Notre Dame will host its first big recruiting weekend of the Brian Kelly era this weekend as the Irish charge towards National Signing Day looking to added more depth and talent to the class of 2010. In addition to a handful of committed players visiting, Notre Dame will play host to at least seven recruits who aren’t committed or are committed elsewhere.

The list of recruits for this weekend seems to be growing by the hour, but as of now, here is a quick look at the recruits who aren’t committed to Notre Dame who will be visiting this weekend.
- Matt James (OT) – James is the headliner among the group this weekend. He is a top 100 prospect at a major position of need. If there is a must get among this group, it’s James.
- Luke Massa (QB) – James’s high school teammate will be making the trip to South Bend after recently being offered. Notre Dame already has two quarterbacks in this class, but Massa could make it three. Various reports have suggested Massa is likely to commit. Massa is still committed to Cincinnati – he committed to the Bearcats while Kelly was still head coach.
- Danny Spond (ATH) – Spond was one of the first new offers Brian Kelly sent out. He’s a versatile athlete who played QB in high school but could project as an OLB in Notre Dame’s 3-4 defense.
- Jeremy Ioane (S) – Ioane is a high school teammate of current Notre Dame freshmen Manti Te’o and Roby Toma. He is a hard hitting safety with good speed. Notre Dame could really use another safety in this class and Ioane would be a nice recruit to fill that void assuming Kelly and staff can’t lure Dietrich Riley to South Bend. Washington appears to be the main competition right now.
- Kona Schwenke (DE) – Another Hawaii native, Schwenke was offered recently and will make the trip this weekend. Schwenke is a tall, lanky defensive end prospect that will need some work in the weight room, but has a very high ceiling.
- Derek Roback (QB/ATH) – Another recent recruit to get an offer, Roback will be visiting this weekend despite being committed to Toledo. Roback’s offer raised some eyebrows on the forums because Notre Dame already has two QBs with a third (Massa) visiting this weekend as well. Roback, however, could have a brighter future on defense like Spond.
- Brandon Bourbon (RB) – Bourbon is committed to Stanford, but also recently got a Notre Dame offer. With Giovanni Bernard likely not heading to Notre Dame, it makes sense to try and add a running back in this class – especially one that has some versatility like Bourbon.
In addition to these recruits, the following committed prospects will be in attendance this weekend as well.
- Christian Lombard (OT/OG) – Lombard has been to Notre Dame before and has been one of the strongest commits in this class. Hopefully he hit it off with Matt James at the Army All American Bowl and can convince him to join him in South Bend.
- Andrew Hendrix (QB) – Hendrix wavered in the wake of the Weis dismissal and even visited Florida earlier this month before recommitting. That was before Notre Dame offered Luke Massa though so it will be interesting to see how this weekend goes with both QBs visiting.
- Tate Nichols (OT) – Nichols is making the trip to South Bend after committing earlier this month.
- Daniel Smith (WR) – Smith was Notre Dame’s second commitment in this class and as a South Bend native, he’s been to Notre Dame many times.
With the rate in which new visitors and offers have been popping up this weekend, it wouldn’t be surprising if this list changes some before all is said and done, but as of now this is who it looks like will be making the trip to balmy South Bend this weekend.
Henderson only “ANNOUNCED” for USC. He hasn’t even sent them his LOI yet dumbass.
And he said he won’t until USC faces the NCAA violations board.
Good luck with that one douche nozzel.
But you are right about the “couple of off years” part.
Henderson could REDSHIRT for two or three years. By that time USC might be allowed back in a bowl game.
Henderson is waiting for the check to clear and delivery of his new Land Rover (in his parent’s name) before actually signing…..
Get ready. The Trojans are going to sport a 7-5 record under LAME next year. Looks like the Meineke Car Care Bowl is where the Trojans are going next year – unless they get probatiion. You little SCUM BAG. Unemployment is about to run out on you, now get a friggin job, so you can move out of mum’s basement. Stay away from this site – trust me you don’t want any more of what you’re asking for.
