Notre Dame defeated arch rival USC for the third time in four years on the strength of a phenomenal defensive effort. Starting quarterback Tommy Rees went down in the third quarter which was the end of any success the Irish offense had in the game as Andrew Hendrix looked horrendous. The Irish defense made up for the lack of success by the offense by shutting out the Trojans in the second half. The following players were key to the Irish getting their first win at home versus USC since 2001:
Stephon Tuitt: Notre Dame’s star defensive end broke out with his best game of the season versus the Trojans. Tuitt was an absolute force, particularly in the second half when he was nearly unstoppable. Tuitt had seven tackles, two sacks, and a pass breakup days after rumors began swirling regarding if he will stay at Notre Dame for his senior season. Tuitt certainly showed he is NFL ready though as the Trojans offensive line was no match for him physically.
Carlo Calabrese: Fifth year senior Carlo Calabrese had another strong game as he continues to show he is the leader of the Irish linebacking corps. Calabrese was the catalyst in the run defense as usual and had a team high eight tackles, including one for loss. Calabrese looked solid as a leader as the linebacking play was under the microscope after Jarrett Grace’s injury.
Jaylon Smith: Irish freshman Jaylon Smith continued to develop into the special player everyone expects him to be in the victory over USC. Smith had a beautiful interception, the first of his career, to go along with four tackles, including one for loss. Smith also was out of position much less than he has been in the past and continued to tackle well in space.
Tommy Rees: Prior to his injury Tommy Rees was playing a very solid game for the Irish. Rees was spreading the ball around nicely with six different receivers catching a pass. Rees went 14-21 for 166 yards and two touchdowns in his abbreviated effort. Most importantly Rees was also turnover free and made the right read most times.
I’m not saying anything about brother “duranko’s” orthodoxy. I just wanted to expand on his observations regarding Matt. 5-7, which is indeed critical reading for all Christians.
I just don’t agree with him about ND’s singular approach to college football ideology. What is that, really?! It sounds good, but can you tell me what he means? What I do know, JC, and agree with you about, is that ND has been singularly unimpressive this season. BK hasn’t done a good job in several areas. We’ve taken a step backwards this season for sure.
I think we all want to see ND back at the top. But how do we get there when the entire systems is rigged to favor the cheaters and the corrupt?
Go Irish!
Well, I’m not going to lose any sleep over duranko. As for the KellyCare Polyanna Club, we definitely hear the same redundant bromance mentality, per say: ‘cattle over the cliff message’ as we did with CW! Will it better? Only the positive test of time will tell.
Sounds like an ambiguous Koran paradox personal interpretation, do we have a convert amongst us? By all means correct me if I am wrong.
Totally agree on the 16 team PO. Plus, there should be a formula that can eliminate as much as possible the human element from the polls and get us to 16 teams. Short of this, I say go back to the old conferences and a “mythical” NC. Here’s one case where the good old days are indeed better than what we actually have now and will be getting in the very near future.
Why shouldn’t a school on ND’s prestige and reputation not take the lead on changing the system? If not now, when? If not ND, who? The status quo isn’t serving anyone. So why not be a moral leader for change instead of being unequally yoked with the Bamas, Ohio States, and Miamis of the NCAA?! I guess ND has more important things on its plate than being an advocate and agent for positive change in an important public sphere like sport is in this country (and one that makes the school a lot of $!).
Jesus didn’t do away with the previous commands, commandments, or covenants of God. In fulfilling them, He gave believers the chance to grow beyond them but never the license to go without them. Re-read your Catechism, “duranko.” Antinomianism isn’t a Christian Tradition, much less a Catholic teaching. Perhaps you’re reading too much low-church Evangelical, “Once saved, always saved” literature these days.
What’s ND’s “singular approach to college football”? Mediocrity? Losing bowl games? Not having a truly signature win in an age? Etc. Our detractors would indeed agree that what has been the last 25 years of ND football is “its most eloquent witness”!
“duranko’s” points are valid to an extent, so no need to call him names on this account.
