What was arguably the biggest story of college football in 2012, has now become the story that never was. A somber tale of Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o losing his Grandmother and alleged girlfriend in the span of 6 hours on the same day, had captivated not only the sports nation, but the nation in general. Events took place that softened the hearts of the most hardened, and had people who despise Irish football, rooting for a man who had dealt with two substantial emotional blows, and still found the strength to lead his team on the field in victory. As the story spread, and media outlets picked up on it, it started to gain momentum. So much so, that it thrust Te’o into the national spotlight and he found himself emotionally recanting the story on national television, and allowed the nation to mourn with him.
As the season progressed, the story would be covered in promos for pregame analysis, and post game interviews week after week. While the story became its own entity off the field, Te’o had elevated his play on the field. The combination of the linebacker’s play, and his seemingly unwavering loyalty to his family and team, had launched his name into the Heisman discussion. Neither Te’o or his story would lose steam as the Irish kept winning, and his determination was on display week in and week out, for the nation to see. He became so popular and beloved as a man and as a player, that he would eventually make his way to New York, and find himself as a Heisman finalist, and eventually the runner-up.
Fast forward to January 16th, 2013. A day like any other day, until mid-afternoon when an online publication by the name of “Deadspin” had released a story that was so alarming and unbelievable, that it read more like a story from the satirical site “The Onion”. The article claimed that the story the nation had become so engrossed in with Manti Te’o, was nothing more than an elaborate hoax, and one that Manti himself might have been in on. We are sure you know the story by now, and more details keep pouring in, seemingly on an hourly basis. What makes the story so difficult to accept and understand, is that there no reasoning behind it. If Te’o was truly using this as a tool to garner sympathy and votes for the Heisman race, one figures he could have simply used the death of his grandmother, Annette Santiago, to do so.
Now there are reports that teammates knew that Lennay Kekua wasn’t Manti’s girlfriend as early as the Michigan State game this season. One teammate asking for anonymity, stated “No we all knew he had only seen her once. But when the media was saying how he went through both deaths we knew”. There have also been reports that a family friend of Manti, Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, may have been behind all of this, including the fake twitter account of the alleged girlfriend, and her sister. Friends of Tuiasosopo and Manti have gone on record as stating that they are 80% sure that Manti was in on it, and did so seeking publicity. Te’o was expected to do an interview yesterday with ESPN’s Jeremy Schapp, but for reasons unknown, that interview was canceled. There have also been reports of roommates of Manti, being there when he received the call about the “love of his life” passing, and describing a young man in terrible pain, and enduring horrible emotional trauma.
Just when the world was ready to accept that Lennay Kekua never existed, former Arizona Cardinals fullback Reagan Maui’a claims to have met the “fictitious” girlfriend before her and Manti were supposedly an item. What this implies is that if Ronaiah Tuiasosopo did truly pull one over on Te’o, he did the same thing to Maui’a, and went as far as to have someone physically faking to be her, and spend time with the then Cardinal fullback. To help validate the meeting(s) Maui’a went on to describe the young lady “”She was tall,” he said. “Volleyball-type of physique. She was athletic, tall, beautiful. Long hair. Polynesian. She looked like a model … ” Maui’a claimed that the two met in 2011 at a charity event, and it was none other than Tuiasosopo that introduced them. Does this also mean that the young woman that Te’o met with and spent time on the field after Notre Dame’s loss in Palo Alto, was also someone who was pretending to be Lennay Kekua?
If you are familiar with social media, then you obviously are aware of the craziness that has surrounded this story on Twitter. People have flocked to the social media format to express their thoughts, share questions, and of course make jokes. Some have been in good nature, while others have not been so kind to any of the parties involved.
“I love Mant’i, I truly do, but this is the “love of your life” and you never met her? That’s kind of crazy just saying.”
“If Manti Te’o is telling the truth, talk now. Delaying looks like he needs time to concoct a story. Truth takes no time”
“Doesn’t sound like a “hoax.” It sounds like a pathological liar got caught in the little world he created”
“Wall Street Journal reporting Manti Te’o already millions of dollars in debt after promising millions to starving Nigerian emailers”
These are just some examples of personal Tweets from people, and there were many, many more that not only crucified Te’o, but Notre Dame also. Speaking of the University, Notre Dame’s Athletic Director Jack Swarbrick held his own press conference, and with a very heavy heart, emotionally stated that Manti Te’o is “the single most trusting individual I have ever met.” And also said that “Every single thing about this was real to Manti,” “There was no suspicion. The grief was real, the affection was real, and that’s the sad nature of this cruel game.” Swarbrick made it abundantly clear that he and the University are fully behind Mr. Te’o. He also claimed that the relationship between Manti and Lennay was “exclusively an online relationship.” Which brought into question again the supposed meeting in Palo Alto between the two.
The next few days will be very interesting for everyone who is following this story. Details are sure to come, some verified, and some not, and it will be up to the individual on what they choose to believe or not. We know this, whatever the outcome winds up being, this is truly a sad story. One that involves deceit, possible conspiracy, and disregard for the fellow being. We truly hope that Irish fans themselves, understand they have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. No matter what the outcome, this story consists of individuals that acted not on the behalf of the University or its football team, but rather on their own. Although media and people not part of Irish nation will surely try to depict Irish fans and their program in a negative way, this incident in no way defines the University of Notre Dame, its football team, or its fans.
I didn’t mean to infer that you were picking on OSU or their factually correct weak schedules of the recent past or near future. I don’t like competing against or having to watch the Kent’s, Akron’s, etc. more than anyone else. I also don’t mean to diminish any anguish felt over the Manti saga, it is a murky situation and there are no winners here.
I don’t ever remember this amount of disdain for OSU’s non-conference schedule. Is it because the Big Ten was so disrespected this year? Maybe, but Michigan, Nebraska, Wisconsin and even Northwestern gave a good account of themselves in their bowl games. In ’02 we rounded up the usual suspects and even needed an INT late to hold off Cicinnati(?) but nobody talks about that because I guess the Big Ten was perceived to be stronger that year and we beat a Miami team that was supposed to destroy us. And to be clear, when I say there was disdain for OSU’s schedule this year it came from all corners not just here.