Jaldana, You feeling insecure about the inadequate recruiting class at U$C? Pay for play is over out on the left coast and except for 2 or 3 recruits, the Trojans had a down year. Sounds like nobody wants to come play for Lame. Petey’s gone and the cupboard is almost empty. Looks like Oregon and Washington and Stanford are gonna rule the PAC 10 now. I love it – Sarkisian is gonna continue to dominate U$C. Now put on your leather, get that orange ball in your mouth, assume the position and squeal like a pig. I think your mama is calling you to tuck you in – it’s bed time. This Kelly guy is for real – kind of reminds me of the recruiting classes that Lou put together. The working class heroes like Stonebreaker and the awesome talent of the likes of the Rocket. We are THE FIGHTING IRISH!!!
OMG! i advise everybody to go watch the highlights of Jeremy Iaone. This kid is a beast! I’m really hoping we get him. Reminds me of Polamalu in a way. He’s strong as hell and hits like a monster
Remember too, folks, there may be guys out there after signing day. Nothing says you can’t offer an unsigned guy later in the year. There might be some tough linemen out there not on the ratings radar. I’d love to see some farm kid come and play d-line.
What are you, some kind of stray dog that goes around sniffing ass, then make predictions?
If we see you making on our lawn agian we will hit you with a rolled up newspaper!
Now go take a flea bath you mangy mut.
Now that Pete has left town ahead of the authorities who will slap the cuffs on USC.
Don’t you need to relocate to avoid prosecution? After all that thing in Fresno still has you on the sex offender list. Just like USC needs to worry about it’s cheating program getting shut down for a few years, you gotta figure out how to beat the last pedephile rap. So quit dissing on an Irish team that is about to turn the tables on the “I Cheat with Pete” squad. Run Jaldana! Run! OH, and Mexico does extradite if they can find you. Maybe you have friends who can hide you.
Good luck Jaldana, America doesn’t need you anymore!
Usually I don’t comment about word usage, but “be subjective to”? “mourning”?
Dude, get yourself some hooked on phonics and get off this site. Just because you were denied admission by Notre Dame (and probably every other college you applied to except for San Quentin Community College), doesn’t give you the right to slime this board with your stupidity.
Denied admission to college? Joe, this idiot possibly didn’t graduate elementry school.
This clowns grammer is so god awful that I have absalutly no idea what he’s talking about. LOl!
Seriously, I can’t make out single point he’s trying to make. He seems to be really angry though. Lol.
Could he be Kanye West? If I just act real mad, people won’t challenge me…what a joke! LOL
Hey dumbass, how about you spend more time studying a 3rd grade english book and stop spending time paying attention to college football.
What an idiot!
ES&D Jaldana. Seven years of bad luck for ye. You will never F with the Irish again.
Are you saying that you have the ability to smell the act of suicide?
If so, would different methods of suicide smell differently?
And would a mass suicide smell different than many people who were perfoming the act of suicide?
My gut is telling me that you’re trying to talk some shit, but your grammer and usage of the english language is telling me that your an idiot!
A bit of advice from ol’ IrishChan. Pick up a few more books about football and read them, read every last line of text in the books. LOl. You, need to stay away from computers and t.v. sets. They have turned you into an idiot!
Every time I break his comment down into smaller pieces it makes me laugh harder.
I can’t imagine that are people who have completed 12 years of public education and still can’t form a complete sentence.
Thank’s for reminding me on having to watch the JV team play on national tv. army ,navy on you’re schedule what F.E.M.A FOOTBALL TEAM must have been book up this year? L.O.L
Who the hell do you pull for?
Probably the last team that won the national championship.
Why are you home from school?
Was it a snow day?
You know, if you don’t finish the 8th grade you will never get into high school. Now pop yhat zit in the middle of your forehead and get back on the little bus.
Jaldana is a pedephile on the sex offenders list in Fresno California. No coincidence, he is also a rabid USC fan. A fan of the “I Cheat with Pete” squad.
Now that the axe is about to fall or the program hosed by Kiffin, he’s gotta lash out like he does with little boys.
Maybe if we let him rant here, we’ll keep some mom’s kid safe. But you gotta laugh when you realize what Brian Kelly is going to bring to the Irish squad. Anyone who is literate and has average intelligence can predict the Irish will be mentally and physically tougher in 2010. Already stocked with talent, that means at least three more wins than 2009. Kelly takes care of Michigan, Navy, and one of the top teams.
