I want to make some improvements over here on the blog in terms of the formatting and the features (not content related) offered here. As you probably have noticed, I’ve been putting a lot of effort behind updating the blog recently and now I’d like to do a bit of house cleaning to really improve the end product here.
What I am looking for from you guys are some suggestions on features, design changes, formatting edits, etc that you would like to see. For instance, I want to add something in the sidebar for “most popular” posts or maybe the most “commented on” posts. I also want to add some poll questions here as well.
Anyway, leave your suggestions in the comments and if there is a blog that you read that is setup and formatted nicely, post the URL in the comments as well.
Thanks in advance, I appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Not sure about drop downs, but I do like the idea of moving the categories and archives up to the sidebar.
Could you put the categories, archives, and contributors in drop downs, with filtering and put it at the top, maybe right above or below the popular categories link. Search feature could be up there too.
OC, Our blogoll is alphabetical so you could move to Atlantic City and become AC Domer… then your link would be the first one on the list 🙂
You definitely need a blogroll, with OC Domer at the top in extra-large type.
Just kidding! (Not.)(Sorta).
Hey guys, what about layout and functionality features? I am looking more for suggestions and requests in that department right now.
Any blogs in particular you guys find easy to use and easy to find information on?
Lot’s of crazy ideas, like games or fund raisers.
I always like the analysis.
I would love to see it more like a MLB website or ESPN with lots of questions of the day, more video links, and stats displayed. This is if you were to make a change, I love visiting uhnd.com everyday!
I like the idea of a picture blog. Irish fans can send you pics from the weekend (including pre game festivities, game action, etc.) and you can edit and display the best few.
I think we should have the game preview stat comparisons of the upcoming game that week like ypg, offensive ranks, defensive ranks….
I like Frank’s idea, and highly enjoy polls! There seems to be a lot of empty space on the homepage too. What about condensing it?
One thing I have always liked but I don’t think we have ever had here over at uhnd.com is a count down clock until game time, fall practice start date, bowl game, etc.