I am glad the Buckeyes were ineligible this year because while I would relish a matchup with ND I there would have been a grave injustice done. Alabama was the best team whether we like it or not. Besides, I have seen the comments here and while we may not enjoy losing to teams that we don’t like it points out your(our) weaknesses and it makes us better. How good will it feel for the first team that breaks the SEC dominance?
to cotinue–larger tha life photos of Eddie George photos with the Notre Dame game of 95 are placed there? Big win, huh? Indeed it was.
Buckeye you are on this site out of curiousity for Manti and what ND fans are saying. Pray for him. I pray for many a player ND or not and hope that they can find themselves in a world which is relentless when a public figure especially a 21 year old BOY falls from grace. Sorry about the type errors–and good luck to your team. I WISH YOUR boys would have forfeited the right to play LAST year so that OSU could have played ND this year. Alabma was too much for us and we didn’t have a game plan. OPSU QB would have given us a lot but ND would have won. We will never know!!
Again–pray for Manti–he needs it. I guess we all do.
Buckeye–your insight is interesting. My main reference in this post was about Teo and how the media will lick their chops, attack and get their own story for only so long. My heart goes out to him and to anyone who has been placed on a pedestal only to be shot down and shot more when they are wounded. He didn’tc commit a crime, he didn’t do crack, sell things for profit and break these NCAA rules–which should be all to familiar to you. He did get sucked in to a situation which is sad, pathetic and as I stated before —the bitter side of a naive portion of his life. I pray he gets counseling and looks forward to a prosperous and healthy life.
My reference to OSU ( and others) was that things don’t last forever. Things do go in cylces. The individual above our “dialogue” was names Hurls. He said ND Last championship 1988??? Dont worry be happy. My reference to THAT in context was I do not believe that will be the LAST title given to ND because of all things cyclical. The SEC can’t win forever and some teams had to wait a LONG time for a national title including perennial powers such as your Buckeyes and Michigan. THAt was my refrence.
As for the reference to the schedule I was not quite clear, was I? Poor writing indeed on my part. What I MEANT Buckeye was that OSU , MIchigan and others have soft non conference games which serve only to bolster the halfway point to bowl eligibility with 3 wins in the Septmeber home games at Noon which are basic snooze fests with the likes of Akron, Kent and next year opening with Buffalo.( My brother in law bleeds scarlet and gray and stated that he would not walk across the street for free to see his Buckeyes given where things are right now. These are his words not mine.)
To be sure, OSU did play Texas and USC –and NOtre Dame and Boston College and Miami and ???? all the in state teams time and time again. The games against ND were slaughters for the Buckeyes. The games with Texas and USC were rare–good games to be sure. The Big Ten has been less than impressive and all who truly analyze football can see that. NOt to be defensive whatsoever, if OSU had a National Scheudle they may find it difficult to play well outside of the midwest most of the time. While the Dispatch and the Boards of fans complain about the Soutern teams not coming north to play the Big ten in “cold Novembers” one must remember that it is very, very rare that the ” Snow Bowl” atmosphere of OSU/ MICH is even more than very, very , very rare indeed. Southern teams HAVE come north–to South Bend–AND in November. Playing SC is an annual occurence for ND–and the IRish too have played Texas in home and home series all without playing in state MAC teams even though the complaint section of the Dispatch to “Ray” has accused Notre Dame of playing Ball State. In fact we have played Western Michigan–just once. Moreover, when I read and hear that the Service Acadmies are “gimmes’ the last two times OSU has played Academy teams they have one loss to Air Force and one close win to a spirited Navy team which the Bucks barely came away with the win. Perhaps OSU would do their country well by playing THESE Noble teams to bolster themselves against triple options that the Acadamies can give headaches to the opponet–Notre Dame Includled. ( and as you found out -Ohio State too)
The Buckeys has many BCS wins and you are to be congratulated for that. My post was not–nor will it EVER be OSU centered. The main post was–again–cyclice—the media frenzy to get a story–hoping for Manti and the best for him–cylicla things about teams waiting for titles and all things good happening to them—and OSU and MIch having to wait a long time for their turn at a crown. The reference to weak schedules is clear–eye of the beholder or not. I have read how OSU fans resent Florida playing W. Carolina! Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? I never said they “always played nobody” Your BCS era accomplishments–inclduing a decisive win over the Irish are noted and worth remembering. That said, while the folks on High Street believe that ND is irrelevant, why is it that on the Gateway of the OSU campus that larger than life fades
Buckeye–your insight is interesting. My main reference in this post was about Teo and how the media will lick their chops, attack and get their own story for only so long. My heart goes out to him and to anyone who has been placed on a pedestal only to be shot down and shot more when they are wounded. He didn’tc commit a crime, he didn’t do crack, sell things for profit and break these NCAA rules–which should be all to familiar to you. He did get sucked in to a situation which is sad, pathetic and as I stated before —the bitter side of a naive portion of his life. I pray he gets counseling and looks forward to a prosperous and healthy life.
My reference to OSU ( and others) was that things don’t last forever. Things do go in cylces. The individual above our “dialogue” was names Hurls. He said ND Last championship 1988??? Dont worry be happy. My reference to THAT in context was I do not believe that will be the LAST title given to ND because of all things cyclical. The SEC can’t win forever and some teams had to wait a LONG time for a national title including perennial powers such as your Buckeyes and Michigan. THAt was my refrence.
As for the reference to the schedule I was not quite clear, was I? Poor writing indeed on my part. What I MEANT Buckeye was that OSU , MIchigan and others have soft non conference games which serve only to bolster the halfway point to bowl eligibility with 3 wins in the Septmeber home games at Noon which are basic snooze fests with the likes of Akron, Kent and next year opening with Buffalo.( My brother in law bleeds scarlet and gray and stated that he would not walk across the street for free to see his Buckeyes given where things are right now. These are his words not mine.)