I think our friend “duranko” is overly optimistic about the current state of the NCAA in general and college football in particular. Scandals have indeed been a part of college sports from the beginning. But what’s happening now is institutional corruption at the highest levels. And it’s being condoned at the highest levels. This is a whole new ball game and one that ND shouldn’t be unequally yoked with. (Again, “duranko,” you want to throw out biblical allusions I, too, can do that.)
What ND cannot do and should never do, “duranko,” is sell its soul. (You, know, “What does it profit a man….”) It seems that to win in today’s NCAA (in football, at least) schools have to cheat. When was the last time one of the great academic AND athletic institutions of this land, one not associated in some way with a scandal, won a NC in football? When was the last time such a school was dominant (i.e., winning multiple titles in a row or over a short period of time)?
Moreover, “duranko,” I include many land grant and public schools on the list of those stellar institutions that should follow ND out of the Whore of Babylon (i.e., the NCAA) and create a truly collegiate and collegial athletic league. I would include Michigan, Wisconsin, and several eastern universities.
Besides, unless you’re a full-blown antinomian, “duranko,” the Bible (including the NT) has no problem with moral litmus tests. Ever heard of the Ten Commandments?
I have “written the NCAA asset down to zero.” I have neither expectation nor traction with them.
Myles Brand got played by Dave Stern on the one and done rule which made college basketball, the game of Wooden and Iba and, yeah, Harry Litwack (my fave) a travesty that could be coopted by the likes of Calipari.
It is absurd that there is not a playoff in college football, of the 16 team variety, and this “selection committee” regardless of its partipants is a waste of time, money and bottled water. It evokes for me the wag’s description of the New Jersey appellate court that had over 15 members “more than a crowd, but less than a mob.”
The NCAA is a mess, but there are far more important things on Notre Dame’s to-do-list.
And, simply, your recommendation that ND lead the charge and establish a new bureaucracy, well, that’s just not going to happen.
And the Ten commandments are for children. Real men follow the amplification and enhancement set forth, inter alia, in Matt 5-7.
Notre Dame’s singular approach to college football is its most eloquent witness.
I couldn’t disagree more. Notre Dame was not founded on the naivete
that it would “purify” the world. Corruption is intertwined with the history of sport, including a short South Shore ride away when
Arnie Rothstein inveigled the 1919 Black Sox scandal.
Further, even West Point had a massive cheating scandal.
Further, the university’s mission is to prepare graduates to swim in a social, financial and moral river that is polluted, but to keep swimming the right way rather than to let the detritus of the river alter its stroke or to leap to the river bank and demand another river.
Purity is neither stupidity nor withdrawal.
Notre Dame, yesterday, today and tomorrow will compete against universities
that have different priorities (it is Pharasaic, as in, thank god I am not that publican, to sniff at the land grant universities which have a mission much different reaching a vastly different economic and social
realm from that of a PRIVATE Catholic school) and different views on broad moral questions and the tradeoffs between academic and athletic success.
Notre Dame will compete. We will compete the Notre Dame way. We will get RKG’s. We will do it our way. And, eventually we will win the right way.
We don’t cut and run. As ever, we play the best teams we can, and there is no condition precedent of a moral litmus test.
“Cannot” comes from your mouth, not Notre Dame’s.
duranko, good lord why are you such a dipstick??
Point well taken, RB. But my point wasn’t merely that a school has top-flight academic programs. But that it’s AD is also clean. NC-Chapel Hill is one of the best public universities in the US with many outstanding academic programs. But its football program is especially suspect. What I’m saying is that schools that have BOTH top flight academics and clean ADs should abandon the whore of Babylon that is the NCAA and form their own league that is peerless both in the classroom and on the playing fields. ND cannot compete consistently against corrupt programs willing to sell their souls (and the bodies of their co-eds!) for the sake of victory.
I think the timing is ideal with the most recent example of NCAA corruption with its “sanction” of Miami and the end of the BCS era for ND to go to a group of elite universities with legit academics and sports programs and suggest leaving behind the NCAA. The TV money will be there if enough of the right schools jump ship. These schools can create a few coherent geographical conferences and preserve traditional rivalries (ND-Michigan, for instance). They can have a ranking system that takes into account academics and a true playoff. The NCAA can continue to be a minor league for the NFL and continue overlooking the blatant lack of academic integrity at places like Bama, Miami, Ohio St., etc.