And unfortunately, USC may not be near the top by the end of the year. That could hurt us when we beat them.
C-Dog. Are you kidding me?
A USC fan?
Now it all makes sence.
No wonder he wouldn’t answer the question “who the hell do you pull for?”
He’s embarresed!
He has so much to be bitter about.
You would think with all the blatent cheating USC does that they would at least be able to win their confrence.
Pete the cheat abandoned the team like they were all infected with pickle pecker.
One of their assistant coaches was strung out on angel dust that was paid for by the other coaches with kick back money.
Their stadium is a crumbling, rat infested dump.
The only way that they can keep their players acedemiclly edgiable is by offering ballroom dancing and cake baking 101.
And the only one that they could get to take the head coaching job is the liar extrordinaire, LAME KIFFIN.
That flushing sound you hear?
No that isn’t jadildo’s jail cell camode, it’s the USC football program going down the crapper. Now that’s one hell of a turd. Perhaps Southern Califorina should name a sewage treatment plant after Kiffin.
I love this time of year when nd fans get all excited on the possibilities on landing a 5-star or even a 4-star football player, but at soon as the ATHLETE-STUDENT chooses another football program they all become THUGS,CRIMINAL’S OR CHEATER’S. this year you will have one -less excuse on why you’re team will suck since you fired jabba the hut.
I’m glad non-ND fans get so much enjoyment out of the program. Maybe that’s why ND is national televised every week.
What’s not to get excited about. Last year we pulled the rug right out from under USC with top defensive recruit Manti Te’o on signing day. The look on Pete Carrolls’ face when he got screwed by CW was priceless.
Charlie offered the kid the chance of a great education, the chance to follow his own religious beliefs, and the oppertunity to be apart of a outstanding football tradition. Here’s a real, hard working, honest, God fearing kid, that Pete Carroll couldn’t bribe, buy, or seduce with wine, woman, and a dump of a football stadium.
It’s great when your team Recruites, plays, and wins within the rules. It’s real, not fake. Old Pete Carroll slithered his way out of town like degenerate bum who found out his under age girl friend turned up pregnant and doesn’t want to pay child support, just like the deadbeat that he is. Let it be someone else’s problem. His true colors have shown through in black and white, just like the dirty skunk that he is. As far as USC goes, who better to lead that bunch of THUGS, CRIMINALS, and CHEATERS than the biggest LIAR in the land, LAME KIFFIN.
Here’s the thing about Weis’ classes.. I was looking at that ESPN list also, and they all transferred or were not very good. It’s because Weis wasn’t doing enough for these 4 and 5 star guys. However, Kelly is turning 3 star guys into 4 and 5 star talent…Those recruiting sites had Sam Bradford a 3-star QB, and Mardy Gilyard a 2-star ATH. I am skeptical about the 1 and 2-star guys he’s adding, but I will wait to judge the 3 star guys…
Oxygen – your kool-aid is waiting for you next to the computer in mama’s basement. Do as she says and drink the koolaid and stay away from the computer. I’ve seen your kind before – you are the eternal half empty pessimist. Objective fans like you didn’t give Ara Parseghian much of a chance of winning when he came to South Bend after a mediocre record at Northwestern. But Ara did what Kelly will do in a few years. Kick some butt. I am thrilled that we have someone who will condition and mold and motivate and coach our football players into a winning football team. I doesn’t matter if they are one star or five star – they will play as a “team”. I liked Weis as a recruiter, but Kelly beat the bums that Weis didn’t (especially that Wannstedt creep). Now quit the sour grapes bs and get off of mama’s computer. GO IRISH!!!
Guys his name on here is a woman’s television channel!! Can we just call him “We” from now on??
WTF is with wasting a scholarship on a one star recruit….you have got to be f’n kidding me!!!!!!!!!!
hey luke Massa committed to ND think thats hinting at wehre Matt James will go? i heard that Massa was planning to go to the same college as James
One reason this rectruiting class is lacking than the 2 previous is because of the coaching change, another is becuase we’re coming off a year that we should have had atleast 10 wins. Although we don’t have many of the so called premier athletes i think kelly gets the players that truly love them game and will play their heart out, those players are the ones that win championships and the ones that notre dame used to be made of. lets just pray that kelly is finally the one thta will bring us to glory i don’t think i can go another year of losing to usc and not making at least a decent bowl. GO IRISH
What I’m encouraged by is the fact that Notre Dame has remained somewhat of a recruiting powerhouse even during the “down” years, generally considered to be after Holtz left.
