We are officially less than a week away from the start of the 2014 Notre Dame football season. As Notre Dame prepares for their season opener against Rice, NBC Sports Channel will be airing the latest installment of Strong & True on Monday night at 6:30 ET. Get an up close look at the 2014 Fighting Irish from the first week at Culver Academy up until preparations for Rice.
With excitement still sky high even with the cloud of the ongoing academic investigation at Notre Dame hanging over campus, get your first game week of the year started off on the right foot by getting an up close look at the Irish through camp. Speaking of which, it will be interesting to see how that portion of camp is handled in the episode.
With a start time of 6:30 ET, make sure to set your DVRs tonight if you won’t be home from work in time to catch it live.
Here’s a sneak peak of tomorrow’s episode from WatchND.