ND is obviously an outstanding institution but U of M is no slouch either. Miami is ranked in the Top 50 according to most publications.
You proposed this same question with CW. Simple answer: We are not going to the promised land anytime soon with BK. Year 6 maybe? Another 20 years is not out of the question either. Bama is being investigated, very few teams play by the rules therefore the journey continues whether we like it or not. I don’t think the ‘level playing field’ concept has ever been on the horizon. In the old days we did not have the instant ‘drama news’ gratification as today! So it is what it is, the cheaters get to win until caught (USC) not ND! Besides, if Saban gets caught who ends with his 3 titles? And who would want them? So is he smart if he passes the NCAA limtus test investigation! Yes he is until they deem otherwise!
I have read through many comments on this board from all sides. I respect all who post on this board, but BK is the coach and not leaving anytime soon. Swarbrick is better than the idiot was here prior in Kevin White. Now I have a question for all of those out there who want BK gone, Who is the next coach? I like some of the things BK does and I don’t like others. I don’t like 4th and inches with a QB in the shot gun. Put him under center and have him stick his head between the ass of center and the ass of the guard and get a couple of inches. I also don’t like some of BK’s comments. As my father used to say sometimes boy you talk to here yourself talk. BK should see a priest at the University for a class in humilaty sometime.
As for Tommy Reese’s legacy, I think he was a hell of a competitor and a hell of a man. Other than not being able to out run a cop, pretty much he has given everything to the University and handled all things like a true ND man should. He’s not the best QB ever to play at ND but I wouldn’t say he was the worst. He was thrust into many uncomfortable situations and handled them accordingly. I have made my piece with Tommy being the QB and I will now support him to the end of the year.
As far as the state of the program. We would like to see a run like the Canes in the later 90’s, SC in the middle of the 2000’s or Alabama current. What one thing in common to the Canes and SC have in common, RAMPANT CORRUPTION! Players getting paid, rules violations and other things. The book has not been written yet on Bama, but Wommack wasn’t eligible for the NC game and should have beeen benched. The only way to get a Saban like coach is to let them know you will turn the other cheek. It kind of reminds me of that move “Blue Chips” If wins a National Championship with a crooked coach I would rather them go 0-12.
After that being said if BK isn’t the man to take them to the promise land than who out there is. I can tell you this much Lou is out of the question and I don’t see to many coaches out there like Lou
I think your right Jack. Although I have issues with BK like special teams and tackling we were dealt a severe blow with the qb situation.Rees and Hendrix are from the Weis era and golson just screwed up and Gunner Kiel is a fake who doesn’t like competition.
Everything around an offense depends on the qb and we are stuck with Rees. So be it. I think in the next year or two with mobile qb’s we should be much much better. Just keep recruiting top notch defensive players and get a special teams coach who can make a difference.
We’ll see how the Chicago bears do without Cutler for a month or so even though their coach is supposed to be a qb”genius”
While I have concerns about Kelly I am certainly not calling for his head. It’s just hard to see that the elements are in place to get all the way. He’s done a great job getting the team into a winning way that neither Davie, Willingham, nor Weis could consider. But the connection to the old tradition seems elusive. Those last few puzzle pieces that Holtz, Devine, Parseghian, Leahy, and Rockne put in place seem as elusive.
Does anyone know what happened o Elijah Shumate (#22)? I did not see him play t all and was not in the participation box score on und.com. Is he injured or benched?
I was extremely proud of our D. Major adversity was upon us when Rees went down. Tommy is like a toxic girlfriend. You can’t wait to get rid of them, but then need them SO BAD when they are gone! 🙂 (No I’m not ripping of TR, just making a joke.) Tommy played well until he went down.
Now we know what the 3rd string looks like in 2013. Basically, there isn’t one.
I was amazed at the heart, determination and execution of our defense to hold USC to 0 points after Rees got hurt.
I also hope that the “Rees halftime speech” is on the level. If so, good for him to step up and show real leadership!
