Notre Dame’s Liam Eichenberg Talks Trash: So What?

In case you don’t follow the weekly player interviews as closely as you should, here is what this piece is referring to:

Generally speaking, Notre Dame football players rarely give out what is commonly referred to as “bulletin board material.” Perhaps it’s a function of the university and what it stands for, and most coaches are vehemently against making brash statements to the press, but Irish players just don’t trash talk during the week. The last time an Irish player made buzz during a game week (that I can recall) was when Will Fuller tweeted prior to the Clemson game in 2015 that it was going to be “savage”. In that instance, everyone pretended he was making some sort of prediction, and it got played up during the week.

However, in this instance, there is no misunderstanding this one. When a player declares they are going to kick the s%$& out of the opponent, well, that speaks for itself. While it’s not something I would have done as a player, I fully embrace it and think Notre Dame should embrace it as well.

Who Cares What Virginia Tech Thinks?

A lot of the response has centered on the Hokies and how motivated they are going to now be headed into the matchup. I’ve got news for everyone who holds that view: Virginia Tech wasn’t going to be cutting Notre Dame any breaks without those comments. Everyone saw what the crowd and atmosphere did to the Irish in Miami last season. The players admitted to being intimidated! That crowd and those players believe they can affect the Notre Dame football team. It was going to be ruckus no matter what.

So from that view, who cares what kind of way Virginia Tech takes it? The sooner a team gets to realize that the outcome of these games has more to do with them, their preparation, and their mindset, the better. The opponent can do whatever it wants, and feel whatever it wants. They’ve still got to deal with Notre Dame, which in the mind of Eichenberg (apparently) is no picnic for them. So in the spirit of not caring about the opponent, he should say what he thinks, the backlash and the reaction be damned.

“Well He Better Be Ready To Back It Up”

Another common response when a player shoots his mouth. He better back it up. Well, he needs to “back it up” no matter what. The game is being played with a winner and loser, whether he says the right thing or makes a bold statement. Notre Dame said all the right things prior to Miami last year and it was a boat race. Nothing was backed up that night.

What’s the worst thing that can happen anyway? They lose in embarrassing fashion, which is always terrible whether you popped off or not, and any extra embarrassment is incurred by the player, he would be feeling bad anyway. My assumption is Eichenberg always plans to play well and to win. Which brings me to…

This Is How We Want Them To Feel!

The starting left tackle thinks he’s going to beat up on his opponent. This is what we want him to think! What should it matter that he said it out loud? These teams are going to combine for about 130 total plays of physical attrition, but during the week it’s expected they don’t say anything that might offend the opponent? I’m off on that line of thinking.

I’m also off on the business trip way of approaching these games. It’s not a business trip, it’s a physical, competitive contest. And emotion and attitude plays a big part in that. Let the players feel what they feel and say what they think. There is a lot of concern the Irish team could feel complacent after their big win against Stanford, and when a player throws down the gauntlet like that during game week, that gets the competitive juices flowing for everyone.

Hopefully Brian Kelly and the other players can embrace this attitude and take it into Blacksburg. Because the Hokies think the same thing, they just aren’t saying it. Let’s put all the cards on the table and go in their with the goal of dominance, which their starting left tackle seems to possess.

So, cheers to you Liam Eichenberg!

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  1. Personally, I view this more as a bit of swagger more than anything. Liam isn’t calling anyone out, specifically. Honestly…this team could use a little swagger! Go Irish!

  2. I’m usually of the opinion that it’s a bad idea to ever give the opposing team BB material. I know VT is going to be pumped up and ready to do regardless. But I’d prefer to avoid give them any little bit of ammo, no matter how trivial. Make your statement in your play, not in your words.

    Lose badly, yeah, it’s going to be embarrassing regardless. Nothing said or not said will change that. But lose by a point or two then that makes it worse. Part of football is mindset and who will know if him mouthing off gave them just that extra shot of adrenaline to push that one extra score in.

    I’d just prefer players stay disciplined, don’t mouth off and let your actions do the ass kicking.