To be sure, OSU did play Texas and USC –and NOtre Dame and Boston College and Miami and ???? all the in state teams time and time again. The games against ND were slaughters for the Buckeyes. The games with Texas and USC were rare–good games to be sure. The Big Ten has been less than impressive and all who truly analyze football can see that. NOt to be defensive whatsoever, if OSU had a National Scheudle they may find it difficult to play well outside of the midwest most of the time. While the Dispatch and the Boards of fans complain about the Soutern teams not coming north to play the Big ten in “cold Novembers” one must remember that it is very, very rare that the ” Snow Bowl” atmosphere of OSU/ MICH is even more than very, very , very rare indeed. Southern teams HAVE come north–to South Bend–AND in November. Playing SC is an annual occurence for ND–and the IRish too have played Texas in home and home series all without playing in state MAC teams even though the complaint section of the Dispatch to “Ray” has accused Notre Dame of playing Ball State. In fact we have played Western Michigan–just once. Moreover, when I read and hear that the Service Acadmies are “gimmes’ the last two times OSU has played Academy teams they have one loss to Air Force and one close win to a spirited Navy team which the Bucks barely came away with the win. Perhaps OSU would do their country well by playing THESE Noble teams to bolster themselves against triple options that the Acadamies can give headaches to the opponet–Notre Dame Includled. ( and as you found out -Ohio State too)
The Buckeys has many BCS wins and you are to be congratulated for that. My post was not–nor will it EVER be OSU centered. The main post was–again–cyclice—the media frenzy to get a story–hoping for Manti and the best for him–cylicla things about teams waiting for titles and all things good happening to them—and OSU and MIch having to wait a long time for their turn at a crown. The reference to weak scheudles has been stated but not well in the previous post. Abundantly clear–the Big ten is weak , has been
A popular song in 1988-89, for ND’s last NatChamp?
Bobby McFerrin.
“Don’t worry, be happy.”
(ooooo – oooo – oooo- oooo – oooo -oo – oo – ooooo – oooooo)
Victim Manti’s saga is tragically ridiculous.
Indecency is no laughing matter.
Hurls–there is VERY LITTLE to laugh about these days when I see the “news.” The left wing liberal media they say is controlled by certain groups. ( I don’t buy it–I think it’s certain individuals whose only claim to fame will be a certain story until THEIR demise is met head on with their own fall from grace and so called truth) —
We have QUIT the news in our house. We know what is going on to a certain extent but don’t need the weight of the bad things in DETAIL in our psyche–people die from such things. The wife and I know about Middle East, Washington, N/S Korea and all that and general things but malice and envy and the reporters rubbing their hands just to see who they can crucify next is not on our agenda. We pray for Manti. He is better than this. Incenceny is no laughing matter, indeed. There are fewer things less decent than the media and their self centered demonic frenzy. BTW, 1988 will not be the last Championship for Notre Dame. I will lay my salary on it. SEC can’t win forever, USC has cheated only so much and the Big 10 whimpy and soft schedules like OSU will only continue to catch up with them. Things go in cycles-Mich had to wait practically 50 years for their ONE title OSwho had to wait for their title since 68 when they won in 02 ( 70) if you believe certain polls at that time–with OSwho and MEECH not being the only games in town anymore, they are challenged except when the big 10 ( 12) is pathetic as it has been. Florida powers will impress and South Car. will do something–mark my words–and I say good for them. Anybody but the ghetto of miami canes. No SEC streak can’t go on forever—and Les Miles can only talk so long ( wonder whne the medai will go after him and others like him who lack the grace and etiquette on post game conferences) well—good night–stay away from general news—-it is best–and yes Hurls
Indeceny is no laughing matter, is it Lane Kiffin? Is it Ohio State? Is it Penn State? Is it Miami with your multiple sins still looming? Is it Cam Newton? Indecency–you can see the pictures of the above next to the defintion of the word in the dictionary———–
yep don’t worry be happy——
I think you have mischaracterized the Buckeye’s schedule strength. The last couple of years, yes it has been less than stellar but Michigan’s mediocrity looks to be ending and who knew when they were put on the schedule that Miami would still be floundering.
OSU had home-and-home games with Texas and USC when both programs were on top. Wisconsin, Penn State, Michigan State and now Nebraska are not gimme’s for anybody.
To me strength of schedule is in the eyes of the beholder and for two teams that don’t play each other, like OSU and ND, it can offer the only grounds for debate but it is an inexact science at best.
Again, the Buckeyes schedule has been weak recently but it’s not something we enjoy and it’s unfair to paint them as always playing nobody. After all in the BCS era they are first in BCS bowl appearances and tied with USC for most BCS bowl wins.
To you arguement on strength of schedule, all you can do is schedule teams that are traditional powers. If they are horrible that year there is nothing you can do.
If you are in a conference you need to make at least 50% of your games tough games. Now if you look at OSU’s out of conference schedule the past years even if they play a Texas or USC it is only one of the four games. They need to schedule a top tier team and a middle of the road from a BCS conference, not Ohio or other MAC schools. The Big Ten Schools love playing MAC teams in the beginning of the year. The month of September is littered with meaningless games and if we are not having a playoff than I want to see more games between the big conferences. Two cupcakes and the rest are of a BCS conference nature. The only team ND plays that is a MAC type team is Navy and that is a game they will never give up.
Actually, we play Navy, AFA, and Temple next year so lets not get carried away.
Look at next years schedule. They Play a stretch of UM, Purdue, MSU, OU, ASU, USC and end the year at Standford. If you look at my arguement I said two cup cakes is fine and playing one top notch program and one middle of the road program from a BCS conference. There are only three teams on their schedule from non-BCS conferences AF, Navy and BYU and BYU is an independent.
The sad thing about this whole episode is that Teo was first dragged through the mud and only now does it appear to all that he was a victim. This is a perfect example of the fact that sports writers are not real journalists. Nor are they above sensationalism and titilation. It’s also a perfect example of realtime journalism and publishing brain farts is bad.
Finally, this should be a lesson that while blogging and online communication might be fun, one must be very careful.
I feel very sorry for the Teo family right now. Manti is better than this. A good kid who is being written about repeatedly in context of true wrong doers in sports.
ESPN should apologize when it’s over. Who in the press truly criticizes the press. Get 5 reporters to tell everyone that someone said the sky is green and you’ll get 20,000 bloggers posting how wrong it was to say the sky is green and that it’s a green sky conspiracy. Mud always sticks even if it’s not true.
