach and turn things around quickly even if Clausen and Tate leave next season. I”m not saying I know who that coach is since I don’t have a crystal ball. All you can do is look at past results and try to bring in a guy who’s proven and won’t take shit from anyone. It’ll be interesting to see who ND can get — the job is still one of the best in college football no matter what the haters might say. There’s the feeling that ND football is on the brink right now, and because of that, I trust that they’ll be able to get the right guy. Plenty of names have been offered here, let’s hope one of them pans out. Most of all, even though we’re all frustrated, let’s stick by this team. The program, still a class act, will fight through this.
This is very true. A coach is not a friend, but a mentor. Weis seems to be uncomfortable going off about a weak effort. At least, that is the image I see. He’s unwilling to really tear into the line for failing to protect Clausen. He’s unwilling to go after receivers for weak routes. Defensively, he won’t assert himself to the point where the guys want to hit someone hard. That is troubling.
Signing off for a while. The discussion has kind of degraded a bit. At this point, it’s apparent a major change to the program is on the way. Perhaps the football team can do what the Sycamore Society has been trying to do. Have Notre Dame return to it’s roots. Maybe it’s really time to clear out the like of Father ( and I use that term loosely ) Jenkins, and his semi Catholic cronies. But that’s a rant for another blog.
As for the team? I hope they stay together when a new staff is assembled. I hope that staff teaches them what it takes each day to prepare to play like a champion. I hope that staff teaches leadership among the athletes to befriend and inspire each other. Listening to comments by different players, this team needs Golden Tate during the transition. Only Tate has said anything remotely indicating that he understands what it will take for the team to succeed.
Go Irish!!
Domer, you sure like picking on everyone’s family. you are about as ignorant as they come. Why don’t you go F yourself and your dog you miserable piece of shit!
Yeah Army at Yankee Stadium will be an embarrassment to the program.
If that comment was sarcastic and you’re implying that the Army game is something to revere- then I’ll say who in the hell cares that we’re playing Army at Yankee Stadium?
If it was sarcastic in that you were agreeing the schedule is a joke, then disregard my comment. : )
Domer, I agree. Why on earth would these players come back when this program is in this state? No way. It’s back to ground zero in 2010. The 2010 team can thank the AD for stringing together a schedule of shitty, irrelevant opponents whose programs are at the same level as ND.
I would understand if Floyd and Clausen were in tears. The are playing in a lot of pain for a bunch of losers. Tate is always the best athlete on the field. Anybody who doesn’t think this guy will be a high pick just doesn’t understand football. Big time football players make big time plays and that is exactly what he does, MAKES BIG TIME PLAYS! He’s gone after Stanford. He has nothing to prove and everything to lose if he comes back.
Scratch what I said about feeling sorry for the players. I should not have written that because I don’t feel sorry for most of them. I feel sorry for guys like Tate, who usually sell out on the field. But most of the team’s effort and execution is for shit.
Hey wait a minute- this feels really familiar, like deja vu. Oh yeah I got it. I feel just like I did after the Syracuse loss. Right back to total mediocrity and irrelevance. Like I said 2 weeks ago, they’d lose at least 2 / 3 last games, but probably all 3. The Navy loss did in fact destroy any/all momentum and was a killer of confidence.
Wow. Just wow. I feel sorry for the seniors, sorry for the players, the students, and all my fellow fans. And as bad as CW is, this does not fall on one man alone. Like I’ve said a million times, this is 15 years of arrogance, ineptitude, and mismanagement by the ND hierarchy on high.
Can’t wait to see what happens next! It’s like a bad soap opera playing out in front of millions…
“2006 5th
2007 8th
2008 9th
2009 14th
in my opinion when a good coach gets top 15 talent or better the team should finish top 15 or better.. but maybe i am just to spoiled, demanding, optimistic…. i don’t know i can’t think of the word.”
That’s funny! Everyone bitched and moaned about how Ty left the cupboards bare, but Weis re stocked them and still can’t win.
Some would say Ty did a better job recruiting since the only time Weis won, was with Ty’s players. Not to mention Ty had a better winning percentage.
Why was he fired again? I know, I know, I know it wasn’t becasue he was black…
Some would say Ty did a better job recruiting — who ??? not the professional recruiting services.
Ty being fired because he was black is foolish. He couldn’t win just like Weis and Davie. Weis just got a extra season because of his contract plus some recruits.
The only color that really matters is Green $.
This all goes back to the reality of football: twenty-two guys on the field, playing for one purpose.
The recruiting services track things like how many four- and five-star recruits you have. Let me tell you, we have several, but we also have some very weak cornerbacks, an offensive offensive line and as a result, the four- and five-star recruits are of no use.
Football isn’t that much different than golf. I mena, when your drives are in the fairways but your second shots are in the water, the drives really don’t matter much.
Weis does have some defendable qualities like recruiting top teir players and leaving a quality program for the next coach.
The offense is a reflection of Weis and the offense does have the mindset that they will score based on mind (schematic advantage) and body (top recruits) but often lack the intensity & fundamentals.
As for the defense & Tenuta … it’s gross incompetence that is reflected by defense on the field.
For you idiots who defens Weis and his Arrogance, get a clue. Arrogant leaders make arrogant, undisciplined, me first type players, just as this ND team is. No team work, no disciplin, no football fundamentals, that’s what you get as a result of a arrogant Coach. Arrogance has no place in College Football Coaching and those of you who defend him are clueless.
Charlie got what both he and Notre Dame deserved. Look at that pathetic schedule. Trying to go high in the BCS rankings by playing really bad teams with really bad programs is not something to be proud of. They were pre-season favorites to go all the way and look at 6-5. As i say, that got what they deserved. On another note, tough to feel bad for a guy who failed miserably and will force the school to give him 15 million just to get rid of him. It’s straight out of the Matt Millen playbook…
Why would Clausen stay. Look what happened to Bradford the Oklahoma QB
How come nobody is talking about Gary Patterson of TCU? The knock on Kelly is that he hasn’t proved he can win with his own players yet. But here is some info on Patterson:
In eight years at TCU, Patterson’s 73 victories place him in second place on the TCU career victory chart, and he is the only coach in school history to record six 10-win seasons. His teams have only failed to reach a bowl game once (2004), the Frogs have earned a spot in the Final Top 25 five times. In 2005, Patterson led the Frogs to the Mountain West Conference championship in their first season of league play. Over the course of the 2005 & 2006 seasons, the Frogs won four consecutive games against Big 12 opponents, with only one of the four coming at home.
