Watch: Ridiculously Good Notre Dame – Miami Hype Video

If you need any more reason to get hyped for this weekend’s big time showdown with #7 Miami in South Beach, well then I don’t know what to tell ya.  This ain’t intramurals, brother. That said, this hype video for Saturday’s matchup between the #3 Fighting Irish and #7 Hurricanes, is really ridiculously good.  If Saturday end’s up living up to the drama of this five minute video, we’re in for a hell of a show.

Saturday can’t get here soon enough can it?  Oh and sorry about you not being able to focus back on work after watching this video.  Just don’t go to YouTube and get caught in an endless loop of Notre Dame highlights.  Oh, and definitely don’t go to this page that has the highlights from every Notre Dame game this season on it.


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  1. FYI – I didn’t see this until today Wednesday the 15th. Given the fact that I went to ND (didn’t graduate) and spent 3 1/2 years in the Navy I’m always torn when this game comes up.

    I’m surprised that someone actually ran that. If the game had been even interesting it would have stood up, but given the result it’s just ridiculous. Add to this the fact that they’re wearing the
    Rockne uniforms this weekend – oodles of money – I’m gonna root for the Middies.

  2. The video was better than the game!

    But at least the delusional fan base can get off on these videos instead of actually seeing winning football.


  3. Brought tears to my eyes. Bring the plywood and step dance exhibition at the half. Great soundtrack. Stay away from the sand trying to sneak back to the hotel after curfew. Just think Hollywood Henderson.

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