Brian Kelly Believes Notre Dame Can Play Safely in the Fall
Notre Dame head coach Brian Kelly and presumptive 2020 captain Daelin Hayes appeared on NBC’s Today show on Wednesday morning to discuss why they think Notre Dame and the ACC can play safely in the fall even as Big 10 and Pac 12 announced they were postponing football at least until the spring with the possibility of canceling altogether.
We haven’t had a lot of time this week to weigh in on the ongoing debate right now with regards to football this fall and the potential risks, but it is interesting to see Kelly be such a vocal proponent of continuing forward right now. Kelly also would not be as present right now in this debate without the blessing of the Notre Dame admin.
As Michael wrote earlier this week, Hayes has really assumed a leadership role as a 5th year senior so it’s relevant that Notre Dame had him join this appearance as well.
I think the writing is on the wall at this point. The ACC, SEC and Big 12 will postpone to the spring. It may take a few days but it will happen. They won’t take the chance and take the incredibly bad press that would result if someone had a bad bout of Covid-19 or worse, die.
It’s over for this year.
The only bad thing is this could effect the next season as well. If they end up playing in the spring they may end up having to delay next season as well, just because spring football would kill spring practices. But probably by 2022 they should hopefully be back to normal. It’ll be worse for the NHL and NBA. The upcoming season will have to be delayed since they are still playing and since I seriously doubt either league will reduce the number of games due to money issues next season that will push off the following season. We may see ice hockey and basketball in the summer for years to come.
There will be serious consequences for lower tier college athletic programs as well. This will be a crushing blow to Olympic style sports. If you have a kid that wants to play tennis for instance it’s going to be very hard to find a scholarship because I believe you’re going to see wholesale program cancellations across the NCAA.