Six 10 win seasons in 8 years, Five Top 25 finishes in 8 years, they are #4 in the BCS this year. They are averaging over 450 yards/game on offense and their defense is giving up less than 13/game.
This is the guy to go after because I do not think Meyer or Stoops will come. ND needs a proven coach and while Kelly is a popular choice, I think Patterson is a better one.
I also think that Clausen and Tate will stay because they have something to prove. If Jimmy leaves, he will be remembered as a bust. He has not accomplished anything at ND. Quinn at least got them to 2 BCS games. What has Jimmy done besides having an over-the-top announcement at the College Hall of Fame? Same with Tate, I know he set records today, but do you really think people will remember him as much as they will remember Jeff Samarijza? These guys have a chance to do great things next year. We saw a great first year with Ty and a great first year with Weis. I’m sure the next coach will make a splash here as well especially with the schedule next year.
So, bring in a guy like Patterson and mix that up with the skill players coming back and ND will have a great 2010.
Jimmy will be the top QB taken in the draft. If he comes back, he will come back to a new coach and Oline with two new left tackles who are probably worse than what they have now. He also saw what happen to Sam Bradford at OU and he will make a financial decision in about week.
according to espn notre dame recruiting ranking
2006 5th
2007 8th
2008 9th
2009 14th
in my opinion when a good coach gets top 15 talent or better the team should finish top 15 or better.. but maybe i am just to spoiled, demanding, optimistic…. i don’t know i can’t think of the word.
i was thinking the same thing
That’s funny! Everyone bitched and moaned about how Ty left the cupboards bare, but Weis re stocked them and still can’t win.
Some would say Ty did a better job recruiting since the only time Weis won, was with Ty’s players. Not to mention Ty had a better winning percentage.
Why was he fired again? I know, I know, I know it wasn’t becasue he was black…
A good coach would do just fine with Crist, Rudolph, Allen, Floyd, etc. if Jimmy and Golden split. Shit, Cincy even lets Demetrius Jones play on their number 5 squad.
My favorite clip during the games was a much younger looking Weis saying in his first press conference that 6-5 was unacceptable for him and the university – I’d like him to say the same thing in his last press conference and bow out gracefully.
I’d say that was an appropriate send off. Weis leading an undisciplined and unmotivated team of underacheivers in a loss to an inferiorly talented sqaud is sorta a ne ND tradition.
Please God give Swarbrick the sense to drive over to cinci tonite and not leave without Brian Kelly. We need a man that knows how to get kids to play beyond there potential. That’s Kelly. Just look at his record at GV State, CMU and Cinci.
Meyer aint coming. PeriodM I’m not all that convinced he’s such hot shit anyway. Who couldn’t win with Tebow and the natural recruits in Florida. Utah hasn’t missed much of a step without him.
Stoops can’t win the ones that matter. We got a guy like that now.
Gruden? I’m a little gun shy about an nfl guy again. Sure he won a superbowl…with Dungy’s TB roster. Didn’t do much after that. And we’ve been suckered by superbowl rings before.
Kelly on the other hand is a college coach with an amazing record of ressurecting and building programs. And that’s just what we need.
If you want to leave and find another team go route for Florida they are winning right now, better yet who wins the National Championship should be your team. Your the type of person that walks into a bar talks shit gets your friends into a fight and then runs out the door when your friends start loosing. I have no respect for you.
I have no respect for you. You the same guy who stays with his wife after you walk in on her getting gang banged by Hispanics!
Don’t be Cuckold Loser. I she is embarrassing you, leave her.
I have no respect for you. Your the same guy beating up on Ty. He had a better record, he graduate his players, and his players were better! Remember the only time Weis could win was with Ty’s players. Shit Ty recruited Quinn and Locker two NFL first rounders. My point is you all sent the black guy to the end of the bus, gave the white guy more money, and the current situation is getting worse. Not only are you losers, but you going to start looking like racist losers. Racist is to strong of a word. Bigoted Losers!
I apologies, but as much as I like Notre Dame, I hate bigots and I like winners more.
I’m suprised you can even spell winners you moron!
You’re not only a loser, Domer, but now I see your also a racist. The KKK is looking for its white sheets back, loser!
There’s been serious problems for a while now, so this is nothing new. But every year the ND faithful have been optimistic with the talent that we seem to be attracting. Are they overrated? Tell me, how does Boise State do it? Those guys are well-coached and play like a pack of wolves. With less talent (at least if you believe Rivals) Boise State would destroy ND. Hopefully ND can attract the right coach to turn this thing around. It saddens me to say that right now, ND football is a joke.
Well said. ND has real issues. And, yes, we’re a joke. Everyone is laughing at our expense right now. I just hope the day comes when we can turn those smiles upside down and get payback on everyone. I just don’t know.
Go F yourself!
ND has problems, but we don’t need assholes like you who want nothing but the worse for it and its football team.
If you hate ND, then go somewhere else. At least Anus Eagle is a somewhat entertaining loser. You’re just an f’ing loser. GET LOST AND TAKE YOUR CRAP ELSEWHERE!
Gruden is not the savior. I don’t know who is but I know that Gruden is not. You win championships with a good defense and a ball control offense. We don’t have that. We have an offense that wants the big play and a defense that gives up the big play because they gamble and don’t get any pressure. Swarbrick needs to fire Weis after Standford, not go to a bowl game it will be a nightmare and aggresively go after a new coach and have hime hired before the new year. He needs to focus on keeping the recruiting class and move forward. It is time that the Administration at this University realizes that Football is important, period. It is a great academic institution, but football funds a ton of the academics and other sports. If football sucks money will stop flowing to the university. Get a clue and fix this program. It has been run into the shitter for the past 15yrs.
Bring in Gruden – out with Weiss!!!
Where are they going? Clausen is a 2nd rounder at best right now. Tate also is a second rounder. Floyd will have to sit out a year and have one year left to play unless he goes down. The other lineman are in the same situation. Swarbrick needs to sit down with Charlie and the team after the Standford game and explain that Charlie won’t be back. The University must say to the players that a new coach will come in and we will move forward as ND. I don’t want to here anymore bullshit about loyalty to Charlie. If you came to ND for Weis to make you look good get out we don’t need you. If you want to move forward and make something great than lets go. They need to make a decision quickly and salvage a class. They need to start interviewing coaches asap, get someone in place and move forward.
floyd’s a sophomore he cant be gone lol. for some reason i think clausen and tate will both be back as well. Tate doesnt translate to the nfl that well so i think theres no point and clausen wants to win so why leave now when maybe next year we can get a GOOD coach possibly and try to win some games.