So sad!
I would love to see how the media would react if this had been a female college athlete. My guess is, the coverage, witch hunt and mockery would not be tolerated, nor in some ways, advanced by the media.
The person who organized this hoax (and who we found out today used a voice changer on the phone), needs to pay for this. I’m not sure what legal action could be taken, but if I was Te’o, I’d do all I could to make sure he perfected his female voice in prison. I have a feeling he’d be popular in general population, holding onto some belt loops.
Your point about it being a female vs. a male athlete is ABSOLUTELY dead on target. I was just talking about that hypothetical yesterday. If the athlete was female, the media and any/all detractors would be raked over the coals and lambasted as being sexist and mashochistic etc.
ESPN, who over the years, hasn’t missed an oppertunity to take a swipe at ND, and have done their fair share of jumping the gun and bashing ND over this one, did publicate a Te’o support story today.
In the spirit of fairness, you may want to check out the story by ESPN Sports writer Ivan Maisel titled “Manti Te’o has got goodness”.
You can draw your own conclusions / opinions, but if you would like any advice from me, I would skip the “comments” section that follows the story.
I’m curious – who printed this non-story in the first place? It must have been someone close to the ND community, probably even knows Manti. I hope it wasn’t UHND. Didn’t anybody bother to check the facts? Where was the university press office – wouldn’t we want to send flowers? Why isn’t Katy Couric interviewing the reporter that uncovered this “scoop”? And why did everyone else keep repeating the story without checking the facts? Now they’re leaving no stone unturned to shift the blame to Te’o or someone else.
GOOD POINT BRUCE B!!! I THINK IT IS A COMBINATION!! YOU ROCK. ( as for me–personally—I’ve stayed the hell away from the news–i have little children and the pitty pat of little feet need not be drowned by the negativity of gun control–omg—horrifc Sandy hook and a much lesser thing like Manti’s debacle or whoever started this shit)–News is all hype to get ratings and folks have you noticed—it is getting MEANER? not just ND-Not just tragic things–but lots of things and almost every thing—pray for each other–BRUCE you are right—
SO WHY WHY is Manti doing this?
Why is he agreeing to do this?
Should he not let it die and refuse to answer more?
He said, she said, they said, spin zones, ND bashing,
Catholic ( and Mormon) bashing
the line gets bigger and bigger.
I really question WHY Manti is doing this!!!
Does he realize that this would ( no matter what he says or does not say)
will sway opinions against him all the more –and ND—and a poor attempt and the snooty but subtle Katie? ( she keeps her cool as others sweat and she is raking in $$$$ for this) Shame on the media.
AND—-Manti —–WHY ??? What IS IN IT FOR MANTI???
Time to be a man=–and walk away—-this January sucks for Notre Dame.
The Least of the problems was the loss in an otherwise GREAT season.
Oh boy–this world is topsy-turvey!!
I don’t mind the media coverage. Heard much about Alabama this month? lol
Outside of a few days after the game, it’s been all ND, good, bad or indifferent. The fact ND football is talked about daily bugs the haters more than anything else.
Personally, I like seeing ND football images pop up on ESPN and mainstream media daily.
Patrick–good point
bama won-
bully for them
good for them
ND didn’t have a game plan and bama has got to be wearing Kansas State and Oregon shirts SOME of the time–( two losses, same night, you know? without which they would NOT have been there)
So bama with their 75 % grad rate –and I wonder what their classes are like makes me wonder even more—
meanwhile while they are looking –maybe those same reporters should look at their own mirrors or one night stands or tricks while on the road–why aren’t THEY reported? ( it happens after all—)
So while they like to knowck folks off a pedestal justified or not–it is only a matter of time before they are knocked off THEIR own self made pedestal—not much of a foundation there is it?
Media = Lies
Amen. The media (outside of a few outlets) is nothing but junk reporting. Plain and simple.
Well guys, are you ready to crap your underoos? Next up, the Katie Couric exclusive 1st national interview on our CONSPIRACY PROBLEM; now including mom and dad set for Thursday. (Google-it!) Yeah, you heard right, the Anti-Catholic Queen of Queens Katie Couric! Rest assurded, you would have a better chance for a positive outcome with the devil.
You have got to be kidding me. What in the world are these people thinking? I sure hope Swarbrick has a extra-large pair of depends ready, he’s definately going to need them. Well, draw your own conclusions off this article:
Katie Couric vs Those Controversial Catholics
Falling on a buzz-saw would indeed be less painless. If you think hating ND has reached it’s zenith in the media on this matter. Think again, this is only the begining, Couric without question, has hate-science down to an art form to ramp-up her ratings. Vindication is not part of the equation for Couric. You will witness only coldblooded-malicious-accousatory-accusations from Couric. It will be a blood bath trial-by-media event.
Time to pray for cancelation of this evil event.
I am no fan of Couric’s and could frankly care less about her. But it sounds like (admittedly I’ve not seen the interview) she gave him a fair shake. I agree with her sentiments:
Rare event for Couric! I’m sure we’ll witness her next victim, considering all the go-for-throat material documented over the coarse of her career. Hmmm…she-devil would come to mind.
Especially, with her patented wild-eyed stare-down interview tactics unleashed on many others in the past.
Consider it a lucky pass by Couric standards. Her sentiments always have a cryptic agenda.
Agreed. She’s a ditz and a hack, generally speaking.
I was on YOu Tube today studying this and that and other things.
THEN there it was–In Chinese no less, the conspiracy. Hate is a weapon
which is major. Wow!!! Hopefully with the swearing in of the President
( a very sad time for our nation) and it being MLK day and the Superbowl
maybe–just maybe things will blow over soon. I WONDER how Manti is today
and I wonder the effect this will have on the Notre Dame Irish next year?
Is this fair to ask. Isn’t it? I’m sick at heart and yes C-Dog Bleacher Report doesn’t exist –I’ve blocked them. Yes, Steel Fan the hate is irrational!!! January has been bleak, hasn’t it?
