With Hurricane Joaquin barreling its way to east coast, Clemson officials have their eye on the storm and as of Friday morning, the game is still scheduled to be played as planned tomorrow night in Clemson.
Here is the full release from Clemson from earlier this morning. Â If you are are a Notre Dame fan traveling to the game, please be safe in your travels and keep track of the game situation as the weather continues to change by the minute.
Clemson Athletics officials met this morning and confirmed our ability to operate the game tomorrow, and as of 9:30 a.m., still feel confident in the resources needed. We spoke with Highway Patrol and Campus Police this morning and confirmed their manpower will be available. Facilities has confirmed power, plumbing and operations are still good to go. Playing surface is still good.
Grass lots may be limited and we’re working on alternatives. We encourage people to carpool or consolidate into cars with paved parking by meeting off campus to limit cars in grass lots. We’ll update parking lot information this afternoon.
Power update – There have been reported power outages on campus, but none have effected Memorial Stadium. ESPN/ABC is running 100% on generator power and we’ve decreased all power usage – lights, video boards, etc. – throughout the stadium and Riggs Field to assist with the campus grid.
Both soccer games tonight at Riggs Field are moving ahead as scheduled. ESPN’s College Gameday is still on schedule at Bowman Field for 9-12 tomorrow morning.
We’ll continue to update if anything changes.
we have a great O Line. Let the boars loose!!! Run it down their throats!!!!
Well Duranko, I get the sense that we are the more worthy quagmire team. Could be the simple fact that our offensive line weighs about 1,600 pounds.
David is in charge of Plan B around here.
Better have a plan B
First Notre Dame game I’ve been to since the 1979 Cotton Bowl. Every time I’ve been to a game the weather has sucked! But they’re also 3-0 at those games. Looking forward to win #4!
As long as field is okay – fan travel /safety not a consideration. Too much $$$ would have to be refunded.
“Quagmire” will appear in my game article. That is my sacred vow.