Charlie is gone, Tenuta is gone, Brown is gone, Clausen is gone, Floyd is gone, Tate is gone, 4 offensive linemen are gone…another year of mediocrity lies ahead…this sucks. I really hope they go for Florida’s Defensive Coordinator.
You are totally wrong! It’s an entire 180 next season – ND will be in the hunt for the NC under Kelly next year! Bet the house on it!
Poz said it the best and what we have seen with other head coaches and their programs. Is Clausen that good? no, is Tate that good, no. Their records show it too. They are trickle down of the coach, cocky, flashy when they got here and can’t back up what they say. Remember the fur coat limousine incident? and the Tate claiming “nobody can catch me” and his trash talk on the field, you think guy is ND quality? give me a break, he couldn’t hold Rocket’s jock strap, or Matt Shleton’s for that matter. Good let them go to the NFL, they can’t win. Clausen hasn’t beat anybody in 3 years and Weis hasn’t in 5. You can rack up all the stats you want, the bottom line is winning, especially at this university. Grad rates??? HAHAAHAAAA the only reason those guys get out of ND is because Holy Cross is in that town, trust me I know this, I have seen it. Again, big time coach with big time winning record. No Big East RAH RAH coach, no ALUMNI coach. Swarbrick said it best “money is not a factor in this decision”
It’s not even that Clausen isn’t that good. He plays for Notre Dame, throws some touchdowns on NBC and, necessarily, that will help make him overrated. He has a good arm — definitely. But, he hasn’t played that well this year.
And, as for Tate and Floyd, I think both run weak routes on a regular basis. They don’t shake cornerbacks. That is a necessity for an NFL-caliber receiver. And, the unfortunate thing is that BOTH have incredible raw talent. But, talent without discipline is worthwhile against Purdue. It doesn’t do much against Alabama, Florida and other great teams.
I agree that ND doesnt need anyone who has ties to ND and that B. Kelley is not for ND. It’s Stoops or Urban Meyer. Thats it. Keep Tenuta and get rid of everyone else.
Clausen is really good. Golden is really good. Floyd is really good. The rest of the O is “ok”. The D is awful.
I’ll tell you right now it will NOT be Stoops or Meyer. Get rid of sorry Tenuta and get a whole new approach. Maybe a WINNING approach!
What planet are you from?
We have one of the worst defenses in the nation and keep Tenuta?
I am going to drink now
and pretend I didn’t read that.
We need a WHOLE NEW STAFF!!!!
Tate is the whole team! What you mean he isnt good? Golden was Golden all year long!
At least we now have perfect clarity. This season should have been a BCS season, chances are we will go .500 . I would love to see a win next week, even a dominant win but frankly I would be flabbergasted. Stanford is a running team. We cannot stop the run from 2 star recruits, it could be ugly next week.
Charlie is a good guy and has a future in coaching in the NFL. Turn him loose. Unlike the Weis hiring when Meyer took a look at the talent available and went to Florida (where Zook, like Charlie could recruit but not coach)) this time we have a ton of talent even without Golden and Jimmy. Thanks Charlie you did part of your job very well but when you cannot motivate and prevent long swoons you cannot be a head coach in College.
By the way, do any of our defensive secondary ever look up for the ball when it is coming. It seems they feel their job is to run with the receiver. Perhaps because we have become so risk averse in the passing game that in practice like the games we never throw when there is single coverage.
that was embarrassing all around. i think ANY decent coach will have a good year next year even if jc and golden leave. that was a pathetic showing. however, if we had to lose to get cw out of here then so be it.
clausen was a little off on his timing all game, mix in some drops and our all star receivers running shoddy routes telegraphing the slant. seriously, watch golden run routes, its as if he is half-assing it even when the ball is coming his way, everything is rounded without even attempting to be crisp.
a key possession in the third quarter, third and 4, we run toma out in the flat??? dont give me some ‘shcematic’ excuse, pathetic
the sequence in ot was a perfect microcosm of cw’s cancerous mindframe that has plagued this team all year; the result is close game after close game. we need a td in ot so we pass, pass, pass, pass. in double ot we run run pass. its as if going up by 3 in ot is acceptable, and if uconn scores a td hats off to them. WTF??????? go for the throat you slovenly f…
we intercept uconn, get tons of momentum with six minutes left and we run run pass(sack)
50 seconds left in the first half, 1st and 20 run the clock out. we were on our own 30 or 35 yard line with plenty of time to score.
im done feeling sorry for cw, i don’t care if he bakes cakes for the players during the week, the players have no discipline. game management is awful.
what makes this even worse is that the refs did everything they could to keep uconn out of the endzone at the end of the game and we still cant pull it out…….
one last gripe, our signature from hawaii to the middle of the season was the deep ball, we didn’t go deep once and therefore the corners were jumping routes all game. i dont care if they are playing cover 11, GO DEEP. i think you can attribute this to the cw mindset too, clausen threw a pic against pitt on the deep ball, so we are not going to run it just in case we screw it up again.
lol–that certainly was a proper send off
I’m sick to my stomach…
Missed tackles
Hard to win a game when you dont execute fundemental football…i dont drink– that will change tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re so macho and tough! Like ND right now, all bark and no bite! But we do agree on CW.
Thats what I am talking about Slob. I got your back. Let’s get his rin tin tin overrated ass out of here!!! I am so tired of seeing that guy after the game with that white crap in the corners of his lips looking like a half eaten tuna fish sandwich. That half a man, USC punk Hayden said that the AD is not even talking to other coaches yet. Are you f-ing kidding me? I stopped evaluating Charlie Heist two years ago. What is going on with that brain dead AD of ours. Send that big jelly doughnut back to boston.
If you want to stop the name calling you started, I’ll do the same in the sake of talking something serious. Now, given what you’re saying post-game, I can’t help but wonder why on earth you would talk smack before the game? It sure makes you look silly now! Couldn’t agree more about your take on CW, though. And speaking of that bitch Pat Hayden, I’m sick of him, too. Let’s please get a new broadcast team next year. I’m not asking for ND homers, but surely someone who takes less glee in ND failures would be a nice change!
Well, no sense bitching anymore, it’s over. let’s hope and pray Swarbrick and father Jenkins can really make a good hire and turn this around before we all have a stroke!
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/fireweis/index.html now is the time to sign
With Weis gone…say goodbye to Clausen, Tate, and alot of recruites….
Easy Steel Fan Slob! I cant even look at that fat tub of goo Weis on TV right now.
I feel so bad for Clausen, he said before the season if CW gets fired it won’t be because of him. What more can this kid do. Get rich in the NFL Jimmy, you deserve it.