  3. Talk imho means nothing one way or another. Talk to Louisiana’s players before they played Alabama. We are going down to win the game.Well okay.Guys in watching the 5 teams currently rated ahead of
    Notredame I noticed they all had 1 or 2 receivers and 1 or 2 running backs that could really fly. Notre Dame has Dexter who ie really fast and explosive but haven’t seen it with receivers.A Will Fuller for example.What about trying this KID Braden Lenzy.ND needs a homerun hitter.

  4. This approach worked well for Mohammed Ali. He even predicted in which round he would knock out his opponents.

  5. It sounds like they believe. They have the drive and desire to prove that they are for real. I couldn’t see that attitude a few weeks ago.

  6. Trash talk is just that, it doesn’t win you any games or make you any better. The bottom line is this will b the toughest game of the year so far! VA TECH feels reborn with there new QB, and their fans will b LOUD and ELECTRIC all night. Can the IRISH go in to Blacksburg and prove they can beat a good team in a hostile environment!! WE ALL KNOW IT’S NOT GONNA B EASY!! GO IRISH!!

    1. Ndcrazymike , seem worried. Granted , we fans have luxury to express caution. My bottom line is the players will be going in to kick –ass. Not a worried , cautious bone in their body. I don’t think Kelly or coaching staff will be addressing “reborn QB” or loud stadium in the locker room minutes before they take the field. Rather , I see the players backing Eichenberg with a “kick the **** out them . I can see Tranquill standing up –and saying “Yeah , let’s kick the snot out of them.” Go Irish.

      1. SS, no not worried, just stating a fact trash talk gets you nowhere. Last year if you recall BW said we will go into MIAMI and DOMINATE!! KELLY has addressed the loudness in the stadium by pumping up the volume in the practices this week!! As for the Reborn QB I went on the VA TECH website to read the QB is a better passer than JACKSON and the WRS are confident with him after last weeks game! I didn’t say they were cautious, my point was every game from here on is their biggest game!! And the environment they play in on SATURDAY NITE WILL B THE TOUGHEST!! MY BIGGEST WORRY IS I HAVE TO ATTEND A WEDDING SAT. NITE AND AM SCRAMBLING TO FIND A WAY TO WATCH THE GAME!! GO IRISH!!!

  7. I have no problem with the trash talk. Nice to see some attitude from the Irish. It’s about time.

    Would love to see them quiet that crowd by taking it to VA Tech.


  8. Sounds like something “Gentle Dan” Devine might say (or at least silently gesture). Dan also used to say “the team with the biggest tackles wins.” As Greg put it one way, and I’ve put it in another way, it doesn’t make the target on our backs any bigger…it already fills up our whole backside just because WE ARE ND.
    I know, I know, that part of Biggie Munn’s coaching tree…Munn to Devine to Kush has been deemphasized…but I never had a problem with it.
    Just remember this though, you young players…SWAG can be good…there’s nothing wrong with SWAG. But Pride is better even than SWAG, because PRIDE can never be beaten out of you, even when you are totally overmatched. But SWAG can be beaten out of you.

    BGC ’77 ’82

    BGC ’77 ’82

    1. Jim McMahon QB of ’85 Bears –would’ve love to butt heads with an O-lineman like Eichenburg. I gotta go along with Greg Flammang 100 %. Cockiness , swag is okay in sports. If you think your good — then show it. I f your pumped up , adrenalin running — stay with it. Notre Dame had pride , I’m sure going into Miami last season. But they got their ass kicked. IMO , is that Eichenberg is pumping up is teammates — going into hostile Blacksburg–rather than dissing VA Tech. I like his tone—and hopefully carries through to rest of season.

  9. I mean he coulda said, we’re gonna kill em, murder em, destroy em, dismember em. Just typical words from a college student/ athlete with to much time on his hands. Shoulda been pumpin iron , running stadiums, and no time for these type remarks.

    1. Time on his hands ? Are you a former student/athlete ? Your first sentence seems to refer to “injuring” players. No way does Eichenberg go that route.

      1. Sorry to get you all defensive about an offensive player. But, His offensive remarks are quite inappropriate and just fuel the opposition needlessly. That’s why any coach with any brains praises the shite out of his opponents.

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