Great defensive effort ESP in the second half USC stated 3 drives at the ND 40 or closer and zero points truly remarkable Jaylon Smiths pic was sick!!! He drops and like decides I’ll go cover that WR unreal Calabrese blitzing was outstanding he didn’t always get the tackle but turned the runners from going straight ahead till help arrived really impressed with the toughness of Cam McDaniel beating USC is ways outstanding no matter how ugly I’ll take ESP after all those years of beating the boys by 40 every year and too all the Rees haters think why you just saw why he can’t get hurt guys numbers and record speak for themselves 5-2 people come on look at the schedule if the O gets going look out embrace the hate
Diaco should handle the service academies. He learned the 4-4 and if he puts it in play then they should be fine. ND is still solid against the run. They will need the CBs and safeties flying to the ball by Pitt. I just want to see less soft coverage and a willingness to take some chances. The CBs can do it.
The big worry as it is every year is the chop blocks. AFA has always been the worst in that regard. The best way to avoid those is to attack first. Two wins and no injuries are my hope and then lets see how this team has matured in the Pitt and BYU games leading up to Stanford
Another way to handle the service academies is with Louis Nix.
Everything AF runs starts with the Fullback up the middle on the first option choice.
Nix got blindsided late in the USC game on what appeared to be a cheap shot.
He fell on his arm and came out of the game and I haven’t been able to get a status on him for this week.
Maybe someone out there knows?
Having Sheldon Day back will help especially when you consider that ND will be playing in Colorado Springs which is about 7000 feet above sea level, and where rotating a lot of players and keeping them fresh is vital.
Right you are, although I’d like to see 4 guys with a hand on the ground at the front. And 4 guys in linebacker position, ready to attack the gaps. Force them into 3rd and 6 or more and take chances with man to man coverage.
Also make sure the offense is efficient and puts at least 21 up in the first half.
I’d also make sure the 2nd and 3rd string are ready because I’d like to reduce exposure to the chop and cut blocks for my top guys on the line.
But I like your thinking Shaz.
Kelly is not as stupid as many of you think he is nor as smart as others say. But, his record speaks for itself 17-2 in the last 19 regular season games – The last 5 w/ an average at best QB.
I’m not as smart as some of you. But, we don’t play a mickey mouse schedule. Unless Kelly has a mega huge horseshoe up his butt, he’s doing just fine.
It may not be a horseshoe but a large suppository, ok, ok, that was indignities. I won’t dispute his record which you offer in your position but he does deserve some honest critique about some coaching decisions he has been making that many fans on this site (including myself) have discussed. I think the issue of AH and preparedness level for the other night’s game is quite legitimate regarding what the coaches did and didn’t do to prepare him regarding gaining game experience.
Go Irish
I would not be surprised if we struggle against both service academies this year. Not that I think they are extraordinary teams or better than ND but they seem to play at times against us as if we are there Super Bowl. They have also had a history of defeating us when we have had, shall we say, not the most powerful teams in the past (think Faust coached teams and Weiss). We do not have the most strongest team this year. Hopefully, we will play well even if the QB position may be a little up in the air.
Play like a champion
shumate hurt his hamstring in practice on Thursday. He will be out, apparently, two-three weeks (which means he should be back for Stanford.
The silver lining in this cloud is that it allows us to get plenty of work for Redfield and Hardy. Further, the shortcomings of Collinsworth and Farley will not be tested by AFA and
I hope Shumate’s back for BYU; we’ll need him against their running QB. Shumate hits like a LB and covers like a safety, easily the best safety we have against the run, and coupled with losing Grace- two unfortunate D losses. As for losing Grace, this is the part of the schedule where he’d have been devastating against our next four run- heavy opponents, although Calabrese did fill in vs. the run well.
I don’t know if AH is adequate as back-up, whether Saturday was simply a bad game or what to expect. I do know that our version of the shotgun/pistol offense isn’t effective on third or fourth and short when your QB isn’t a threat to run(TR) or pass (AH). Another formation for those instances – PLEASE!
Now, now Michael,
Only Tommy gets to play! BK will slap a neck brace on him and throw him out there ready or not! Normal coaches would start AH for the 1st quarter to see what goes if Rees is not good to go! C’mon this is 1-6 Airforce for the banana bowl! I’m sure AH can work the kinks out in this game after years of dust. Otherwise, BK will QB Jeff! Or better yet wildcat Louis Nix!!! Whoo Hoo! Move outa the way, the Nixtrain is crossing the goal line! Yeah!