I don’t feel sorry for Clausen. I mean, I don’t really feel sorry for any of the players, given how they played today. I am still pissed, but I can tell you that no one played up to their abilities today (I should point out that I am being optimistic: perhaps Young is a lousy D2 lineman; perhaps Floyd runs weak routes unless the first play call is to him; perhaps Tate only lights it up in prime time games and doesn’t care against weaker opponents. My hunch, though, is that all these guys – and Clausen — are better than they showed today).
The end result was another loss to a weaker program. It’s awful, but this is how it goes with a weaker coach, a team that has left the coach, and an inspired opponent.
ND will always face an inspired opponent. Always. But, the first two factors don’t have to be present. And, Charlie has allowed them to be present this season.
Hopefully, ND decides this week to open the job and begins interviewing folks like Mike Shanahan, Jon Gruden and the other NFL types until the college season ends.
As for buyouts and the like, Weis gets his. We certainly make plenty off the NBC deal. And, that should allow us to offer big bucks to a big time coach who can bring some big time wins to this desperate, but storied, program.
Have a nice Thanksgiving everybody.
This was brutal. Im absolutely numb and its sad that with as much individual talent we have that we couldnt pull out a win against a team who wasnt even a Division 1 program a few years ago. I think this should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that this is absolutely it for Weis. I agree, he is a good guy who cares about ND and did everything he could to help bring in a winner but it just isnt happening. Now that her Thighness-Opra-has now left Sh*t-cago we could hire her to oversee this lost program. I dont doubt Clausen and Tate are going to be back making next year quite possibly even worse than this one
That’s were ND football is. It’s in chaos. But more importantly, it’s at a crossroads from which there may be no return if the next coach also fails. With all due respect to Mike Golic, there’re just no guarantees in sports. Nothing says ND footbal HAS to comeback. No guarantees. None. The next 3 months are key for the destiny of ND football.
Well maybe if we lose to Stanford by less than 50 and win the Meineke Car Bowl, CW can come back better than ever!
My heart goes out to this team…I still LOVE THE IRISH!
Had you told me 3 months ago that ND would have 5 losses at this point in the season, I would have told you that you’re on crack
Gotta be happy for the UCONN kids. They’ve been through so much this season.
That “dickless coach” just beat CW and ND!
That all she wrote…
Bummer time!!!
Kiss Irish ass?! Kick Irish ass!!!
Bye, bye, losers!!!
Awesome D!!!
Win or lose, like Cliff says, this is too agaonizing! CW can’t motivate anybody. He’s a loser!
Bammer, next time, save the macho, bullshit, smack talk for when we actually do somthing, like win a game!
Wide left….
Nice fumble Allen. Exactly what you can’t do in that situation. Here comes another loss. So long Charlie.
This years squad has taken years off my life….
Field goal! Yeah!!! Best O EVER!!! Why get rid of an O genius like CW? We’re unstoppable!!!
Way to kick some Irish ass, boys!
Is this team stupid or what? Bad penalties, another hallmark of a CW team!
Bad teams find ways to lose. For a team that says it loves its coach so much, thses losers sure don’t play like it!
I’m still waiting for us to kick some ass!!!
Under CW you can have all the 5 star recruits you can dream of stockpiling and will consistently lose to teams w/2-3 star recruits. PERIOD!
UF fans can trash talk, Bammer, not any of us as fans of this team. You’re not so funny now.
God do they stink.
Can’t beleive they just gave up a return for a TD!
Like I said, Bammer-time trash talk was funny right about til… NOW! Let’s forgo the false bravado, people. This team, this staff, this coach don’t deserve it!
Field goal!!! Yeah!!!
Boo! Boo! In the stands! Fair? Perhaps. This O is so predictable it’s easy to adjust and shut it down. We’ve seen this before.
I’d save our smack talk until after the game. I don’t see how any of us can have any kind of confidence in these guys, no matter how well they start off.
Thank you Sergio Brown!
Let me reiterate: K. Prater is a huge get! He’s on campus today for the game. That’s a great sign. M. Floyd, S. Evans (hoping he stays), D. Walker, K. Prater, T-J Jones,would be a good, deep WR corps. (I’m not counting J. Goodman at WR next season since I think there’s a good chance he’s at QB next season; if he’s at WR, then that unit is even more talented.)
Let’s get this straight. We should hope that the crowd does the right thing NOT BY CW but FOR ND FOOTBALL. CW is done and good riddance. But we have some big-time recruits on campus and it would be nice to see at least our fans cheer for the team and the seniors. (NOTE: ND got Manti Teo in spite of the snow-ball incident against Syracuse last year.) Let’s hope for a great effort and win from the team. Let’s further hope for a good recruiting weekend. Getting Kyle Prater from USC would be huge in light of the almost certain departure of Golden Tate.
It can be done but not sure comparisons to those other programs are fair with their standards versus ND’s. I do know that while standards were supposedly relaxed under Lou he still managed very impressive graduation rates.
Weis deserves a send off alright. How about a good old fashion bronx cheer send off. You know what I mean boys. This guy is a palooka. You want to talk about a lack of toughness. This guy would not survive day one in my hood. Typical spoon in the mouth Jersey boy. I never wanted him from day one but you midwestern farmer joe cry babies took him under your wings for some reason. I say send him off on a one way ticket out of ND. I think we ought to bring on Brian Kelly. He is a tough Irish guy from the East Coast. Dont choose some midwestern puss like Stoops or Meyer. They would not last a minute in a good old fashion street brawl. I also would love to move the campus to where it belongs. New York. The Big Apple. Thats right the Big Apple. Put them on the big stage. It would not be that hard to recruit in the biggest stage in the world. Move it out of nowheresville and back to the home of the Irish. Bring the toughness back.
Bammer, Love you man. It’s amazing what a good swift kick in the ass will do. I’m with Bammer!!
Bammer is my new favorite poster. Holy crap, this is funny stuff.
Its Bammer Time!!!! I like what I am seeing so far boys. The are going to knock those half a sissies from UConn around and that dickless wonder that they call their coach!!! Thats what I am talking about!! Let’s take out that scooby doo program today and have them kiss our Irish asses!!!
Look,we all get it. Charlie is a fellow alum and poured his heart and sould into the job. Take that and .50 cents and you can buy the morning paper. CW was brought here to win games and bring ND back to national prominence, he said so himself. He knows how he is evaluated. I agree that he upgraded the talent on the team tremendously, graduated players, kept the program clean. But should we commend him on what he is ‘supposed’ to do. Does your boss come to you and pat you on the back because you show up on time and don’t steal company property. The fact the players graduate and stay out of jail should not be cause for celebration.
