Under Armour and Notre Dame have released the 2015 Shamrock Series jerseys and as always they are sure to cause a stir throughout the Notre Dame fan base. Before getting too much into them though, here’s exactly what the Irish will be wearing when they take on Boston College in Fenway. Notre Dame’s tweet referring to themselves as the Green Monsters is sure to cause a stir with BC fans today as well.
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Introducing the 2015 @UAFootball Shamrock Series Uniform. pic.twitter.com/idVEKii9wH
— Notre Dame Football (@NDFootball) August 13, 2015
Just like pretty much every Shamrock Series uniform, this latest rendition is sure to meet mix reviews. Traditionalist Notre Dame fans are almost certainly going to be opposed to them as they are most of the Shamrock Series unis. Younger fans on the other hand are going to love them. Most importantly, though, the Notre Dame players apparently LOVE them.
The green jersey with the blue hints is a really nice touch actually and there are references in the design to Notre Dame’s past, such as the 11 national championships. Notre Dame last wore green jerseys in the 2010 Shamrock Series game against Army at Yankee Stadium.
Notre Dame’s history wearing green against Boston College hasn’t been positive. In 2002 the undefeated Fighting Irish, fresh off a win over Florida State, broke out kelly green jerseys and were upset by a rather average Boston College team. Notre Dame caught a case of fumblitis in their new jerseys that fateful afternoon and Tyrone Willingham’s inaugural season suffered it’s first loss.
This time around the Irish won’t have a big game before facing Boston College with the Irish hosting Wake Forest on Senior Day the week before.
The Shamrock Series game will take place on November 21st at Fenway Park in Boston with kickoff scheduled for 7:30. The game will be televised on NBC Sports Network.
White pants would have made the green tops stand out more but the players like them so hopefully no 2002 repeat of wearing green against BC.
Good things from the garden…..
Garden in the valley…..
Valley of the Jolly Green Giant!
Ara and Lou would’ve never allowed this!
– bj
These are cool. Wasn’t a big fan of the uniforms in Indianapolis last year. I liked the all-white version vs. Arizona State a couple of years ago. I actually really liked the alternate white uniforms they wore against Michigan a few years ago in the Big House.
I am a big fan of the traditional uniforms, but if they are going to mix it up once every season, I want some green included somehow.
I am not going to be like the people I see on twitter already bashing these unis. If the players like them, I am all for it. Apparently now a days this is the style. The first thing that came to my mind though was the last time we wore the green jerseys against BC. I was at that game and it will forever stick in my mind! Hopefully we pound BC and replace that memory! Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this year’s game.
That’s a pretty hideous uniform, loved last years for the Indianapolis game. Not so much for this year.