At this time next week, Notre Dame will have already completed their first game of the 2020 season. As they make their final preparations, Notre Dame shared some encouraging testing numbers for the Fighting Irish – zero positive COVID-19 tests out of 196.
This is obviously good news for Notre Dame with less than a week until they host the Duke Blue Devils in Notre Dame Stadium to start the season. Per ACC guidelines for this year, Notre Dame, like all ACC member institutions, will test all players three times this week.
In total, Notre Dame has had 12 players overall test positive for COVID-19, but all have fully recovered and been cleared to return to action.
Week to week availability while trying to play football during a pandemic is obviously a major concern each week and if the Irish were to have played today, they would not have been missing any players due to COVID-19.
We’ll see how things go this week with all Notre Dame students returning to in-person learning this week following a two week period of online, on-campus learning after an outbreak on campus forced Notre Dame to essentially lock down the campus. Since that lockdown, though, all testing numbers have been trending positively for both Notre Dame as a whole and the football team specifically.