For those of us in sales, I’m sure our companies appreciate that we work a full day, don’t cheat on expense reports, and try our best. But in the end if we have no results they are going to look for somebody else who can bring in the $$$$$. Not everybody is cut out to be a HC. CW is a great offensive mind and clearly knows how to call a game. That’s exactly what he’ll be doing on Sundays either next year or the year after.
CW said it when he arrived, “you are what your record says you are.” End of story. He is an average HC and we have become an average program. I also don’t understand the concern on this board about “rebuilding.” Who cares, we have been average for 15 years!!! We must raise our expectations. There is plenty of evidence over college football that when good coaches come in the wins follow very quickly:
Tressel = NC in year 2
Urban = NC in year 2
Stoops = NC in year 2
Saban = 12-2 in year 2
Carrol = NC in year 2 I believe.
Bottom line it can and will be done!
Everybody is asking the fans to do the right thing and cheer loudly for CW on Saturday. Wouldn’t it be nice if CW did the right thing and stepped down for the good of his alma mater and the program. We all know the fans of ND will live up to our end, but CW will not and I understand the $$$ as to why he won’t.
So cheer loudly on Saturday for our seniors and say goodbye to Jimmy and Golden and thank them for the memories and class they showed throughout their 3 very trying years.
Thank you, Poz! We’re asked to do the right thing by CW but when I earlier stated how CW should do the right thing by ND, a school he says he loves, I was ridiculed as naive. Why should he step down (thus forgoing his buyback)? Now, some of these same people who dismissed personal ethics want us to do for CW what he won’t do for us. Regardless, I’ll cheer for ol’ Notre Dame.
Here is another great suggestion: Mr Jon Tenuta. I think we should groom our own. I have it on good word that Mr Weis held back Mr Tenuta on several key calls which led to touchdowns against us. I hear it was a little jealousy on Mr Weis’s part. Mr Tenuta has won it before at the Georgia Technology Yellow Jackets. I will say on another note that in my younger days I had a burger at the Varsity. i spent the next two days on the hotel toilet with the runs. It was pure runs and then some. I was never sure why the folks down there were such big fans of the place. Anyhow, Mr Tenuta would install the focus back to defense. How do we get him? May be we play the old cat and mouse game with him? pretend we do not want him and chase him off only to offer him a job. The old cat and mouse.
What f-ing planet do you live on dumb ass? John f-ing Tenuta? Forget about it. That guy would not know his ass from his elbow. Have you been watching the games this year? May be if you spent less time on the toilet and more time in front of the TV watching the game, you would realize how much of a schmuck Tenuta is. Get out of here mr cat and mousekateer!!!!
Hilarious. Joe from Dublin should take his Metamucil and STFU. Tenuta. OMG.
Are you talking about the same Tenuta who is presently ND’s defensive coach? Uh, ok.
Here are some other “great suggestions” for a new head coach:
– Ashton Kutcher
– Osama Bin Laden
– Alf
– Me
– The ghost of Bill Parcells
Yeah, let’s promote an absolute trainwreck of a coach who has one of the worst defenses in the country.
THat is what happened ( in a
similar way) to ND when they had the stupidity to hire Bob Davie. The defense -though not as bad as this-was pathetic—and —-
he became head coach and left the program in a terrible mess. ( Not to mention he called it ” footbaw” and licked the palms of both hands in a nervous gesture all the time.
Compare Charlie to that and Weis is defnintely a winner.
I have read your post a few times.
I wonder if you have had too much Guinness–or if you still have the runs from that burger years ago?
Your writing is not indicative of one from Trinity College in Dublin.
However, I wonder about your fascination with Tenuta.
He is presumably Italian and you are Irish. Is it the mafia connection or what?
Thanks for loving the Irish but with that Kind of love ND
doesn’t need more enemies.
Cliff- I agree with you but aren’t you tired, aren’t we ALL tired of watching a .583 team???? For the last 15 years we’ve been this. Either that’s just who we are, a mediocre football team that has great academic rates and we keep Charlie, or we try something different and let’s see if someone can take what Charlie has started and bring us to the next level. I for one am starting to lean towards the last option cause I just can’t watch us lose any more. I even have a hard time saying ‘best of luck Charlie’ because I’m sure with all his money he’ll be just fine but how ’bout, God Bless you Charlie, Thanks for the memories, good and bad.
Vic- I am tired…and I hope that (if we fire CW) we dont go thru another 4 years of re-building…
charlie has several jobs waiting for him in the NFL, he’s set for life, I wouldnt mind being fired for 15 to 17 million.
no coach has ever won a super bowl with two different teams and i dont think any college coach has won national title with two different teams. we need a hungry guy whose on his way to the top.. nw.. fitzgerald or cin.. kelly will be it
Well, looks like Nick Saban will be win championships with two different teams. Roll Tide!
I wonder if Ty Willingham would have been fired if he “loved” Notre Dame as much as Charlie Weis. Yall don’t realize how silly you sound.
Frank- Classy send off…I agree with all you points. He put his heart and soul into it…just look at him before the ND job and after…he looks absolutely spent.
I love ND always have and always will…however I have seen/heard some of my fellow fans step way over the line- including making comments about his appearance ,size, his family including his daughter. I would expect more from the Irish faithful.
One other point I love ND to win games…however we at ND also focus on grades, graduation rate, lack of negative media (think Tennessee), class….this my fellow friends make Charlie Weis a winner in my eyes…
Very well said. I feel exactly the same way … Weis is a fellow ND grad who LOVES the university and did well at “rebuilding” what Davies and Willingham left for him to fix-up.
I respect him, and I know that he truly loves his team, and ND; I wish him the best and hopefully the future will be better for the Irish if he does leave the University.
Are you kidding me. Respect??? Hey Spring a ding ding why dont you spring your charlie weis sympathy comments somewhere else. You sound like a hallmark card and a grade a puss.
Excellent perspective Frank. Charlie is ND to the core and has given his heart and soul to the program. The results might not be what many desired, but Coach Weis certaintly has earned our thanks not only for putting the program on better footing, but for upholding ND’s off-field standards. Never forget “Pass Right”.
yah i will show repect is that all i have to do to end this. your a 6 and 5 ballteam folks and thats not good enough for you and it certainly isnt good enough for me. remember those words irish fans, i do.where are we now? could be 6 and 6 in 2 weeks .
Nice post. Appropriate for Notre Dame. Do things the right way win or lose.