What is wrong with shumate.
I missed the 2nd half, and apparently other then the Rees injury, I missed nothing. This is a 2010 or 2011 team with slightly better luck, ( fewer turnovers ). Given comments by Kelly, I am now even more concerned at 2 prospects.
1. Kelly goes at the end of the year or after 2014. If this is about him, then unless he can attain Saban deity status, he won’t be fulfilled. He needs ND to worship him and if he can’t get that, he may move on. It often does sound like he’s validating his coaching versus being happy fo rthe kids.
2. Kelly stays. His controlling nature may keep a team competitive, but I wonder if they’ll ever break out and truly dominate or over achieve. Last year’s team came close, but also got lucky. Kelly talked as if he knew what he needed to do, but I see no evidence that he’s done it. The offense looks great at times, but never gets in a rythm. The run game is especially sporadic. And the 2nd string QB isn’t prepared? Are you kidding? The defense is coached conservatively.
No, we squeaked by a wounded opponent that played it’s last inspired game last week and probably will lose several more this year until a new coach comes in. It’s been a dissapointing year so far.
I feel your pain. But im willing to bet any top 10 team that loses a starting LB (Grace) and is down to their 3rd string QB (Hendrix) is not going to fulfill expectations. I wasn’t expecting much after that, we are beating teams we should and losing to teams that are in the top 20. I believe at full strength we are a force to be reckoned with. If TX AM loses Manziel, or Bama loses McCarron they are nowhere near the same team if its a consolation. If we lose to USC or get blown out by Michigan or Oklahoma im more worried. Next year will be a true measure of where Kelly is with (hopefully returning and experienced) EG and a few DL who DONT go to the NFL
Well, C-Dog, you missed everything. The 24 minutes after Rees went down were absolutely exhilarating, yet tense, in the way that combat is.
You appear to be of the ilk that would declare, having missed the Army-ND 0-0 tie
in 1946 that “I missed nothing.”
Further, you are, and forgive me for the redundant phrase, wrong about the intensity with which the Trojans play.
Go ahead, wallow in misery. It seems to be your specialty.
But you ought consider political commentary. Watch nothing, read nothing, investigate little, and make shallow, vapid, emotional outbursts.
Gertrude Stein once said of Oakland “There is no there there.”
Alas, it’s too bad she didn’t see you first.
The GOOD NEWS is Condolezza Rice is on the College Football Playoff Committee next year and not you Mr. Impeachment!
Fair & Balanced Reporting!
not since Teldar Paper’s array of vice presidents (quid vide, Wall Street, the movie) has there been such a waste of time money and words as the College Football Playoff Committee.
Hell, Frank V and I and two guys from the Stardust Sports Book (alas, it was torn down) could pick the best four teams in the country. It ain’t rocket science.
Ham sandwiches, bottled water, airline and hotel fares for what?
poo-tee-weet!! Much ado about nothing.
Suuuure cool hand luke! War on women…eh! It’s a Howdy Doody Time response! Are you sure your not related to Burgundy your Majesty?
War on women? are you the head of the DNC?
Thanks for the flame duranko. I guess you continue to show you just aren’t as professional as Frank, nor as moderate a moderator.
As for your comments about the 1946 game, my father was there as a student. In fact during his time at Notre Dame, they tied twice with no losses. During my time, I saw inspiring play by guys we knew and liked. That play was inspired by Mr. Holtz who took the cause of Notre Dame to the level it deserves. Notre Dame is just another football team to root for and act like punks about it. Notre Dame exists because one minority, Catholic in our place was being persecuted in the east in the 1830’s and 1840’s. That minority was attacked even into the 20th century as were other minorities. My grandfather was among those ND students who took on the KKK in South Bend in the early 20s. A fellow alum, Todd Tucker has published a book about that. And so Notre Dame football as an extension of the University legacy is always about having a chip on your shoulder against the establishment or the corrupt.
After last year’s magical season, it seems like back to business as usual post Holtz. Sorry if I’m ruining your drunken tailgaters duranko, but it’s so much more than a game and a case of Bud.
I’m unimpressed by your attempt, C-Dog, to hang on daddy’s and grandpas coattails. I never am.