The hatred for ND on these sites is irrational. I have to stop looking at comments because they just make me mad and sick. What’s more, since I don’t have Facebook or Google+ or Twitter or other such I can’t even reply.
Like I’ve said, this should be our sole source for ND sports. If trolls some on here, we can and have dealth with them. Our reigning champs like JC, JDH, yourself, Shaz, and others can hold up our end. Here we have more control than at SB Nation or BR or ESPN.
I’ll continue to look from time to time at SB Nation, BR, and ESPN. But I’ll force myself not to look at the comments after the articles.
SFR, yes.
I wish there was a sports site willing to forgo the blog. Just scores and highlights.
I’ve decided that ESPN doesn’t really exist. I’ll be dropping my cable TV soon ( no joke ). Given that ND still has the NBC contract and I can get the IRISH on the radio, I can get all the sports I want. Still have the internet so that will take care of scores, highlights and really interesting games.
In addition, I’ll be looking to UHND as the only place I read blog posts regarding the IRISH. The rest is just hateful and frankly trailor trash stupid. I’ll be looking for a sports site for just scores and game analysis. The rest of the soap opera is for women who stopped watching, Days of Our Lives.
And by the way, SB Nation and Bleacher Report don’t really exist either.
Elizabeth II–not Elizabeth I–
The former is the Present Queen. The latter, daughter of the Tyrant
Henry VIII.
I stand corrected!
I pray for all –Manti and all. \\ I stand by my words and again Irish fans –stay true and pray for Manti–and for one another.
\\ \
Again–In my words at the end, referring to Helen Miren as Queen E. II not Queen I -obviously. My oversight–my apologies!!!
I’M LOYAL TO NOTRE DAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have read many comments here and have thought and prayed and thought again. So many of you are so right on many things. IT IS A SAD COMMENTARY ON OUR SOCIETY WHEN WE PLACE ANYBODY ON A PEDESTAL AND THEN FIND THEIR WEAKNESS OR MIKSTAKE ONLY TO KICK THEM AND SHOOT THE WOUNDED! This is EXACTLY what is happening here. Furthermore, even though Teo is Mormon
( Latter Day Saint) the affiliation with the Catholic Church -and thus-the hate-is indeed there. TO CATHOLICS AND ORTHODOX ALL READ: Jesus said to Simon Peter when he recognized HIM as THE Messiah ” I will build my Church! Upon this Rock (faith) THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT!
There have always been and always will be those who hate the affiliation with the Church – East or West -Catholic or Orthodox. We are Human. When mistakes are made the double standard is revealed. The SAME mistake could be made elsewhere and not one thing would be said. Far worse things HAVE happened –and there is no excuse for any of them at all. Such is the explanation for a fallen world whose only redemption -ironically is by the founder of the Church-Jesus Himself!
My heart goes out to Manti and I pray he receives some counseling. There is an obvious need for attention or the bitter portion of a naive side revealing itself. In this day and age when anything one writes on the web is set in stone we ALL must be careful.
These are things to ponder. STEEL FAN, D-TRAIN, CHI-TOWN and C-DOG perceive very well. J
JOEY “knuckelhead” ( lol -love the name) you are right–there are far worse things out there. AMHESET ANNE advises ALL of us about scams. I have received many viruses years ago from “Nigeria” or other places predominantly in the Middle East or Africa about “funds” being sent or how to “help” –I merely OPENED them and the computer was practically ruined. ( Needles to say, I blocked, fixed and don’t open anything like this at all!) Dont’ fall for these folks. Most of us are not in the spotlight like Manti. However, we ARE on the internet -so be wise and think. It is a society which is monitoring our moves and THAT is sad for all of us.
To those who are seeking promotion at the expense of others, guillible or not, Deadspin, The Onion, the horrible show called the View and the scowl intentionally made by reporters when certain names are mentioned show an obvious lack of what is true news and what is not. THIS SAME MEDIA WHICH GLOLRIFIES ITSELF AND ANSWERS TO NOBODY ( for now) reports that the recent Tragedy in Connecticut according to some was a conspiracy. ( The media didn’t SAY that–they REPORTED that some groups were saying that. THOSE GROUPS ARE THE ONES WHO SHOULD BE RAKED THROUGH THE COALS-the neo-Nazis-, skinheads, anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic groups–etc.)
I would say to all the true, blue Notre Dame people to shun the commentary made by those who have nothing but disdain for Notre Dame. They don’t deserve our attention EVEN when their SCREEN NAME refers to the Hosts of Heaven! SHAME on THEM. We should pray for them–and Manti.
The thing about the Media is that when the next “big thing” comes along this will be dust. Consume today-throw people in the line of a train and move on. This isn’t murder or terror. There is no excuse for the disproportion here. But things HAVE NO SEQUENCE OR SENSE WHEN A MEDIA IS OUT OF PROPORTION! This is where we are in our declining Western Society. We must be vigilant! Pray for yourselves, your children, Manti and all.
In conclusion, I think of the Movie about Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I entitled THE QUEEN. One line stands out when I think of this situation.
“But this IS your life. It isn’t FAIR; it is just a FACT! your entire life is under scrutiny. It is just a FACT!”
That’s right, D-Train.
This “story” is more about our society than it’s about Manti’s lack of judgment. While I don’t turn a blind eye to the ways Te’o and ND could’ve both gotten out in front of this sordid tale, I agree with your over-arching sociological analysis. The media, esp. the rampant anti-ND media that has re-appeared after this successful season, couldn’t wait for something like this to happen to ND football. Before this, they’d constantly bring up the Sullivan and Seeburgh tragedies since they had nothing else. Now, they link these tragedies with this non-story, proof that they really don’t care about either families or their grief. After all, who in their right mind thinks Te’o’s naivety and the Sullivan and Seeburgh tragedies should even be mentioned in the same breath?! While I agree ND could’ve done more in each case, the school has been exonarated of all wrong doing. Don’t count on the media to tell you that!
This “story” is about hatred of ND. Bottom line. Like you say, D-Train, this would be a non-story even at another big program. Because it happened at ND, however, it makes national headlines for days. Remember this next time you hear someone tell you ND is not relevant! So sad indeed!
