Behind the Scenes of Notre Dame – BC: Kelly Drinks from Another Rivalry Trophy

Notre Dame beat Boston College over the weekend to improve to 8-0 on the season and cruise into their third bye weekend of the year ranked #2 in the country. The WatchND crew caught some great behind the scenes footage including an animated Brian Kelly drinking some Gatorade out of another rivalry trophy.

This wasn’t the first time Kelly drank from a rivalry trophy. He did the same in 2018 when the Irish blew out Stanford at home during their run to the College Football Playoffs.

Kelly also had fun with the megaphone following Notre Dame’s road win over Michigan State in 2017.

Rivalry trophies and Brian Kelly locker room celebrations – it’s kind of his thing. Do your thing, coach. Do your thing.

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  1. Great puff piece on Brian Kelly In the recent S.I….
    Talks about how Kelly now feels confident enough to finally build a “forever house” in South Bend, after having been commuting to work form Michigan all this time. A 5-year contract for a guy with zero future staffing contacts left in his rolodex will do that.

    He does lament how he didn’t live up to his word telling his Cincinnati team he was leaving before the media leaked it…..all kinds of “a man is only worth his word” regrets and gibberish. (This is the same guy who was interviewing for the NFL during preps for that ‘Bama NC game).

    The article makes a bit of a hindsight joke of how Swarbrick was waiting for him on the tarmac with the private plane to take Kelly back to ND to make the stealthy hire announcement. Kelly wasn’t there, and Swarbrick began sweating bullets. Later, it turned out that Kelly had simply ‘forgotten to charge his phone’.
    Ha ha ha ! Ohhhh, mercy!

    Except that doesn’t explain why Kelly didn’t show up at the pre-arranged time to meet Swarbrick at the airport…or why he didn’t try to call Swarbrick to let him know he was running late.
    If it wasn’t for Kelly’s stellar track record for being “forthright” in such situations, one might even get suspicious.

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