The point is that you either would not or did not take time to watch the game, either live or through the
magic of today’s technology.
But you had plenty of time to spew.
The team played with vigor and fight.
Yet you sniff “There was nothing to see.”
That could not be farther from the truth. But keep citing your legacy pedigree, it may impress somebody, just not me.
Don’t feel bad C-Dog! Duranko is a classy guy, he does not discriminate! He hates all posters here equally! Alums/fans it doesn’t matter! Not to mention Te’o is his favorite player too!
duranko, go have another drink. It’s obvious you are that kind of fan. I don’t think you understand what makes Notre Dame special. You might as well be a Florida State fan. It’s pretty funny that you help administer this board with Frankie V. when you seem to hate all the alums and folks who know that Notre Dame is a University not just a football team for you to get bombed watching every Saturday. OK, have another drink. It’s time.
I do think given the state of both prgrams, that if Notre Dame couldn’t blow USC away in the second half with or without Rees, then for those of us who have seen inspiring games, and have a higher bar set for this program, yes there was less to see. But go have another drink.
You’d make a great Spartan fan. Bombed by noon. Burning the couch by 6. It seems pretty random that you even root for Notre Dame. But go have another drink or two, or hell drop a six.
Wow dog, never seen a guy try to get somebody to drink so bad. Come to think I’m getting thirsty……..yes, I’ll have a scotch.
Just for the record, I only scan duranko’s articles too. It’s obvious that Frankie V is carrying duranko. The drop off in quality is almost like when Hendrix goes in for Rees. But all of us have that friend that we put up with. The drinking buddy. Frankie V, might want consider though when you get too boozed up and piss off the very folks that effectively are your customers, duranko. You see, I don’t care that you have your name up there as one of the blog masters. All that mean is that you are Frankie V’s buddy. You’ve got no more credibility with me than one of Tom Brady’s illegitimate kids.
Amen C-Dog,
I could not agree with you more. Year 4 is already a mess and five will be more than likely more of the same.
All the wishy-washy excuses around here sound so CW familiar don’t they? But just think, aren’t we blessed to have Duranko…”I miss nothing!” It’s nice to know we have someone here smarter than Nick Saban and now Bill Gates! You don’t even have to ask Mr. Perfect either the drivel comes in piles!
Shamrock Sticker to Cam The Man. A career high in carries = a career high in yards, 8 short of 100. Give this kid the ball and he will be dashing faster than a Mississippi Walmart shopper with an unlimited EBT card. Run Cam Run
Couldn’t believe it when he fumbled.
I know that was a tough one, thank God it didn’t come back to hurt us. Even so, if I had a son he would look like Cam McDaniel. Run Cam Run!!!!
Now that is an appropriate comment about who a son would look like, other than some people I know.
tough game for hendrix to come in to… cold, rainy.. 3rd Q.. we have seen him better, no worries for me..
But WTF is with the play calling on the 1/2 yardline..? Cam was on the 7!, sneak that shit in, its a half yard… USC knew exactly what was coming, its like our only play in the playbook..
What a man says speaks volumes about his character.
With Kelly its all about KELLY.
Did you catch his speech after the game?
“You won because you did exactly what I told you to do”(Alluding to his “motivational” game speech.
Not crediting the team (and being proud of them) for their determination, dedication, perseverance, spirit, grit, resolve etc.etc. etc.
No, they won because they did what they were told.
You ain’t no no Holtz, no Ara, no Frank, nor Knute mr kelly!!
By the way, Who prepared Hendrix for his entry into this game?
Mr. Kelly says “he has to play better” not that “we have to do a better job as coaches”.
Amen mar,
It’s year four for the KellyCare polyanna club! It’s hard to polish a turd isn’t it? Hahahaha! Where’s that National Championship hiding??
Thank you mar!
Thinking of starting up a KellyCare website, who’s with me? Guessing I could do better than the geniuses running the ObamaCare website.
Not really, KellyCare(TM) is my trademark genius. However, most of your comments are unoriginal rah rah whining like the CW days!
When in Rome.
I highly doubt with your vocabulary, you have been outside of your 8 mile radius rah-rah boy.