It seems that Manti was the victim of his own poor judgment and a media circus bent on destroying his legacy and the reputation of ND. I don’t know if Manti will ever fully recover from this. I think his draft status has taken a drastic hit given how this incident affected his NC game performamce and the story’s aftermath the last few days. But I do know ND will get through this. ND will continue to be ND, win, lose, or draw! We’re not frontrunners like other school’s and conferences.
We are (and always will be) ND!
Go Irish!
Well now Manti has “spoken” two and a half hours worth. It would appear he has been “vindicated” re his role in this schmozzle. What never ceased to amaze me about today’s society is how when anyone who might loosely be termed a “hero” does ANYTHING that can contain a whiff/hint of impropriety all the NEVER WAS people of the world rejoice and stampede to have their say about that hero’s “fall from grace” In a world where politicians have zero credibility, church administrators the same and half of the supposed super stars of sport are involved in drugs, improper sexual conduct, theft, assaults etc here is a 21 yr old kid who got “sucked in for his naievety”. If he has gone to Bowling Green or Western Kentucky etc NO PROBLEM Because he is a star at ND well he even pushes Lance Armstrong off the front page. How sad that in a world almost bereft of heroes so many people lick their lips at any opportunity to try to destroy anyone who might be looked upon one by the youth of today. So sad.
As someone who is familiar with American evangelicals up close, don’t be taken by surprise by their anti-Catholicism, transitory “culture wars” alliances notwithstanding. Like you say, anti-Catholicism is the last acceptable prejudice in the otherwise “PC” US. And don’t for a moment think that ND isn’t a victim of hatred as a result.
I bet if we knew anything about the trolls that come on here we’d find out that most were either anti-Catholic radical secularists or even more likely white evangelicals who grew up hating the Catholic Church (in large part because of the lies said about it by other bigots).
It doesn’t take a Ph. D. in history to know anti-Catholicism is part of this country’s DNA and that ND football has been a champion of the Church for a long time. If we do the math, we’ll find out that ND football is hated not only for its history of success but because it’s a Catholic school in a WASP nation.
Go Irish!
Well said, C-Dog, well said.
The hatred of ND is out of any rational proportion. The hate transcends sports. It has also to do with religion, ethnicity (Catholics come in all races and ethnic groups, but have a large number of minorities), geography, class envy, etc.
You’ll hear the haters say ND and its fans are holier than thou. (BTW: If you want holier than thou talk, anyone hear what’s coming out of the pie holes of SEC fans over the last few years; sounds like they believe that they’re God’s new chosen people!) Yet the fans of other teams can hide behind that bromide that need feels superior to insult, denigrate, and justify their prejudices and hate of ND.
Just so sad we still live in a country with people who support the KKK, Neo-Nazis, “Christian Identity,” and other anti-Catholic and anti-minority hate groups. Not all WASPs ,hate ND; but if you hate ND you’re probably a WASP (or ex-Catholic proselytized by WASPs) or some other kind of anti-Catholic, anti-minority biggot.
Very well said. Like it or not, when ND gets on the field they represent the Catholic Church. Anti-Catholicism is really the last acceptable form of bigotry in this country. Many people hate Notre Dame because of their religious affiliation and the sometimes unpopular stance of the Church on social issues like gay marriage and abortion. Football has nothing to do with that, however i really think the religious undertones are hard to deny. Its much like the Scottish soccer team Glasgow Celtic (founded by Irish priests and historically made up of Cathoic players) vs Glasgow Rangers (which until recently never fielded a Catholic). When those two teams play each other its Irish vs British, Catholic vs Protestant. Im proud to be a Catholic and proud to be an ND fan. Im partially an ND fan because im Catholic and theres nothing wrong with that. But i have noticed that many who dislike Notre Dame do so because it is a Catholic institution with a religious message. With all the black eyes we have suffered with the Church i really hope ND comes out of this ok, because like it or not, anything negative will be applied to the school, football team, and the Church as a whole.
This whole business is sad. I’m not talking about Teo or Notre Dame, or the hoaxters. I’m talking sports fandom and sports media. The media jumped to make this story larger than it ever should have been, even when Teo’s grandmother died. It was out of proportion back in September. And Mr. Musberger in his Don King promotion during the MSU game was just one of those driving it out of proportion.
Sports can be exciting and inspiring. But our society has driven sports way out of proportion to the degree that emotions are way out of proportion. The love of “my team” and the hate for the other team is just getting absurd. Sports are games for kids or adults who want to keep their youth and health.
Having gone to Notre Dame and enjoyed the school for all it’s gifts outside of sports, I am saddened by how much hate has constantly been leveled at my school. I’d have been happy at Notre Dame if was a D-3 school or hadn’t even fielded a football team.
But the extent that bloggers and others have gone to go after a kid and a school for what amounts to just a wierd set of events is saddening. I read in the paper today about how several people in Algeria were killed when the Algerian army tried to break up the stand off with the Jihadists. To me that just seems so much more serious than whatever happens to Manti Teo. Even the Lance Armstrong sports story seems more serious, since Lance made money from doping. Teo and Notre Dame have had nothing to gain here.
But you are seeing so many people posting their hate on ESPN and other places. If that’s what sports are about, I may just go play in my back yard with my kids, but stop being anyone’s fan.
It’s so out of proportion.
I never really questioned your loyalty to ND. Thus the befuddled tone of my response to you. I know that like me, “duranko,” and the other diehards here you’re blue and gold through and through!
And I agree that we need to give Manti the benefit of the doubt. Read my post above which strove for some kind of balance between tough love and criticism of ND and Te’o. It’s too easy to go on half truths and partial information and make snap judgments one way or the other.
I respect “duranko” as much as anyone here. He knows that. And I can’t but agree with some of what he says. But I’ll hold off ultimate judgment of this case until all the facts are in and everyone who needs to speak has spoken.
Peace to the ND brethren!
Nigerian dating scams- Rampant on online dating sites
A lot of folks fall for them
(use stolen internet pictures, fake bios, phone centers are set up with shifts of scammers calling victims/ and answering calls (causing inconsistencies in the story) , made up tragic situations (illness, accidents) leading to requests for money
Did he send money for the illness- or funeral expenses? (red flag!!!)