The Irish could field their own decent NFL team with current, very recent or upcoming players with representation at every position. There’s some Pro Bowlers, rising stars and quality role players. The jury is still out on some but overall it’s a solid group:
QB: Jimmy Clausen, Brady Quinn
WR: Maurice Stovall, Arnaz Battle, Golden Tate
OL: Mike Gandy, Ryan Harris, Jeff Faine, Luke Pettigout
TE: John Carlson, Anthony Fasano
RB/FB: Ryan Grant, Julius Jones, Tony Fisher
DL: Justin Tuck, Victor Abiamiri, Derek Landri, Trevor Laws, Rocky Boiman
LB: Corey Mays, Bertrand Berry
DB: Chindeum Ndukwe, Tom Zbikowski, Gerome Sapp, Allen Rossum
I’m missing some. The Irish have and will continue to recruit good players, good enough to win consistently. We’ve needed a coach who can mold them into a team. There’s examples of teams in every sport that have been loaded with superstars but couldn’t win and team with no superstars that couldn’t lose.
I think Brian Kelly’s the guy to get it done. If a couple guys who have never stepped on a college football field decide to go somewhere else, maybe because the standards are too tough at Notre Dame, then we’ll reload.
listen ND fans we have all been thru football hell.We have to give the new staff time.True fans know recruiting is a game of chance.What really matters is coaching the kids up.My main concern is on D.The D at natti was bad.We have had classes rated high that didn’t pan out.Let’s hope that Dane and Michael come back healthy and the new staff can put a d-fence on the field that can stop somebody.We should know recruiting this year would be hard with the quick changeover,but next year will be very important.As far as there being not much to do in South bend,that will not change.And as always “GO IRISH”
First off not too many recruits waltz on to a shaky program like Notre Dame has been the last decade. That being said once Kelly starts winning and I dont think that will be too much of a problem considering our cake schedule. Yes I said it, cake schedule we have two-three teams which we should struggle with and thats UM,USC and believe it or not Utah. When we start winning thats when we will get better recruits. Of course, we will miss out on some but as long as the next guy comes in there with the heart and drive to be on the football field. Some you people need to calm down and stop being so critical.
I can’t believe i have to root for a liberal politician who doesn’t believe in running the rock.
I guess you haven’t seen to many Bearcat games have you? Kelly establishes the run, in fact, running the ball is far more important to Kelly than it was for CW.
Looking at the name you choose “power run the ball,” I’m also guessing you liked the Standford approach last year.
What is the thinking on Brandon Bourbon coming to ND? He is a soft verbal for Stanford and is visiting ND this weekend. Also, curious to know more about Bruce Heggie (DE prospect)? Any info on these guys? I kind of like grabbing guys who are athletes.
Do you think it hurts ND in recruiting that ND does not have a town within walking distance (think Chapel Hill,NC; Athens, GA; Ann Arbor,MI)that kids can walk to, a place to socialize over pizza, coffee, beer, etc. I noticed when I visited that I did not see much it that regard. As a graduate of the University of Georgia, the fact that Athens, GA had such a great life to it made going to school there a great experience. I do not see that at ND. Seems boring to me. I am surprised that someone has not built a little town where students from ND and St. Mary’s can walk to. I would not underestimate the impact this has on eighteen year old recruits. I would be interested to hear feedback from ND alumni. Am I wrong. Seems like South Bend was a little far away and not much life to it.
Bourbon is in South Bend today.
Notre Dame is a great place to be from . . . . .
Irish Thunder you sound like a poser ND fan with this bad talk about South Bend. South Bend is a great spot. It may not be Chapel Hill or Athens but what are you expecting? Those towns have State Universities with 30,000 + kids going to them. Not much life to the town you say? I say not much life to your suggestion on South Bend and getting so down on the people of South Bend. Go Irish!!!
Gio Bernard just committed to the Tarheels. Probably no big surprise.