Just looking over charlie’s recruiting classes and then looking at USC’s you can see USC puts a lot more emphasis on getting defensive recruits. He has gotten the offense and done well the problem he has is that the cupboard was bare when he got here, say what you want about his first two years with Willinghams guys, I don’t bye it, charlie had to start from scratch so he started with his strength which is offense, now it’s time to rebuild this defense and there are some young guys with potential. I hate watching ND lose, I hate it, but one more year, the guy loves the school, recruits his ass off and has started to bring back the echos that have been gone since Holtz left. He is doing it right, one more year. I don’t want Meyer and a sketchy program that will win, I want a guy that gives Notre Dame dignity and he does that. I say one more year, the D will be bigger and stronger and know the system. If Jimmy and Tate stay we can compete for it next year.
buy not bye
Imagine you are CEO of a Fortune 500 company conducting a performance review of a VP within your company who is approaching the end of his fifth year. Measure performance against expectations. Your expectation is a football team which annually competes at the highest level of college football, goes to major bowl games regularly, and every few years competes for the national championship. Focus on performance-related facts, not hopes, aspirations or potential. Set aside personality traits (positive or negative). Ignore the physical attributes. Pay no attention to what any shareholders are recommending. Examine the work history. The VP’s regular season win-loss record is 34 wins, 24 losses, and two more games to play this year. His bowl game record is 2 losses, 1 win, with the possibility of one more bowl game this year, in a second or third tier venue. At best, the overall record would be 38 wins against 26 losses. At worst (if a 6-6 team goes to a bowl game and loses), the overall record would be 35 wins against 29 losses.
You decide if this is sufficient benefit, based on your investment. Absent emotions and sentiment, it is either time for a change in the organization or a change in your expectations.
Big Mike- Interesting post…wouldn’t you have to also, as part of the evaluation, look at: Graduation Rate, are the people under the VP in “trouble” or completing there tasks, is the arrow pointing up or down, would a new VP with new mission statement and management style be what is needed to get the troops to execute better…? I’m not arguing with you — you just got me thinking…;)
I agree there are two parallel levels of analysis in any business performance review. First is the key performance metric (in this case, wins and losses). The second is how the individual represents the corporate culture (in this case the university’s goals and expectations for graduation, student behavior, sportmanship). ND does not want to win at any price (that is why Steve Spurrier and Nick Saban would not be on the list of possible coaches). ND wants to win with class and style. Any review balances both metrics, but performance ususally takes precedence over other evaluated areas. That is why Ty W. and Bruce D. were let go and why I think Charlie will be released as well.
I was a huge Weis supporter in the beginning of the year. I thought the defense would come around, but it hasn’t. If we hire a new d-coordinator we will be at the same place we were in 2007. Weis is a good offensive coordinator, but not a head coach. Other than the offense looking good at times no other part of the team has looked that good. Special teams have let us down in the following games:
Michigan – kick off return, missed field goal
Navy – 3 missed field goals.
They have also allowed great starting position on kick offs which has put the defense on short fields
The defense can’t get off the field. How many times have we seen 3rd and 20 picked up. How many times have we seen explosives. How many times have we heard in press conferences about explosives. Come on.
As a head coach you need to coach the team not the offense. You need to determine what is going wrong and work with your coordinators to fix it. CW has not done this. He has gone from a 4-3 to a 3-4 and back to a 4-3. I wanted CW to succeed, but I don’t see it. I do agree that the fans should show respect on Saturday against Uconn, but it is time to move on. Do I know who can run this program, NO.
I agree with the article, and I’m glad someone said it. I know a lot of people desperately wanted Charlie to succeed. I was one of them, so it’s tough to see it end like this. If there is a change at coach, it’s important to make the transition as smooth as possible. Cheering for our players as loudly as we can is a good step and is always important to the program. It is especially important with recruits the likes of Prater and Ferguson on campus for the game. If they can’t count on the coach being here next year, it will be good if they can count on a supportive crowd.
On another note, I think the most disappointing aspect of coaching this season has been the defensive staff (perhaps a close second is the motivational coaching by the head coach). Jon Tenuta was one of the best, most well-respected coaches in the game when he came to ND. The defensive performance this year has been hard to watch at times. The whole year has been uninspring, with the exception of the goal line stands against Washington. If Tenuta had pulled his weight, no one would be talking about getting rid of Weis. If we had a top 20 defense, coupled with our offenses ability to make plays, there is no way we have more than one loss.
I agree that CW has done his beat & recruting he has done great. However I believe he shoud stay if He agrees to quality assistants from the college ranks to improve the running game & Please lord the defense…..
Has anyone taken a glance at next year’s schedule? A potential new coach has to be salivating. It has Western Mich, Army, Utah and Tulsa on it along with the usual suspects who all appear as if they will be stuck in a down cycle with the exception of Pitt, USC and Stanford. With our talent level and the right coach a new coach like Kelly can come on board and expect at least 10 wins in year one. Say what you want about Ty, Davies and Weis but none of them had a soft schedule like this facing them in year one. They also So Fla and Army penciled in for 2011 and two open spots which most likely will be Western Mich or Nevada types added on there so 2011 could be another soft year for a new coach to dominate. I am really hoping Kelly comes on board. They need to get someone who has won before at a program with less talent. They will turn this around. There last 3 choices are ridiculous for a program of this stature (two coordinators with no head coaching experience and a guy with experience who had a mediocre career at best beforehand). The only worse move was bring on a high school coach like they did with Faust which was beyond ridiculous. The names being thrown around now are not stretches. The job is enticing on so many levels:
1) Solid Recruits (Thank you Charlie)
2) Weaker schedules than ever before for ND
3) $$$$
4) Reputation that will go with restoring the ND program.
Meyer and Stoops restored great programs in FLA and OU but that will be nowhere near looked at in the same light as it would be with turning around ND now. How great would Lou look today if he followed Devine instead of Faust. He would have looked just like Devine does. If you ranked the all time greatest coaches at ND, Ara and Holtz often get a higher ranking than a guy like Devine. This is all do to the fact that Ara and Holtz are viewed as saving the program and Devine was looked as a guy who continued the winning tradition. This will be very enticing for guys like Stoops, Kelly and even Urban. I am not saying ND holds all the cards and can get any of them that they want, but I am confident that they can get one of these in demand coaches. There is too many positive intangibles that it will be hard not to take the leap to come on board here.
I agree with this article totally.
When Weis came to ND, we were having a crisis of confidence that we couldn’t recruit talented high school athletes anymore because the academic standards were too high (Paul Hornung). Weis came and sold the academic program as an asset and was able to turn that perception around. In my mind, he made ND relevant again in terms of recruiting, and we owe him our thanks for that.