Friends and families figure it out and try to help- but the victim is too emotionally (and financially) involved to “get it”
Would you be willing to share your stupidity and embarassment with the nation? (my coworker is still communicating with her scammer in hopes of getting reimbursed for the money and gifts she sent him)
Sad story no matter which version of reality you accept. He’s either a hopelessly gullible mark, a calculating deceiver, a mentally unstable youth or a repressed homosexual desperately trying to keep the truth from his family. That last scenario is about the only one that fits all the facts. The sudden, tragic death of the “love of his life” holds off the parents who are pushing for him to meet the right girl” and he has a convenient excuse for not dating in college *till in mourning). Social wepages that had pics of Manti & Tuiasospu together were pulled right after the story brooke & it appears that the online “chatter” the ND investigators referred to as “proof” that Manti was victimized could not be verified as not having been planted by Manti himself or an associate. Shame & fear are merciless taskmasters. Hope he has a strong supporting cast & a good therapist. He’ll need them.
You’re an idiot, troll!
There’s no proof of anything other than Manti was a naive, grief-ridden young man, who, after he found out that he was a victim of a con job, felt too embarrased to confess and too confused about how to deal with it.
But who knows, troll, perhaps as a closet homosexual yourself you may know something we don’t.
See how easy it is to talk crap and make shit up about people.
Get lost and take your specious ramblings somewhere else, troll!
Teo really needs to speak about the situation. After all he didn’t committ a crime nor broke any NCAA rules. There are far worse things out there.
What a nightmarish couple of weeks for ND football!
But we all need to take a step back before we get overly zealous either defending Manti and ND or demonizing one or both.
However this plays out, Manti Te’o will not come out looking very good. At best he’s a very naive young man prone to embellishing. At worst, he used what he knew at some point to be a hoax being played on him and didn’t get out in front of the story, thereby putting himself and the school at risk of exactly the kind of media circus that’s happening now. Having said that, let’s recall that Te’o was dealing with real grief from the loss of his grandmother when these events were happening and appears to be the genuine victim of an elaborate hoax.
As for ND, it should’ve not waited to let a confused young man decide when his timetable was for coming forward. It should have been more proactive and deflected attention away from itself by doing so. Having said that, what would we be saying about Swarbrick and ND if it had left Manti out to dry and not made some effort to support him at this trying time. Many would be crucifying the administration for acting like an SEC program and not being loyal to its players. Seems like a “Catch-22” to me.
The best we can all do is let this thing play out and not get too jumpy one way or the other. Let’s try to exercise some compassion for both Manti and ND’s administration. In the end, we’ll know the truth and indeed the truth will set us free. But we must also recall that when speaking of truth we’re to do so in love or charity,if not, then we come across as clanging cymbals even when speaking the truth.
This is the time we need to learn from the PSU example (although these two cases are not even close to each other in severity and should not be compared as some in the anti-ND blogosphere are doing!). We need to be critically supportive of Manti and ND. But we cannot condone cover-ups or half truths.
Let’s pray this ends up well, or as well as possible, for both Te’o and ND.
We are ND!
The player pictured lied. Then he covered it up. then his family assisted.
Christ told us that “the truth shall set you free.”
Secularly, the nonpareil Warren Buffet has two primary rules for his employees. The first is “Always think like an owner.” The second is
“Report bad news immediately.” The latter is crucial, for it involves others and leaders in repairing the harm, lessens the chances of a coverup
and removes the guilt and gnawing of conscience.
The player pictured, whose name will never pass my lips or typing fingers
again, disgraced my alma mater and was treacherous to his teammates and the student body. His explanation was too self-absorbed to constitute
contrition and repentance.
At Notre Dame, we cherish, really CHERISH athletic success, but not at the expense of our life, our duty and our Sacred Honor.
Get thee hence, pictured one.
“If the truth shall set you free”, then was the story about the current f-ball player who allegedly raped the young girl who committed suicide been open and forthcoming?
I continue to wonder- as that is far more relevant than anything that happened in this saga.
Two other potential lessons continue to go under reported.
The ongoing media’s laziness to actually investigate a story (remember Sandy Hook
and all the misinformation that was and still is circulated during the immediate tragic hours following),
and two, the dangers of on-line relationships, which are very common in today’s cyberspace world.
Many in the media, especially closest to ND,
feel betrayed; but perhaps many of them are too lazy
to do the needed investigative work when covering a story. Manti lied at various points- but
if he had been scammed unknowingly, maybe he tried to cover his tracks rather
than exposing his original naivete and gullibility. That is my guess.
If December 6th was the “day of discovery”, as some have reported, the university showed poor judgement in hiding the story so thoroughly, despite the Te’os family’s wishes/concern, or how it might have interfered with BCS preparation or Manti’s reputation.If it’s revealed he was in on the scam from the beginning, he needs professional help, but deserves an acting career opportunity in a made for TV drama, and the disdain many of the previous commenters have expressed. My poor judgments are too numerous to mention, especially when I was a student at ND 40 years ago. This will cost Manti millions in endorsements- and those who hate (and many who love) ND will forever dismiss him. That in itself is penalty enough, but it shouldn’t obliterate all else he did while at ND both as an athlete and for the community.
What the hell, man?!
I’d expect this kind of bogus argument to come from ND haters. It’s being made left and right in cyberspace ever since ND was making its run for the NC and the haters wanted to piss on our parade. What’s next, Michael? Are you going to bring up the Declan Sullivan tragedy, too, and how BK should be put in jail for that!
The case in question of the young lady was investigated, Michael. She never even alleged rape but instead a lesser charge of sexual assault. That too was investigated and dropped. Apparently the young woman suffered from other mental problems and tragically took her life. Let me repeat: this was a terrible tragedy! But ND didn’t kill her. To even insinuate so in light of the evidence is reprehensible, especially from a ND supporter.
Having said that, Michael, you make many other valid points. I wish you had kept to just them. We don’t need loyal sons of ND behaving like the mob, ready to string the university up for whatever trumped up charge it can get its hand on!
We are ND!