I guess rah rah boy is better than atheist. Moving on up!
I’m in for KellyCare(TM) JC
Thanks mar! However, I should warn, you will be riddled to death now by Burgundy and his friend secrete squirrel!
Here are some other quotes from Coach Kelly that you conveniently left out:
Exciting football team, great one, USC, Notre Dame, right down to the end. Really proud of our football team.
We turn the ball over and we just keep playing. Late in the game when most would succumb to that, it doesn’t faze our group, they just keep playing and keep competing, and that’s really what’s special about this group. They just keep playing.
They found a way to win the game. Our defense was outstanding in the second half and gave us the chance to win the football game. Great win, one that obviously when it comes to beating USC will go a long way with our guys.
More towels anyone! As Elvis would say: I’m all broke up!
I think he actually said I’m all shook up.
What was your 1st clue puerile expert! hahaha!
The lyrics
I have a feeling BK is so stubborn that he will play clip board guy QB Charlie Feisinger before burning redshirt season on Zaire.
Amen jeff,
I think we will have to yank someone out of the stands to play backup QB! Volunteers anyone? hahaha!
MZ was sick to start the year so not sure how he could’ve started the season. AH is the second stringer, does anyone really want to see what 3rd string looks like??
I like most on here knew the season was over (from a NC perspective) when Golson was gone and was concerned about TR as the QB. However, after all the bashing he has taken I’ve really come to pull for him and admire his toughness. Has anybody listed to what TJ Jones said about Tommy’s speech at halftime? Apparently it was so impassioned that guys were coming to tears. He said it was very emotional and rallied the team. That’s a leader!
Leave it to you to twist my point out of context to suit your fancy. No kidding Zaire was NOT available and out with mono at the beginning of the season. It was a moral comparision…duh! Yeah, lets put the WHOLE BLAME on Golson! Ah gee, a tear gerker moment need a towel? You now sound exactly like…Guess and the first two don’t count!
Further, in my previous posts I said I hope TR starts next week! Get over yourself! Yet, as usual your too lazy to comprehend with your KellyCare polyanna agenda. Go frollick with your buddy where your are really appreciated!
Thank you for the kind words, always nice to speak with you.
Don’t mention it, I always love your puerile nonsense! Keep dishing it out!
For those wondering:
childishly silly and trivial.
“you’re making puerile excuses”
synonyms: childish, immature, infantile, juvenile, babyish; More
Amazing, your life depends on google! Hahaha!
What is this google you speak of?
Finger pointing is contagious tom,
How about BK for NOT having AH ready to play? We have all have seen AH play better and run basic plays. Yet, serious bench rust with passes many yards short vs USC. Not to mention, it was a miracle AH wasn’t hurt too with the redundant one after another running plays called with 9-10 stacking the box!
Lets not forget BK has proven he has obvious memory loss when it comes to back up QB’s since he has been here. When is the last time we have seen a backup QB play a whole 4th quarter of football under BK? Yeah, Golson made a bad off field decision and so did TR! So if you want to play or point the ‘Angel’ blame game then Zaire should have started the season! Zaire has a clean off season record to date so what do we blame Zaire for? So make your moral pick on fairness not favorites.
This defense is better with Dan Fox in instead of Jarrett Grace. I’m not sure why every announcer is in love with Grace. I constantly saw him overcommitting on plays and being out of position. Fox is consistent and is always in the right place. Also, he brings more leadership to the defense.
Wow, what a defensive performance! Unfortunately the second half offense looked horrible. They really didn’t have an offense once Hendrix came in for Rees. He can’t possibly be that bad and if he is, the Irish are in for a tough few games. Hopefully, Rees will be back Saturday. Again, the defense performed great! Go Irish!
nice addendum, dan. hadn’t even noticed… which is a compliment to how great the pass protection has been all year.
i hope this game serves as a dose of reality for the rees bashers. is he the greatest college QB ever? no, but he’s a notre dame guy through and through and plays with the passion we often say our team lacks. any finger pointing re: our QB situation should be directed squarely at mr. golson. (who, btw, i welcome back in january with WIDE OPEN arms.)
Everyone forgetting bout O-line, gave up only 1 sack against one of the stronger pass rushes we will face.