In the end, he wasn’t able to get the best out of his players. That’s ultimately how head coaches must be judged.
I wish Charlie well. It’s time to move on.
On a different note I would like to see this site focus a bit more on the latest and greatest in recruiting. Other sites are all over the recruiting scene. you have to give us something to get excited about instead of endless Charlie articles. Also give us more on ND basketball. Harangody is a potential player of the year and there is barely any articles on him or the team.
I don’t think Charlie would get fired mid-season, but I do think this is his last season. I would just like to say, Charlie Weis has lost to many “have to win” games. I fought for a long time to keep Weis in South Bend, but now I have lost faith. Weis has had his chance and he is done. I would like to see Skip Holtz
we need a guy whose on his way to the top and is hungry, not someone who has already tasted the glory in the nfl or college,, skip is not a chip off the old block he couldnt make it happen like dadddy lou.. nw.. fitzgerald or cin.. kelly,, harbough loves luck to much to leave
the players we recruit versus the team we played this yr..
USC better and michigan is equivalent. Everyone else we blow away in recruiting. Check espn it is for all to see..
How many teams this season did we blow away?
NEVADA and ??????
CW destroyed by Ohio State in bowl
CW destroyed by LSU in a bowl (JAMARCUS Russell QB)
His only claim to Fame are close games against average teams. They did have USC beat at home one yr but we weren’t able to seal the deal.
A history of big losses..
This yr we could of easily been a top ten team.
This team makes to many basic mistakes.
ND lost to very good teams. I agree on the mistakes. Too many penalties and poor clock management.
Syracuse is a VERY GOOD TEAM???? WHAT!!!!!!!!!
Michigan sucks this year too!!!!
What if ND wins out with a bowl win. Thats 9-4. You guys still think a 9-4 coach will be booted out? I am only asking this question with this particular scenario.
it depends on the 9-4 record, if they are running the ball well and the defense shows significant improvement I say give them another year, if they are come from behind victories where jimmy, tate and floyd put the game on their shoulders again I say no. This team isn’t far and in way ahead of where they were two years ago, but a lack of defensive recruiting is being exposed. We need some big guys on the d-line that can get to the QB, like Omar Hunter!!
He deserves our respect and appreciation. No question. However, no matter how you cut it he is an overall .500 coach at the end of his 5th year (with no signature wins or anything remotely like it). If he stays (he should NOT) then we can expect more of the same (consistently mediocre) next year (or worse) as Jimmy, Golden, Sam Young and others will be in the NFL by then
It’s extremely hard for me to have empathy for such an arrogant individual. On three different occasions I had an opportunity to meet Weis and on three different occasions he looked down his nose at me like I had the plague. His own stubborness and arrogance contributed to his downfall. As far as what he did for the team, he was being paid $3,000.000 a year to do it, and he even failed at that. To show sympathy for the arrogant loser would take a better man then I am. I am extremely happy to see him go. He could leave right now and it wouldn’t be soon enough for me.
Wow Frank it sounds like you are a “it’s all about me” kind of guy just like you say Weis is. I wonder if you are an alum also. I hope the next coach will meet with you, so he wins your approval. This article is well written and to the point. Go Irish
Bull ticky.
What a bunch of crap. Arrogance is the job, Frank. How do you convince Jimmy Clausen to come to South Bend? Do you do it with a deep sense of deference? No, you show your Super Bowl rings and you tell him, “Let’s go win a national title in South Bend.”
Arrogance is vital. You think Urban Meyer is humble? Come on. Ty Willingham was humble. That’s not a good trait for a big time college coach.
Ty was smug, smarmy, self satisfied, all types of “S” words. Those are good traits for a human being, let alone a college coach.
I don’t know how I feel about CW leaving, he has put together a very potent offense, the defense just can’t get off the field. If Charlie stays he needs a new defensive coordinator, someone that can fire those guys up. I don’t think that anyone can deny this is one of the best pass offenses in the country, how good would this team be if they could run the ball and play defense? If CW goes, I wonder if Bill Cohwer would consider college football.
yeah C thats what I would hope for also, but me being an ex colege football player these kids are all ready going through enough, just dealing with being at ND is big, let alone defensive coordinators. Its hard to constantly learn new defenses and different schemes every other year…. Its like buying a new car every year. you never get the true feeling of it and here comes another one. We need consistantcy for these kids here, thats what it comes down here. But most important leadership and teaching these men about life and growth…
“He loves Notre Dame and this wasn’t just another job for him. It was THE job for him”
Thank you Frank ….. You helped me feel better about feeling bad.
I say give him more time, but I do understand the opposing view.
Frank! Where are the opponent rankings for this week?
I absolutely give him credit for his off-the-field success. No problems with players, a 94% graduation rate (#1 in the NCAA) etc. I think as a man, Charlie Weis’s heart is in the right place. But as a coach, well you all know that’s a different story.
If he gets canned, I do wish him the best. There is no reason to harbor resentment and that’s not what we’re about.
Damn, Frank. Almost got a little misty there. Couldn’t have said it better. My dad was telling me he sent off an e-mail to the athletic dept saying basically what you did. When Ty left, I said “good”. Right now, it’s “damn shame”.
I don’t think CW would have even made it into this year without his work ethic; he definitely put his full effort into the job. Similar to any bench player that is a crowd favorite (Anello for example), hard work may garner respect and appreciation yet both coaches and fans know that championships aren’t built by 2nd and 3rd teamers.
CW’s work ethic and love for the university make the decision that much harder, but there is no way an objective review of his tenture can lead anyone to believe things will ever get better. Record excluded, the team continues to make the same mistakes and breaks down on the same fundamentals week after week and year after year.
In the final review, CW works hard but at $4MM a year, top 40 results just aren’t acceptable for a $70MM business.
Well said, but it’s over. Time to cut the cord and move on.
I just hope he shows some humility when it is all said and done.
Agree poz. Honestly, I don’t care that he “tried hard.” I try hard at my job too and don’t make a fraction of the amount that Charlie does. I think his arrogance and overal pompous attitude hurt the image of the school. It’s fine when you can back it up, but when you can’t, it makes ND look like a joke, which is very sad to see.
I’ll say one other thing. It’s really bothered me that its taken so many ND alum so long to realize Weis has been a failure – just b/c he’s a fellow alum, they give him every benefit of the doubt. That’s been frustrating.
I hope that when the next coach comes in and has similar results after the same amount of time,you will feel the same way. The fans and alumni of this school need to decide what they stand for. Is it good football and a graet academic reputauion or vice versa. Name one leading academic institution that has a consistently stellar football team.