@ SteelFanRob & duranko
I inquired; I didn’t indict the university or the alleged suspect, whoever it was. It’s been a great run this past season, and I’d never diminish it, nor have I ever tried. Refer to my other past posts and you’ll recognize that. But at every university, rape or a “lesser” sexual assault is a far too common occurrence, whether at frat parties or from those who inhabit the colleges’ dorms, off campus parties, and locker rooms. Too often, young women are too intimidated to even report rape or sexual assault. I have read conflicting testimonies regarding what the suicide victim said and what her friends reported she said. Are those closest to her content the investigation was forthright and thorough? And if sexual assault was the “extent” of it, diminishing that action does not warrant loyalty to the predator who assaulted her- if indeed anyone even did. So, no, I’d never suggest BK was responsible for Declan’s tragic death, nor, more importantly, does his family, but I’m still uncertain about ND’s handling of the previous issue I addressed. If questioning makes me disloyal to ND, so be it. My main point remains- however sloppily I advanced it- Manti might have been gullible and even embarrassed to the point of even lying later about aspects of his on-line relationship to cover up his naivete. Who would want to admit one was so deceived – especially with the reaction and support received from it, that your grief, however sincere, was based on a complete scam? I have consistently valued and supported duranko’s contributions here, and yours as well, but I feel duranko is too quickly throwing Te’o under the bus.
I continue to stand with you, duranko, and so many other regular posters here in my love and support for ND.
Who are you?
You need to get your facts straight before making errors.
Quod est nomen tuum?
Amen duranko, Amen!
I am with you 100% on this one. Unfortunately, this story has the brain power of a twinkie.
There was never any evidence of a rape.
Michael the Archangel, please change your name and admit who you are
“Quod est Nomen Tuum”
Go to ESPN they just broke a story that Teo didn’t know about the Hoax. They have played this hoax on several people.
I hope he didn’t know about the hoax, but if he did he needs help. He obviously has some disturbing issues that need attending to. As far as ND taking any blame for this, that’s ridiculous! However this turns out, it is sad that someone would stoop this low and use a girls death as a publicity stunt/hoax. Is nothing off limits any more?
I reserve my judegment until the interview with Manti and a review of all the facts. Some idiot on deadspin saying he is 80% sure Manti was in on it doesn’t wash. Some teammate that doesn’t have the guts to come out and say it on the record I wouldn’t listen to either. Until I hear Robby Toma or Zeke say something I will wait for my final opinion.
As for a black eye on the University, it wouldn’t be if Swarbrick stuck to the facts. He didn’t and that is why if it turns out Manti was in on it Jack looks like an idiot. At some point in time ND needs to release the report from teh PI firm. Don’t they have a really good law school at ND, get some free advice and put this thing to bed as far as the University is concerned. Also, ESPN is blowing this thing way out of proportion and needs to stop being a bunch of cackling yentas. It happened if he is guilty he will be shunned by the fans and the University. If Swarbrick screwed up he will be fired. One last thing, no more C’s on the uniform for captains, it breaks with tradition and is not needed.
I think there is a difference on being “in on it” and later finding out it was a hoax and having is spiral out of control.
If Manti was in on it, he would have to be so callous to make the decision to “kill off” this girl 6 hours after his grandma died. And if so, why the Michigan State game. If it was a conspiracy he was partly behind, why not a bigger game like Oklahoma, USC (who was still highly ranked at the time), Stanford or even Michigan the week before.
And really, what was he to gain anyway? He already had national attention just for coming back, he was all ready an All-American candidate and recognized as one of the top LBs in the country. Did he do this all for Heisman votes? Really? He killed off his girlfriend the same day of his grandmother? Makes no sense.
I believe he at some point realized this person wasn’t real but it had gone so far with the media and hype he didn’t know what to do so he continued with it and it spiraled out of control.
I may be completely wrong, and will freely admit it if it comes out otherwise, but I really don’t think he was really “in on it”. He made the mistake of letting it escalate to where it has though.
As for his teammates saying they knew she wasn’t his “girlfriend” didn’t mean they didn’t believe she existed, right? It means to me that they dismissed this relationship as being online & over the phone and not a really a romantic involvement, more of a friendship.
I don’t know, but the fact that almost everyone feels Manti was originally part of the planned conspiracy bothers me. Maybe I try to look too much for the good in people. Maybe I’m naive.
Notre Dame’s return to the top didn’t last long. See you in another 20 years.
On what basis? Because the celebrity-crazed media has turned this non-issue into something newsworthy? I’m suprised that you didn’t use the term “relevant” in your extraordinarily gripping post. Please return to deadspin to make certain that you don’t miss any breaking “news”.
Pete Thamel has a pretty good article on SI.com. It includes a transcript of his meeting with Te’o when his girlfriend “died.” It was good because it really doesn’t include opinions, just facts laid out.
It’s all very disturbing. The detail Manti went into about this girlfriend he never met in person.
nd football has just gotten too hyped for me, dublin, soldier field, it used to be a quieter midwestern team, that overcame bums like florida state and miami, to mean something. manti is only a kid. and they make mistakes. he just got sucked in by all the hype, swarbrick needs to treat it more like a sport than a business. god protect manti.
I like Swarbrick a lot, but you do have a good point there.
A very disturbing story. I truly hope Manti is not at all involved in this conspiracy except as victim. As a victim, it shows naivety on his part, which you could forgive. But if this was some sort of deception to garner attention, then that would be sick, no way around it. I’d have a very low opinion of Manti in that case (not that he’d really care what I think).
Unfortunately, like it or not, this will reflect badly on the University. In a sense, the football players are ambassadors of ND and when something goes wrong with one of them, it reflects on ND. The haters will hate, of course, and they’ll use this to pour it on and make ridiculous accusations (as an aside, I really don’t understand the hate–what is so wrong about a school that graduates most of it’s athletes–I mean, how dare they graduate).
I agree with another poster on another article. Swarbick should have reserved his opinion until all the facts are out. There’d be nothing wrong with him discussing the facts as they know it up to that point. It would be ok if they expressed support and even some doubt that Manti was involved in a deception (you want to show support for your player). But he practically put his reputation on the line. If it turns out Manti was involved, Swarbick will look like an idiot.