We are pretty well set at running back anyway.
I’d rather have a fullback if we can find one.
Can’t wait to get a look at redshirt freshmen Carrie Wood. Heard great things about this kid.
First lets look at Weis’s recruiting classes
2005 – bad class from Willingham
2006 – Jones, Frazier and Aldridge didn’t pan out. Bad class
2007 – Armando Allen, Jimmy Clausen, Kamara, Tate. Remeber he lost the wide receiver at UNC, a lineman at FSU and Wideout who went to the Illinios. Not bad class
2008 – #1 ranked class by some people. We will have to see how good they can be. Only player from that class that has been a real head turner is Floyd.
2009 – Other than Teo and Riddick no one contributed. I wouldn’t say this class was amazing.
So, Weis was suppose to be this great recruiting guru and his classes were not all that great. Lets also look at the D-line which he didn’t recruit anyone. Kelly is at least keeping his class together and tryingt to get more kids so they are not down 15 scholarship players. Remember ND doesn’t take JC transfers.
ESPN did a look back the other day at the class of 2006 top 150 and how their college/pro careers have panned out. It was like a who’s who of disappointment and regret for ND recruits. Don’t forget Reuland, #2 TE recruit in the nation, transfered halfway through his soph year.
There were a couple years there where Weis had some serious issues with transfers/busts.
That said, I thought the 07, 08 and 09 classes have really led to an increase in depth and talent on the roster.
To be honest, I think Coach Kelly is in way over his head with big time recruiting. It’s early and hopefully I am wrong. I believe that he is a brillant offensive minded coach but this is not Cincinatti or “cupcake” university. You have to be able to convince thease kids that Notre Dame is where they want to be. Banking on tradition and the four horseman is not good enough because they don’t care. You need to land 4 and 5 star recruits to compete with USC and Michigan. This weekend is a big test for this staff and I hope we make the grade.
Cincinnato or “cupcake” university could have cleaned ND’s clocks last year. ND will get its fair share of 4 and 5 star guys under Kelly, but the most important point is that regardless of their ranking, Kelly will know how to coach them once they get here. Didn’t see a lot of 4-5 star guys on Cincinnati, did you? I’d rather have a coach who gets a bunch of 3 star guys and knows how to coach and motivate them than a coach that gets a bunch of 4 star guys and can’t coach. Let’s give Kelly some time before the griping begins.
To further your point, we will NEVER recruit with Florida, Bama, USC, or Texas. However, picture Boise State, TCU, or the recent Cincy teams with considerably better talent. Sounds a lot better than great recruiting classes, a 500 record, and a tired old super bowl ring.
Why can’t we recruit with those big time universities. It all about who your coach is and how HUNGRY he is. Look at USC before Pete, look at Alabama before Saban, look at Florida before Meyer. All of thease teams were sleeping giants and all it takes is that right person to truly awaken the echos..
This is his first class, lets not panic yet! The man was only able to get his staff put together a few weeks ago.
Give the man time.
I know that there are many who are concerned about the players Brian Kelly is making an offer to like Roback, but watch some of his video. You can tell that he will be making a position change and that he loves football. In one video I saw of him he is blocking for a return man and he single handidly levels five different kids leading to the touchdown. I would take this Roback kid anyday of the week. I suspect he will end up being a success at ND if he chooses to make the switch. Also, his junior year every top program in the country had an eye on him.
Before anyone starts questioning Kelly lets wait and see how these 2 star prospects develop.
I think we’re going to end up with more than 22 in this class – just a hunch. I think we’re going to finish stronger than Weis ever did (Te’o notwithstanding). But, maybe that’s crazy thinking.
yes, you are delusional. weiss had like a dozen players rated in espn’s top 150 prospects 3 years in a row, we are going to max out at 2, maybe 3.
actually, it was really only two years, 09 was a little suspect minus teo
Finish stronger than Weis!! Keep drinking that kool-aid.
He is building a class and will sign 20 – 22. If he can get a class of 20 -22 we will not have the problem that Weis had with only 8 seniors one year. He will get the job done.
I wish Kelly would’ve spent all his time on defense recruits and maybe a little on OL. At all the razzle dazzle positions ND has a long list of players.