This team has been exciting and frustrating. I suspect that the fans of USC, Oklahoma, Penn State,Miami and Florida State feel the same way. Want Urban Meyer? Would you take the arrest records of the Florida Gators? How about Jim Tressel? Look it up? The worst thing that has happened to this team is Jimmy Clausen driving someone to buy beer!
I am not a Notre Dame alum. I moved here on the last game of the Bob Davie era. maybe this week would be a great week for the Notre Dame faithful to give thanks for what they have AND for what they don’t.
Name me a potential coach and I will give you several reason to retain this coach and not hire the new guy.
You miss the point. ND is getting the athletes – Weis’s recruiting classes are consistently in the top tier. WE ARE GETTING THE ATHLETES WE NEED. So if we’re getting the athletes, but the product on the field doesn’t reflect that, then what does that indicate??
There are a number of programs that can’t/don’t get the caliber of athlete that ND does (BC and Stanford to name a couple) yet they can hanng with us/beat us. The difference is coaching. Those coaches get the most out of their players and Weis doesn’t.
Personally, I’d much rather watch a team that doesn’t have blue chip players, but is consistently prepared every week, plays as a team and plays to their potential. That’s what amateur athletics is all about. Charlie might understand that if he had ever encountered that before coming to ND.
Don’t excuse the current state of the program. Charlie has showed that you can still recruit at ND – unfortunately he’s also shown he can’t coach too.
So I guess one losing season is too much for you to take. Was the writing on the wall in the second 9-3 season or season number 3 when everyone knew that that season was going to be utterly difficult. Weis deserved every bit of his five years.
Thanks MMA83d, you help prove my point.
I have nothing against Charlie and wish him well. I just don’t think he’s a good college football coach – at least his body of work reflects that If you needed a loss at Navy 2 weeks ago to make that point clear to you, than either you’re not paying attention or you needed to take your Charlie blinders off. Amongst the litany of indicators that Charlie was not right for the job are
1) His teams are consistently UNPREPARED from week to week
2) His teams always get worse as the year progresses
Both of these are symptomatic of poor coaching. If you can’t see that, than I’m sorry
Your points are good, and I agree a change is needed. I do stick with my last point however, he deserved 5 years. To have fired CW last year would not have made sense.
Bring in Urban Meyer or Bob stoops
I like that attitude
I don’t think Weis’ teams are “unprepared” consistently, week after week. I don’t think that is it at all.
His teams, consistently, lack intensity. I go back to the BC game last year, when we lost 17-0. I remember seeing BC fans wonder aloud if the kids had any heart. Our kids. I mean, that is the biggest problem with Weis. His teams come out flat in nearly every game. It’s really unfortunate.
My sense is that Weis is a pro guy. He’s not used to the pregame speeches and the pregame pep because his job in the pros was to be analytical, not motivational. And, college kids absolutely NEED motivation. They need to be told to go out there and kick some Husky tail. And, when they make mistakes on the practice field or on the playing field, the coach needs to chew them out. That is college coaching.
And, Weis just hasn’t shown an ability to do this. Our kids are more talented than nearly every team we played this year. I think that may be the case of last year, too, with the exception of Southern Cal. It’s getting the talent motivated in a way that makes them play their absolute hardest on every single play that is what justifies the high-priced coach. Weis hasn’t done that.
On the flip side, this feels better than in 2001. I mean, the program is better. Weis brought recruits to ND. It’s too bad he hasn’t been able to motivate them in a way that would get them to win every Saturday.
Teo, with all due respect:
“Is there really a big difference between preparation and motivation. I don’t see it in your post. Sorry!”
I think, absolutely, there is a big difference between preparation and motivation. The kids are, generally, prepared under Weis. That is, they are usually aware of what the defense gives them and they try to take it. The trouble is that soooo often, guys are unmotivated. How many times have you seen an offensive linemen lollygaggin’ it? How often does some UConn player (or Trojan or Eagle) get past us and get to the quarterback. It’s not because we aren’t prepared. It’s because our guys are unmotivated. They expect things to be given to them because Weis has not disciplined them otherwise.
In big-time college football, there aren’t too many differences between a three-star recruit and a five-star recruit. But, there is a major difference between a guy who wants to be out there hitting people, outrunning people, catching passes over the middle, etc., and a guy who knows his route and only does his route. There is no fire on this squad. Maybe it was Navy. My hunch is that it’s Weis’ inability to motivate guys.
there is a difference between preparation and motivation.
Look at ND in 93-the so called “No names”
they over came and won all but one–against all odds.
Being Prepared is going through the motions.
Think of a musician who sings with no guts or feeling.
They do the job-but with no soul. THAT is what is lacking in ND on the field.
Very little soul and fire and testosterone and IN YOUR FACE.
( not to be confused with thugs-not at all)
I hope that makes it clear Joey D-Passion.
I agree with Teo.
I hope this makes his points clear to you.
Furthermore, Weis IS leaving ND in better shape than what worthless Bob Davie ( who was nothing less than then AD /WAdswroth’s puppet–or his bitch.)
Weis knows the x an d o’s
but VERY little passion.
We have NOT had that at ND since beloved Lou was here.
NOT at all.
I DO see this is Teo’s post.
Well put — thanks.
Teo is right. I’m a woman with a husband and 2 sons and I made this call years ago. Weis does not know how to coach “kids.” The first clue for me was poor team performances at home. In college football, passion rules, and if you can’t win games at home, you definitely have a lack of passion. The men in my family ignored my opinion for years when I would say Charlie does not understand how to coach college kids. I listened to the males in my family talk eagerly about this season as “the one; the season where we take it all.” I had no confidence that this season would be different than other recent seasons. Early on in the season my older son adopted my viewpoint, but it took my husband until the Navy game to get the picture: Charlie can’t coach kids.
I love Charlie Weis for everything positive he has done for the program. I believe he should have been moved into the Athletic Director Position years ago instead of being offered a 10 year extension on his Coaching contract. His recruiting is the best we’ve seen in a long time. He’s a good man and I will mourn his loss. But let’s find a coach who understands both kids and football. God Bless Charlie Weiss and God Bless Notre Dame.
Well said. Weis’s hard work and love for the university cannot be denied. He has added quality players, but the fact that ND has had only two players drafted by the NFL over the past two years is indicative of their overall talent. The players seem to like him, yet something seems to get lost from practice to game day. If this is Weis’s last game, I hope that ND fans will focus on the positives, which they are many, and not the negatives.